We are pleased to announce the launch of the LSE Legal Advice Clinic, which provides free and confidential one-off legal advice in the areas of family and employment law. We hope that the clinic will have a positive impact on our community, helping to address the growing need for legal support in areas no longer covered by legal aid.
LSE Law School students will gain practical hands-on experience by conducting fact-finding interviews with clients and drafting letters of advice. Students complete specialist training before starting work in the clinic and all work is supervised by practising solicitors and barristers.
The demand for the clinic’s services has already been strong, reflecting the clear need for such a service. We are working in collaboration with leading law firms including Spencer West and Gunner Cooke, family law specialists National Legal Service, and employment law barristers from 42 Bedford Row. We are also very grateful to Visiting Senior Fellow Akua Reindorf KC who delivered an employment law masterclass to clinic students and who is supervising clinic students.