Dr Rachel Leow has work cited in UK Supreme Court

4 May 2023


Dr Rachel Leow's book, Corporate Attribution in Private Law (Hart Publishing, 2022) was recently cited in the UK Supreme Court in the case of Trustees of the Barry Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses v BXB [2023] UKSC 15. The case involved a dispute about whether the Barry Congregation, part of the Jehovah’s Witness organisation, could be held vicariously liable for a rape by one of its elders committed against a member of the Congregation. BXB is the latest in a long line of cases where English courts have grappled with the difficult question of when and why a defendant can be held vicariously liable for the deliberate wrongful acts of another. The unanimous judgment of the UK Supreme Court, delivered by Lord Burrows, cited Dr Leow's work at paragraph 7, stating that: “I have found very helpful on the conceptual basis of vicarious liability, Rachel Leow, Corporate Attribution in Private Law (2022) chapter 4.”