
Law, Regulation and AI: the many governance questions

Hosted by the LSE Law School

Zoom, United Kingdom


Roger Brownsword

Roger Brownsword

Professor of Law, King's College London


Andrew Murray

Andrew Murray

Professor of Law, LSE Law School

In the first of the LSE Law, Technology and Society 2022 Seminars, Professor Roger Brownsword of King's College London will discuss his work on AI Governance.

Meet our speaker and chair

Professor Roger Brownsword, having graduated from LSE, has been an academic lawyer for more than 50 years. For the last 30 years, his research interests have increasingly focused on law, regulation and technology. His recent books include Law, Technology and Society: Re-imagining the Regulatory Environment and Law 3.0; and his latest book, Rethinking Law, Regulation and Technology will be published in March.

Andrew Murray (@AndrewDMurray) is a Professor of Law at LSE Law School, with particular reference to New Media and Technology Law. He is Director of the LSE Law, Society and Technology Group, and a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA). He is also Associate Dean of LSE Law School.

More about this event

The LSE Law, Technology and Society group conducts world-leading research into the regulation of technology and its normative implications, including the legal, regulatory, policy and social implications of emerging technologies such as AI and ICT, biomedical and biotechnologies, distributed systems (including blockchain), FinTech, RegTech and LawTech. 

LSE Law School (@LSELaw) was ranked first for research outputs in the most recent Research Excellence Framework (REF) and in the top 10 law departments overall by The Complete University Guide in 2020. In the QS World University rankings for 2020, the Department was ranked sixth (out of 200 departments worldwide). Our staff play a major role in helping to shape policy debates, and in the education of current and future lawyers and legal scholars from around the world.

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSELTS

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