Andi Sparringa

Andi Sparringa

PhD candidate

Department of International Relations

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Key Expertise
Foreign policy, foreign ministers, Indonesia, foreign policy analysis

About me

Andi Sparringa is a PhD candidate in the Department of International Relations at LSE. Andi’s dissertation research examines the differential impacts of foreign ministers on Indonesian foreign policy post the reform era using three variations as a means of comparison namely trust, ideas, and implementation of foreign policy. Utilising the variation framework, his dissertation will excavate the roles and influences of three Indonesian foreign ministers, Hassan Wirajuda, Marty Natalegawa, and Retno Marsudi (2004 – 2024). The dissertation will explore political, ideational and practical factors to account for variation in the output of Indonesian foreign ministers in the post “reformasi” period.

Prior to LSE, Andi has worked under Indonesian Foreign Minister, H.E. Retno Marsudi for 7 years (2014 – 2017 and 2020 – 2023) where he assisted in speechwriting and other substantive materials related to foreign policy. Andi has also served at the Embassy of Indonesia in Brussels where he was appointed as the Embassy's spokesperson for Indonesian sustainable commodities.

For his master’s degree, Andi graduated from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University (Magna Cum Laude) and cross-registered at the Harvard Kennedy School. He is a certified speechwriter from Georgetown University. He was a United States – Indonesia / USINDO fellow (2012 – 2014).

Andi is active in various organisations namely Center for Asia Leadership (as Indonesia country representative), Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI), and president of Junior Chamber International (JCI) Batavia 2023.

Andi was the ASEAN – Indonesia Youth Ambassador 2007, national representative for the International Visitors Leadership Program (IVLP) in the United States and the Ship for Southeast Asian Youth Exchange Program (SSEAYP).

Research topic

Explaining Differential Impacts of Foreign Ministers on Indonesian Foreign Policy: Trust, Ideas, and Implementation

Academic supervisor

Dr Jurgen Haacke

Research Cluster affliation

Security and Statecraft Research Cluster

Download or read Andi Sparringa's CV [PDF]

Expertise Details

Foreign policy; foreign ministers; Indonesia; foreign policy analysis; ASEAN; Indo-Pacific; Southeast Asia; geopolitics; South China Sea