I am a PhD candidate at the LSE’s Department of International Relations, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council. My research contributes to the fields of intervention and peacebuilding studies, European foreign policy, EU-Africa relations and political psychology/psychoanalysis.
I am interested in the everyday meaning-making of European staff and how they relate to their work in long-running intervention contexts in Africa, using the case study of the EU’s decade-long involvement in the Sahel region. I am also an Associate Fellow at the Centre for European Reform where I write about the politics of the EU’s trade, security and migration relationship with Africa. I was previously Deputy Editor for Vol. 51 for Millennium: Journal of International Studies.
I have a BA in History and Politics from Magdalen College, Oxford and an MA in EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies from the College of Europe, Bruges. Prior to my doctoral work I was a researcher on EU foreign and security policy in Africa in several EU affairs think tanks and worked on civilian crisis response at the Council of the EU.
Research topic
EU security assistance and peacebuilding in the Sahel
Teaching Experience
IR205: International Security (LSE)
Academic supervisor
Professor Karen E Smith
Research Cluster affiliation
Theory/Area/History Research Cluster