Dr Wan Peng

Dr Wan Peng

PhD graduate

Department of International Relations

English, Mandarin
Key Expertise
Global Governance, International Political Economy

About me

I am a PhD graduate in the Department of International Relations, and I was supervised by Professor Mathias Koenig-Archibugi. My research interests focus on the global governance and international political economy. I got my bachelor degree in economics from the School of Social Sciences, and a master’s degree in finance from PBC School of Finance, Tsinghua University as the Excellent Graduate of the Year. At LSE, I am supported by LSE PhD Studentship. I have worked as a research assistant for numerous projects, mainly focusing on US-China trade relations and reconstruction of global economy governance.

Research topic

Optimal Mission Division between Global and Regional Governance Institutions: A Normative and Empirical Analysis

Teaching experience

  • Teaching Assistant for Economics of Innovation, Tsinghua University
  • IR203: International Organisations, LSE

Academic supervisor

Mathias Koenig-Archibugi

Research Cluster affliation

International Political Economy Research Cluster

International Institutions, Law and Ethics Research Cluster



Expertise Details

Global Governance System; International Political Economy; Labour; New Economy; Quantitative

My research