I am an ESRC-funded MPhil/PhD Candidate exploring how the transition to a multipolar international order is shaping the globalised politics of protracted conflict, with a focus on changing peacekeeping and security policy in Somalia.
Before my PhD, I was a peacebuilding and political affairs practitioner with a focus on Somalia and eastern Africa. I led the set-up and delivery of the cutting-edge peacebuilding programme, the Somali Dialogue Platform, at the Rift Valley Institute, implemented media and social accountability projects with Africa’s Voices Foundation, and was a consultant on a number of peacebuilding programmes. Previously, I worked at the Africa Programme at Chatham House and at the Centre of Governance and Human Rights at the University of Cambridge. I am also currently a Fellow of Somali Public Agenda.
I hold an MPhil in African Studies from the University of Cambridge, and a BA (Hons) in History from Durham University.
Research topic
International order and the transformation of security assemblages around conflict: Somalia from 1992 to the present
Academic supervisors
Mark Hoffman
Research Cluster affliation
Theory/Area/History Research Cluster
Security and Statecraft Research Cluster