Emanuele is an ESRC PhD candidate in the Department of International Relations, LSE. His research focuses on Euro-Mediterranean political and economic relations.
Prior to commencing his doctoral research, he worked on multiple institutional projects in Rome, Italy, focusing specifically on the Next Generation EU, on the Conference on the Future of Europe, and on EU programmes implementation in Italy.
Emanuele is a non-resident Research Fellow at the Centro Studi Internazionali – an independent think-tank in Italy – where he coordinates the research group on the EU. He also publishes articles, blog opinions and reports for a variety of Italian and European think-tanks, research centres and magazines. In 2019, he was editor-in-chief of the Global Europe Centre’s Special Issue “Europe in the World”, funded by COMPASS and the GCRF, through a partnership project between the University of Kent and the University of Cambridge.
He has recently been honoured with the 2023 Nova Award, recognising him among Italy's top 10 high-potential young individuals in the field of social sciences, and including him in the 2023 Nova 111 List powered by SDA Bocconi.
Public and Policy Engagement
Emanuele participates in numerous European and international policy and economic fora, speaking on topics broadly related to EU’s economic and external affairs. He is often invited by European media for interviews and expert opinions. Since 2020, he has worked on a number of institutional policy projects, in particular in collaboration with Department for European Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, Italy.
Research topic
Euro-Mediterranean relations from a praxeological perspective
Teaching experience
- European Political Economy (European Institute, LSE) - Guest Teacher
- IR101 Contemporary Issues in International Relations
- IR201 Power Shift: the West, the BRICS and the Crisis of the Liberal International Order?
Academic supervisor
Federica Bicchi
Research Cluster affliation
International Political Economy Research Cluster
Theory/Area/History Research Cluster
Further Research
- Blog Entry: ‘What the EU’s new Commissioner for the Mediterranean means for the region?’. LSE EUROPP Blog, Dec 2024. Online source available
- (Work in progress) ‘Practices of Securitization in the Digital Field: a Computational Comparative Analysis of Elite and non-Elite practices in Western Europe’. With Giuliano Formisano (Oxford).
- Report: ‘The Ukrainian crisis from an EU perspective’ in Comparative Perspectives on Crisis Management, CSI Special Issue (2022), pp, 3-8. Presented at the European Economic Forum in Karpacz, Sept 2022.
- Chapter: ‘Napoli e il Mezzogiorno in Europa: sviluppo e prospettive politico-economiche’ in De Notaris, F. et al (2020). Avere Memoria, Costruire il Futuro. Naples: La scuola di Pitagora press.
- Errichiello, E. (2020). 'Derrida e la crisi dell'Europa come discorso della modernità: riflessioni su L’Autre Cap'. Magazine Agenda – Treccani. Online source available
- Errichiello, E. (2020). 'Politiche economiche in tempi di crisi: il Covid-19 e l’unità europea'. Magazine Agenda – Treccani. Online source available