Amid the decline of the liberal world order, this book launch round table will discuss Professor Yahuda’s analysis of Chinese attempts to establish a new order in the context of a resurgent Japan and a retrenching America. He will also address the regional ‘hotspots’ - the Korean peninsula, democratic Taiwan, and a disjointed Southeast Asia. It also marks the publication of the fully revised fourth edition of his successful textbook The International Politics of the Asia Pacific.
Michael Yahuda is Professor Emeritus of International Relations at LSE, and visiting scholar at the Sigur Center for Asian Studies, George Washington University, USA. He is an authority on Chinese foreign policy and the International Politics of the Asia-Pacific region.
Christopher R Hughes is Professor of International Relations at LSE and writes on Chinese foreign policy, China-Taiwan relations, and the International Politics of the Asia-Pacific region.
William A Callahan (@Bill_Callahan1) is Professor of International Relations at LSE and researches Chinese foreign policy, East Asian IR and world orders studies.
Yuka Kobayashi is Assistant Professor in China and International Politics at SOAS, University of London and an expert on China and International Political Economy, trade policy, and Sino-Japanese relations.
The Department of International Relations (@LSEIRDept) is now in its 92nd year, making it one of the oldest as well as largest in the world.
Suggested hashtag for this event: #LSEYahuda
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