a crowd of people

Crisis States Publications and Resources

Ten years of research into state fragility

This page lists the outputs from the Crisis States Programme including journal articles, books, working papers, special reports and policy briefs, as well as public events that took place at LSE.

For further information on the work of the Crisis States Programme contact Prof James Putzel.

Centralised patronage underpinned by an inclusive elite bargain and state control over resources can play an important role in maintaining political stability but may come at the cost of economic development 

Journal Articles

This section lists Journal Articles published by members of the Crisis States Programme  in alphabetical order by journal title.  It should be noted that the programme was funded by UKaid from the Department for International Development but the views expressed in these articles do not necessarily reflect the Department's official policies.

African Renaissance
Vol 1(3), 2004
"An Uncommon Approach to Common Security in Southern Africa"  (Laurie Nathan)  

African Security Review
Vol 18 (1) 2009
"Lighting up the intelligence community: an agenda for intelligence reform in South Africa"  (Laurie Nathan)

African Sociological Review
Vol 11 (2) 2007
"Shopping for health: affliction and response in a South African Village"  (Frederick Golooba Mutebi)

Afriche e Orienti
Vol 4, 2005
"Afghanistan: elezioni al buio" (Antonio Giustozzi)

Vol 1, 2008
"L'alba di un tramonto? La guerra in nord Uganda e le prospettive di pace e giustizia"(Giovanni Carbone)

Analisis Politico
No.50, 2004
"Democracia, Economia y Conflicto en el Ecuador" (Francisco Gutierrez Sanin)

Vol 19 (57)
"Cleavages in the Colombian political system" (Francisco Gutierrez Sanin)

Vol 21 (62)
"Olivos y aceitunas?: los partidos políticos colombianos y sus bases sociales en la primera mitad del siglo XX " (Francisco Gutierrez Sanin with J.M. Viatela, T. Acevedo)

Bulletin of Latin American Research
Vol 27 (4) 2007
"Researching youth violence in contemporary Central America: aporias, dilemmas and innovations" (Dennis Rodgers, with G.A. Jones)

Vol 27 (4) 2007
"Joining the gang and becoming a 'broder': the violence of ethnography in contemporary Nicaragua" (Dennis Rodgers)

Central Asian Survey
Vol 28 (1) 2009
"Centre-periphery relations in Afghanistan: Badakhshan between patrimonialism and institution-building"  (Antonio Giustozzi, with D. Orsini)

Vol 21 (4), 2004
"Gender and Integrated Area-development lessons from Cato Manor, Durban" (Jo Beall, with A. Todes)  

Conflict, Security and Development
Vol 8 (2) 2008
"Bureaucratic facade and political realities of disarmament and demobilisation in Afghanistan" (Antonio Giustozzi)

Vol 8 (1) 2008
"Rediscovering Europe? the aid dilemmas during and after the Plan Colombia" (Francisco Gutierrez)

Contemporary Security Policy
Vol 30 (1) 2009
"AFRICOM: a threat to Africa's security"  (Laurie Nathan)

Development and Change
Vol 40 (5) 2009
"Slum wars of the 21st century: gangs, 'mano dura' and the new geography of conflict in Central America" (Dennis Rodgers)

Vol: forthcoming
"Party, class and the state: social stratification and state-building in Mozambique" (Jason Sumich)

Economic and Political Weekly
Vol XL1 (9) 2006
"Electoral politics in post-conflict societies: the case of Punjab" (Neera Chandhoke, Praveen Priyadarshi)

Environment and Urbanization
Vol 14(1), 2002
"Globalization and Social Exclusion in Cities: framing the debate with lessons from Africa and Asia" (Jo Beall)

Vol 16 (2), 2004
"Crime (counter)insurgency and the privatization of security: the case of Medellin, Colombia" (Francisco Gutierrez Sanin)

"Disembedding the city: crime, insecurity and spatial organization in Managua, Nicaragua" (Dennis Rodgers)

European Journal of Development Research
Vol 21 (1) 2009
"Has the wheel turned full circle?"  (Neera Chandhoke)

Vol 22 (1) 2010
"The concept, causes and consequences of state failure: a critical review of the literature and agenda for research with specific reference to sub-Saharan Africa"   (Jonathan DiJohn)

Vol - forthcoming 2011
"State Failure and Fragility Indexes: a critical view"  (Francisco Gutierrez Sanin)

European Journal of International Relations
Vol 12 (2) 2006
"Domestic instability and security communities" (Laurie Nathan)

Europe-Asia Studies
Vol 61 (7) 2009
"Legitimising Central Asian authoritarianism: political manipulation and symbolic power" (Anna Matveeva)

Harvard International Review
Vol 29 (4) 2008
"The Slippery Road: the imperative for state formation"  (Gabi Hesselbein)

International Affairs
Vol 86 (2), 2005
"Consistencies and inconsistencies in South Africa's foreign policy in Africa" (Laurie Nathan)

International Affairs
Vol 81 (2), 2005
"Consistency and inconsistencies in South African Foreign Policy" (Laurie Nathan)

Vol 86 (1), 2010
"Intelligence bound: the South African constitution and intelligence services" (Laurie Nathan)

International Development Planning Review
Vol 26 (4), 2004
"Navigating Tradition: traditional authorities and governance in eThekwini Metropolitan Municipality, S Africa" (Jo Beall, with S. Mkhize and S. Vawda)

International Planning Studies
Vol 6(4), 2001
"Valuing Social Resources or Capitalising on them? the limits to pro-poor urban governance in 9 cities of the south" (Jo Beall)

International Peacekeeping Journal
Vol 14 (1), 2007
"War and peace economies of Afghanistan's strongmen" (Antonio Giustozzi)

International Political Science Review
Vol 26(1), 2005
"Economic Liberalisation as Catalyst to increases in political instability and decreases in state capacity: the case of Venezuela, 1988-1998" (Jonathan DiJohn)

"Fragile Democracy and Schizophrenic Liberalism: exit, voice and loyalty in the Andes" (Francisco Gutierrez Sanin)

"Globalization, liberalization and prospects for the state"  (James Putzel)

Journal of Democracy
Vol 20(2) 2009
"The Consequences of democratization"  (Giovanni Carbone)

Journal of Development Studies
Vol 43(3) 2007
"Each to their own: ethnographic notes on the economic organization of poor households in Nicaragua"  (Dennis Rodgers)

Vol 44 (2), 2008
"The Fiction of Development"  (Dennis Rodgers, with D. Lewis and M. Woolcock) Vol: forthcoming

"Governing chronic poverty in Uganda: the case of NUSAF"  (Frederick Golooba Mutebi, with S. Hickey)

Journal of Economics of Peace and Security
Vol 2 (1) 2007
"The privatizing of war and security in Afghanistan: future or dead end?" (Antonio Giustozzi)

Journal of Ethnopolitics
Vol 6 (4) 2007
"The failure of the Darfur mediation"  (Laurie Nathan)

Journal of International Affairs
Vol 57(1), 2004
"Institutionalising global wars: state transformation in Colombia"  (Francisco Gutierrez Sanin)

Journal of International Development
Vol 16(1) 2004
"The global fight against AIDS: how adequate are the National Commissions?"  (James Putzel)

Vol 18 (1) 2006
"On the discourse of terrorism, security and development" (Jo Beall, Tom Goodfellow, James Putzel)

"Cities, terrorism and development" (Jo Beall)
"Cracks in the US empire: unilateralism, the 'war on terror' and the developing world" (James Putzel)

 Vol 13 (7), 2001
"From Social Networks to Public Action in Urban Governance: where does benefit accrue?"(Jo Beall)

Journal of Latin American Studies
Vol 38 (2) 2006
"Living in the shadow of death: gangs, violence and social order in urban Nicaragua, 1996-2002" (Dennis Rodgers)

 Journal of Southern African Studies
Vol 36 (2) 2010 - Special Issue
"Displacing Zimbabwe: Crisis and Construction in Southern Africa" (Volume arising from a series of research events, including a workshop hosted by Jo Beall at the CSRC in September 2007)

Vol 31(4) 2005
"State and society in democratic South Africa" (Jo Beall with S.Gelb, S.Hassim)

"Emergent democracy and 'resurgent' tradition: institutions, chieftaincy and transitions in KwaZulu-Natal' (Jo Beall with S. Mkhize and S. Vawda)

Vol 32(3) 2006
"SADC's uncommon approach to common security, 1992-2003" (Laurie Nathan)

 Vol 34(1) 2008
"Politics After the Time of Hunger in Mozambique: A Critique of neo-patrimonial interpretations of elites" (Jason Sumich)

New Left Review

Vol 49, (Jan-Feb 2008)
"A symptom called Managua"  (Dennis Rodgers)

Outre Terre (revue francaise de geopolitique)
Vol 16 (3) 2006
"A qui est l'Afghanistan?" (Antonio Giustozzi)

Politics and Society
Vol 32 (2) 2004
"Criminal Rebels? a discussion of war and criminality from the Colombian experience"  (Francisco Gutierrez Sanin)

Vol 36(1) 2008
"Telling the difference: guerrillas and paramilitaries in the Colombian war" (Francisco Gutierrez Sanin)

Public Administration and Development

Vol 24 (1) 2004
"The politics of action on AIDS: a case study of Uganda"  (James Putzel)

South African Journal of International Affairs
Vol 14 (1), 2007
"Africa's early warning system: an emperor without clothes?" (Laurie Nathan)

South African Review of Sociology
39 (2) 2008
"The causes of civil war: the false logic of Collier and Hoeffler" (Laurie Nathan)

Taiwan Journal of Democracy
Vol 5 (1)
"Tajikistan: stability first"  (Anna Matveeva)

Urban Studies
Vol 43(2) 2006
"Cultural weapons: traditions, inventions and the transition to democratic governance in metropolitan Durban" (Jo Beall)

World Political Science Review
Vol 3(3) 2007
"Political parties and party systems in Africa: themes and research perspectives" (Giovanni Carbone)


The following books have been published by authors working on the Crisis States Programme:

Jo Beall (with O. Crankshaw and S. Parnell)
'Uniting a Divided City: governance and social exclusion in Johannesburg'
(Earthscan, 2002)
This book investigates pragmatic approaches to urban economic development, service delivery, spatial restructuring, environmental sustainability and institutional reform in Johannesburg. It explores the conditions and processes that are determining the city's transformation into a cosmopolitan metropole and a magnet for the continent.

Jo Beall (with S. Fox)
'Cities and Development'  
(Routledge, 2009)

This book provides a critical exploration of the dynamic relationship between urbanism and development. Highlighting both the challenges and opportunities associated with rapid urban change, the book surveys the historical relationship between urbanisation and development and the role that cities play in fostering economic growth in a globalising world. The authors examine the unique characteristics of urban poverty and the complexities of managing urban environments, including issues of crime, violence, war and terrorism in contemporary cities. The book highlights the importance of urban planning, governance and politics in shaping urban futures and discusses the strengths and weaknesses of current policy and planning responses to the contemporary urban challenge.   Publisher's page

Giovanni Carbone
'No Party Democracy: Ugandan politics in comparative perspective'
(Lynne Rienner publishers, 2008)
Publisher's page

Jonathan DiJohn
'From Windfall to Curse? Oil and industrialization in Venezuela, 1920 to the present'
(Penn State University Press, 2009)
This book examines the political economy of growth in Venezuela since the discovery of oil in 1920. Oil windfalls are often considered more of a curse than a blessing, the co-called 'resource curse', but the author challenges this idea. The book does much more than simply point out that oil abundance coincided with dramatic variations in Venezuelan economic performance; it also attempts to explain why the use of oil rents has been more and less growth- and productivity-enhancing over time. It offers an alternative political economy framework for explaining the dramatic variations in Venezuelan industrial growth in the past century and it argues that growth and decline in Venezuela is better explained by examining the extent to which development strategies and political settlements have been compatible. This study also explains why the Venezuelan case, far from being exceptional, is relevant for re-thinking the political economy of industrial policy and economic growth in Latin America and beyond.  Publisher's page

Andrew Fischer
'State Growth and Social Exclusion in Tibet: challenges of recent economic growth'
(NIAS press, 2005)
The most pressing economic challenges relate to the marginalization of most Tibetans from rapid state-led growth. The urban-rural divide plays an important role in this polarized dynamic but only partially explains differences with other Chinese regions, all of which generally exhibit strong spatial inequalities. This book focuses on several further factors that determine the ethnically exclusionary character of current peripheral growth in the Tibetan areas. These include urbanization, immigration, employment and education as key factors underlying structural economic change. The study draws from the analytical framework of social exclusion and is based on extensive use of official Chinese statistics, focusing on the Tibet Autonomous Region and Qinghai but with numerous comparisons to the other provinces. 

Sean Fox
with J. Beall)
'Cities and Development'
 (Routledge, 2009)
(see summary under Beall) 

Antonio Giustozzi
'Koran, Kalashnikov and Laptop: the neo-Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan 2002-2007'
(Columbia/Hurst, 2007)
The Centre's Afghan expert posesses over a decade of research experience in the country and his book on the Neo-Taliban was written to challenge the interpretation of the ongoing conflict being portrayed in the popular press. The author argues that the Neo-Taliban insurgency had put down strong roots in Afghanistan as early as 2003 and charts the events leading up to the renewed clashes of 2006. Publisher's page 

'Empires of Mud: wars and warlords in Afghanistan'
(Columbia/Hurst, 2009)
The author analyses aspects of the Afghan environment that may have contributed to the fragmentation of central authority and the emergence of warlords. He goes on to provide an in-depth analysis of the systems of rule - political, economic, military - which developed under Afghanistan's two foremost warlords, Ismail Khan and Abdul Rashid Dostum, both of whom still wield considerable power even after the intervention of Allied forces in Afghanistan in 2001. Their two systems are compared, highlighting convergences and divergences, in order to explain how warlords administer the areas that they control within so-called 'failed states', in the process challenging much of the received wisdom in scholarly and policy circles about warlordism. The author also discusses Ahmad Shah Massoud, whose 'system' incorporated elements of rule not dissimilar from that of the warlords. Publisher's page 

(ed) 'Decoding the New Taliban: insights from the Afghan field'
(Columbia/Hurst, 2009)
This edited volume seeks to answer many of the most commonly posed questions about the Taliban with chapters by a renowned cast of practitioners, journalists and academics, all of whom have long field experience of the latest phase of the New Taliban's insurgency in Afghanistan. The book includes a number of detailed studies of specific regions or provinces, which for different reasons are especially significant for the Taliban and for understanding their expansion. Alongside these regional studies, the volume includes thematic analyses of negotiating with the Taliban, the Taliban's propaganda effort and its strategic vision. Publisher's page 

Francisco Gutierrez Sanin
(with Gerd Schonwalder)
'Economic Liberalization and Political Violence: Utopia or Dystopia?'
(Pluto Press, London and New York, 2010)
Publisher's page.

'Lo Que el Viento se lleve?: los partidos politicos y democracia en Colombia'
(Editorial Norma, Bogota, 2007)
Colombians often ask themselves whether politics has really changed in Colombia and whether the political system is failing the country. This book addresses a central aspect of their concern: how has the Colombian political party system changed in recent decades? Based on a large body of evidence, taken from various sources including political archives, court rulings and electoral registers, the author examines the transformation of Colombia's traditional parties and their relationship to democracy, from the Frente Nacional through to what, in his view, is the breakdown of bipartisanship since 2002. The book re-examines the impact of the Frente Nacional on the country's political history and defines Uribe's policy as a "technologically superior" fusion of the politics of the more liberal barons of the 1980s with the rise of anti-politics that followed the 1991 constitutional revival. The book provides fresh ways to examine some of the most critical issues in Colombian political history. Publisher's page 

David Keen
'Endless War: hidden functions of the war on terror'
 (Pluto Press, 2006)
'Conflict and Collusion in Sierra Leone' (James Currey, 2005) 

Jenny Kuper
'Military Training and Children in Armed Conflict: law, policy and practice'
(Martinus & Nijhoff, 2005)
The author was a Visiting Fellow with the Crisis States programme and her book aims to address three main questions: what are the obligations of officers of national armed forces in relation to children, either civilians or combatants, whom they or those under their command may encounter whilst participating in situations of armed conflict? How realistic and achievable are these obligations? How can compliance with them be encouraged, monitored and enforced? 

Hugh Roberts
'The Battlefield Algeria, 1988-2002: studies in a broken polity'
(Verso, 2003) 

Dennis Rodgers
with G.A. Jones (eds)
'Youth Violence in Latin America: gangs and juvenile justice in perspective'
(Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)
Criminal violence has come dramatically to the forefront in contemporary Latin America, to the extent that it is widely considered the critical social concern of the present. Youth are among the principal victims but also the primary perpetrators of this new panorama of brutality. At the same time, the phenomenon remains profoundly misunderstood, as sensationalist myths and stereotypes abound, uncritically associated with issues such as poverty, underdevelopment, and psychological deviance. Through the juxtaposition of wide-ranging, cutting-edge studies focusing specifically on youth gangs and the dynamics of juvenile justice, this volume provides a balanced and systematic comparative overview of the reality of present-day Latin American youth violence.

(with Jose Luis Rocha)
'Broderes Descobijados y Vagos Alucinados: una decada con las pandillas nicaraguenses 1997-2007'
Managua, Editorial UCA, 2008)
(subsequently published online in English as 'Gangs of Nicaragua' by Impresiones Helios, Managua, 2008) 

Ben Wisner
(with P. Blaikie, T. Cannon and I. Davis)
'At Risk: natural hazards, people's vulnerability and disasters'
(Routledge, 2003)
This book discusses disaster not as an aberration but as a signal failure of mainstream development, using two analytical models as tools for understanding the concept of vulnerability and why some households are more at risk than others. This fully revised second edition was developed whilst the author was a Visiting Fellow with the Crisis States programme.

Special Reports

'Meeting the Challenges of Crisis States', J. Putzel and J. DiJohn (2012)
This final report sums up six years of research during the second phase of the Crisis States programme.  It includes country and city case studies in Africa, Asia and Latin America and analyses regional conflict trends and the drivers of violent conflict in the developing world.
Full Report.    Executive Summary

'Measuring Poor State Performance: problems, perspectives and paths ahead', F. Gutierrez-Sanin et al (2011)

'Southern Sudan at odds with itself: dynamics of conflict and predicaments of peace' M. Schomerus and T. Allen (2010)

'Do No Harm: international support for statebuilding', J. Putzel (principal author) (2010)
The authors address two fundamental questions: what are the negative impacts that donor interventions can have on statebuilding and what measures should donors adopt to avoid negative impacts on statebuilding processes.  It includes case studies in Afghanistan, Bolivia, DRCongo, Nepal, Rwanda and Sierra Leone. 

'Regional and Global Drivers of Conflict: consequences for fragile states and regions' J. Putzel (2009)
A report prepared for the World Bank headline seminar on Regional and Global Dimensions of Conflict and Peacebuilding, Addis Ababa, October 2009.

'Topic Guide on Fragile States', J. Beall (2009)
A guide for the GSDRC introducing some of the best literature on the causes, characteristics and impact of state fragility and the challenge of aid effectiveness.

'Political Settlements: an issue paper', J. Putzel and J. DiJohn (2009)
A paper for the GSDRC that traces the origins of the concept and relates it to key dimensions of statebuilding including institutions, taxation and elite bargains.

'Intelligence in a Constitutional Democracy', L. Nathan (contributing author) (2008)
A report to the South African Minister for Intelligence Services.

'Local Ownership of Security Sector Reform: a guide for donors', L.Nathan (2006)

'Why Templates for Media Development do not work in Crisis States', J. Putzel and J. van der Zwan (2007)  (en francais)

Policy Briefs

At the end of the 10 year programme the CSRC produced the Policy Directions series to highlight its headline messages.  These can be downloaded below.

'Towards a New Era in International Mediation' (Laurie Nathan)

'Cyles of War and Cycles of Peace in Afghanistan: understanding the political economy of conflict' (Antonio Giustozzi)

'Cities and Conflict' (Jo Beall, Tom Goodfellow, Dennis Rodgers)

'Cities and Fragile States' (Jo Beall, Sean Fox and Haris Gazdar)

'Measuring Poor State Performance' (Francisco Gutierrez, Andrea Gonzalez, Diana Buitrago, Camila Lozano)

'Economic Resource Mobilisation' (Gabi Hesselbein)

'Why Development Actors need a Better Definition of State Fragility' (James Putzel)

'Taxation, Resource Mobilisation and State Performance' (Jonathan DiJohn)

Working Papers - Series Two

Phase Two (2005-2010)

Working Paper 89 (series 2)
'Understanding the Origins and Pace of Africa's Urban Transition'
Sean Fox  (September 2011)

Working Paper 88 (series 2)
'Patterns of Resource Mobilisation and the Underlying Elite Bargain: drivers of state stability or state fragility
Gabi Hesselbein (July 2011)

Working Paper 87 (series 2)
'Citizenship, the 'Right to the City' and State Fragility'
Lucy Earle  (March 2011)

Working Paper 86 (series 2)
'Double-edged Swords: armies, elite bargaining and state-building'
Antonio Giustozzi  (February 2011)

Working Paper 85 (series 2)
'Cities, Conflict and State Fragility'
Jo Beall, Tom Goodfellow, Dennis Rodgers  (January 2011)

Working Paper 84 (series 2)
'Taxation, Resource Mobilisation and State Performance'
Jonathan DiJohn  (November 2010)

Working Paper 83 (series 2)
'Drugs and (Dis)order: a study of the opium trade, political settlements and state-making in Afghanistan'
Jonathan Goodhand and David Mansfield (November 2010)

Working Paper 82 (series 2)
'Land Conflicts in Dar es Salaam: who gains? who loses?'
Wilbard Kombe (October 2010)

Working Paper 81 (series 2)
'The Peacemaking Effectiveness of Regional Organisations'
Laurie Nathan (October 2010)

Working Paper 80 (series 2)
'Civilian Control of the Military in Tanzania and Zambia: explaining persistent exceptionalism'
Stefan Lindemann (September 2010)

Working Paper 79 (series 2)
'Kyrgyzstan in Crisis: permanent revolution and the curse of nationalism'
Anna Matveeva  (September 2010)

Working Paper 78 (series 2)
'The Political Economy of Taxation and State Resilience in Zambia since 1990'
Jonathan DiJohn (August 2010)

Working Paper 77 (series 2)
'Inclusive Elite Bargains and Civil War Avoidance: the case of Zambia'
Stefan Lindemann (August 2010)

Working Paper 76 (series 2)
'Exclusionary Elite Bargains and Civil War Onset: the case of Uganda'
Stefan Lindemann (August 2010)

Working Paper 75 (series 2)
'Political Resilience against the odds: an analytical narrative on the construction and maintenance of political order in Zambia since 1960'
Jonathan DiJohn (June 2010)

Working Paper 74 (series 2)
'Poverty is not being reduced in Mozambique'
Benedito Cunguara and Joe Hanlon (June 2010)

Working Paper 73 (series 2)
'A Pariah in our Midst: regional organisations and the problematic of Western-designated Pariah Regimes - the cases of SADC/Zimbabwe and ASEAN/Myanmar'
Chris Alden  (May 2010)

Working Paper 72 (series 2)
'The Political Economy of Social Violence: theory and evidence from a cross-country study'
Sean Fox and Kristian Hoelscher  (April 2010)

Working Paper 71 (series 2)
''Some Reflections on the Notion of an 'inclusive political pact': a perspective from Ahmedabad'
Neera Chandhoke (March 2010)

Working Paper 70 (series 2)
''The Open City: social networks and violence in Karachi'
Azmat Ali Budhani, Haris Gazdar, Sobia Ahmad Kaker, Hussain Bux Mallah
(March 2010)

Working Paper 69 (series 2)
'Buffer Zone, Colonial Enclave or Urban Hub? Quetta: between four regions and two wars'
Haris Gazdar, Sobia Ahmad Kaker, Irfan Khan  (February 2010)

Working Paper 68 (series 2)
'Nationalism, Urban Poverty and Identity in Maputo, Mozambique'
Jason Sumich (February 2010)

Working Paper 67 (series 2)
'The Bastard Child of Nobody?: anti-planning and the institutional crisis in contemporary Kampala'
Tom Goodfellow  (February 2010)

Working Paper 66 (series 2)
'Negotiating with the Taliban: toward a solution for the Afghan conflict'
Talatbek Masadykov, Antonion Giustozzi, James Michael Page

Working Paper 65 (series 2)
'Armed Conflict, Crime and Social Protest in South Bolivar, Colombia (1996-2004)'
Gonzalo Vargas  (December 2009)

Working Paper 64 (series 2)
'Civil Society in Conflict Cities: the case of Ahmedabad'
Neera Chandhoke  (November 2009)

Working Paper 63 (series 2)
'The Changing Cross-border Trade Dynamics between north-weatern Uganda, north-eastern Congo and southern Sudan'
Kristof Titeca  (November 2009)

Working Paper 62 (series 2)
'The Eye of the Storm: cities in the vortex of Afghanistan's civil wars'
Antonio Giustozzi  (November 2009)

Working Paper 61 (series 2)
'The City as Frontier: urban development and identity processes in Goma'
Koen Vlassenroot and Karen Buescher  (November 2009)

Working Paper 60 (series 2)
'Urban Politics, Conspiracy and Reform in Nampula, Mozambique'
Jason Sumich  (November 2009)

Working Paper 59 (series 2)
Peacemaking in the Midst of War: an assessment of IGAD's contribution to regional security'
Author: Sally Healy  (November 2009) 

Working Paper 58 (series 2)
'The Quandaries of Coding and Ranking: evaluating poor state performance indexes'
Francisco Gutierrez Sanin  (November 2009)

Working Paper 57 (series 2)
'The African Union as Security Actor: African Solutions to African Problems?'
Bjorn Moller  (August 2009)

Working Paper 56 (series 2)
Africa's Sub-regional Organisations: seamless web or patchwork?'
Bjorn Moller  (August 2009)

Working Paper 55 (series 2)
Indigenous Institutions, Traditional Leaders and Elite Coalitions for Development: the case of Greater Durban, South Africa'
Jo Beall and Mduduzi Ngonyama  (July 2009)

Working Paper 54 (series 2)
The Congolese Elite and the Fragmented City: the struggle for the emergence of a dominant class in Kinshasa'
William Freund  (August 2009)

Working Paper 53 (series 2)
'Portrait of Kinshasa: a city on (the) edge'
Pascal Kapagama and Rachel Waterhouse  (July 2009)

Working Paper 52 (series 2)
'Regional Arrangements and Security Challenges: a comparative analysis'
Juergen Haacke and Paul D. Williams  (July 2009)

Working Paper 51 (series 2)
'The Dissipation of Political Capital among Afghanistan's Hazaras: 2001-2009'
Niamatullah Ibrahimi  (June 2009)

Working Paper 50 (series 2)
Force and Ambiquity: evaluating sources for cross-national research - the case of military interventions'
Francisco Gutierrez Sanin and Andrea Gonzalez Sanin  (June 2009)

Working Paper 49 (series 2)
'Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanisms: tools for enhancing the effectiveness of regional organisations? a comparative study of the AU, ECOWAS, IGAD, ASEAN/ARF and PIF'
Herbert Wulf and Tobias Debial  (May 2009)

Working Paper 48 (series 2)
'Stupid and Expensive? a critique of the costs-of-violence literature'
Francisco Gutierrez-Sanin  (April 2009)

Working Paper 47 (series 2)
The Tormented Triangle: the regionalisation of conflict in Sudan, Chad and the Central African Republic'
Jennifer Giroux, David Lanz, Damiano Sguiatamatti  (April 2009)

Working Paper 46 (series 2)
'The Perils of Emerging Statehood: civil war and state reconstruction in Tajikistan'
Anna Matveeva (March 2009)

Working Paper 45 (series 2)
'Nothing but failure? the Arab League and the Gulf Cooperation Council as mediators in Middle Eastern conflicts'
Marco Pinfari  (March 2009)

Working Paper 44 (series 2)
'Politics and Security in Three Colombian Cities'
Francisco Gutierrez Sanin, Maria Teresa Pinto, Juan Carlos Arenas, Tania Guzman, Maria Teresa Gutierrez  (March 2009)

Working Paper 43 (series 2)
'Who governs Kabul? explaining urban politics in a post-war capital city'
Daniel Esser (February 2009)

Working Paper 42 (series 2)
'Divide and Rule: state penetration in Hazarajat (Afghanistan) from monarchy to the Taliban'
Niamatullah Ibrahimi  (January 2009)

Working Paper 41 (series 2)
'At the sources of factionalism and civil war in Hazarajat'
Niamatullah Ibrahimi  (January 2009)

Working Paper 40 (series 2)
'Afghanistan: transition without end: an analytical narrative of state-making'
Antonio Giustozzi  (November 2008)

Working Paper 39 (series 2)
'The SCO: a regional organisation in the making'
Anna Matveeva  and Antonio Giustozzi (Setember 2008)

Working Paper 38 (series 2)
'The UN Peacebuilding Commission and the dissemination of international norms'
Rob Jenkins  (June 2008)

Working Paper 37 (series 2)
'An Illness Called Managua'
Dennis Rodgers  (May 2008)

Working Paper 36 (series 2)
'Gulu Town in war.... and peace?  displacement, humanitarianism and post-war crisis'
Adam Branch  (April 2008)

Working Paper 35 (series 2)
Creole and Tribal Designs: Dar es Salaam and Kampala as Ethnic Cities in Coalescing Nation States 
Deborah Fahy Bryceson  (April 2008)

Working Paper 34 (series 2)
Does the Organisation of American States Matter?
Monica Herz (April 2008) 

Working Paper 33 (series 2)
Regional Organisations and Conflict Management: comparing ASEAN and SAARC: Kripa Sridharan  (March 2008)
[Abstract] [pdf]

Working Paper 32 (series 2)
State-Making and the Post-Conflict City: Integration in Dili, Disintegration in Timor-Leste
Ben Moxham (February 2008)

Working Paper 31 (series 2)
Anti-imperialism Trumps Human Rights: South Africa's Approach to the Darfur Conflict
Laurie Nathan (February 2008)

Working Paper 30 (series 2)
European Security: The Role of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Bjorn Moller  (February 2008)

Working Paper 29 (series 2)
European Security: The Role of the European Union
Bjorn Moller  (February 2008)

Working Paper 28 (series 2)
Collapse, War and Reconstruction in Rwanda: An analytical narrative on state-making Frederick Golooba-Mutebi  (February 2008)
[PDF francais]

Working Paper 27 (series 2)
Collapse, War and Reconstruction in Uganda: An analytical narrative on state-making Frederick Golooba-Mutebi  (January 2008)

Working Paper 26 (series 2)
Drivers of Change in the Democratic Republic of Congo: The Rise and Decline of the State and Challenges For Reconstruction - A Literature Review
James Putzel, Stefan Lindemann and Claire Schouten  (January 2008)
[pdf francais]

Working Paper 25 (series 2)
Conceptualising the Causes and Consequences of Failed States: A Critical Review of the Literature
Jonathan Di John  (January 2008)

Working Paper 24 (series 2)
District Creation and Decentralisation in Uganda
Elliott Green  (January 2008)

Working Paper 23 (series 2)
Strong Party, Weak State? Frelimo and State Survival Through the Mozambican Civil War: an analytical narrative on state-making
Jason Sumich  (December 2007)

Working Paper 22 (series 2)
Policing, Regime Change, and Democracy: Reflections from the Case of Mexico
Diane E. Davis  (November 2007)

Working Paper 21 (series 2)
The Rise and Decline of the Congolese State: an analytical narrative on state-making Gabi Hesselbein  (November 2007)
[French PDF]

Working Paper 20 (series 2)
RoboWar TM Dreams: Global South Urbanisation and the US Military's "Revolution in Military Affairs"
Stephen Graham  (November 2007)

Working Paper 19 (series 2)
Violent Liberalism? State, Conflict and Political Regime in Colombia, 1930-2006: an analytical narrative on state-making
Francisco Gutierrez Sanin, Tatiana Acevedo and Juan Manuel Viatela (Nov 2007)

Working Paper 18 (series 2)
The State and the Informal in Sub-Saharan African Economies: Revisiting Debates on Dualism
Deborah Potts  (October 2007)

Working Paper 17 (series 2)
Comparative Research on Contested Cities: Lenses and Scaffoldings
Scott Bollens  (October 2007)

Working Paper 16 (series 2)
The Illegitimacy of Democracy? Democratisation and Alienation in Maputo, Mozambique
Jason Sumich  (September 2007)

Working Paper 15 (series 2)
Municipal Finance Systems in Conflict Cities: case studies on Ahmedabad and Srinagar, India
Pritha Venkatachalam  (July 2007)

Working Paper 14 (series 2)
Understanding State-Building and Local Government in Afghanistan
Sarah Lister   (May 2007)

Working Paper 13 (series 2)
The Regionalist Project in Central Asia: Unwilling Playmates
Anna Matveeva  (March 2007)

Working Paper 12 (series 2)
Making Law in Rural East Africa: SunguSungu in Kenya
Suzette Heald  (March 2007)

Working Paper 11 (series 2)
The Missing Ingredient: Non-Ideological Insurgency and State Collapse in Western Afghanistan, 1979-1992
Antonio Giustozzi  (February 2007)

Working Paper 10 (series 2)
Slum Wars of the 21st Century: the New Geography of Conflict in Central America Dennis Rodgers  (February 2007)

Working Paper 9 (series 2)
Cities, Terrorism and Urban Wars of the 21st Century
Jo Beall   (February 2007)

Working Paper 8 (series 2)
Identifying Fraud in Democratic Elections: a Case Study of the 2004 Presidential Election in Mozambique
Joe Hanlon and Sean Fox  (December 2006)

Working Paper 7 (series 2)
"Tribes" and Warlords in Southern Afghanistan, 1980-2005
Antonio Giustozzi  (September 2006)

Working Paper 6 (series 2)
The Failure of a Clerical Proto-State: Hazarajat, 1979 - 1984
Niamatullah Ibrahimi  (September 2006)

Working Paper 5 (series 2)
No Ownership, No Peace: the Darfur Peace Agreement
Laurie Nathan  (September 2006)

Working Paper 4 (series 2)
Genesis of a 'Prince': the Rise of Ismail Khan in Western Afghanistan, 1979-1992 Antonio Giustozzi  (September 2006)

Working Paper 3 (series 2)
Economic and Political Foundations of State-Making in Africa: Understanding State Reconstruction
Frederick Golooba Mutebi, Gabi Hesselbein and James Putzel  (July 2006)
[PDF- Francais]

Working Paper 2 (series 2)
Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration of Ex-combatants (DDR) in Afghanistan: constraints and limited capabilities
Simonetta Rossi & Antonio Giustozzi   (June 2006)

Working Paper 1 (series 2)
War, State Collapse and Reconstruction: Phase 2 of the Crisis States Programme James Putzel  (May 2005) 

Working Papers - Series One

The following papers were published during the first phase of work from 2001-2005:

Title: Dominance and Retaliation in the Informal Structure of Authority: a comparative study of Madhya Pradesh and Bihar
Working Paper No : 81 (series 1)
Author(s) : Rakesh Chaubey
Date : September 2006 

Title : A State of One's Own: secessionism and federalism in India
Working Paper No : 80 (series 1)
Author(s) : Neera Chandhoke
Date : September 2006

Title :Explaining Manipur's Breakdown and Mizoram's Peace: the state and identities in North East India
Working Paper No : 79 (series 1)
Author(s) : M.Sajjad Hassan
Date :February 2006

Title : State Failure and Success in Uganda and Zimbabwe: the logic of political decay and reconstruction in Africa

Working Paper No : 78 (series 1)
Author(s) : E.A. Brett
Date : February 2006 

Title : Rwanda's Ordinary Killers: interpreting popular participation in the Rwandan genocide
Working Paper No : 77 (series 1)
Author(s) : Omar McDoom
Date : December 2005[ 

Title : The Political Economy of Anti-Politics and Social Polarisation in Venezuela, 1998-2004
Working Paper No : 76 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jonathan DiJohn
Date : December 2005 

Title : Of Broken Social Contracts and Ethnic Violence: the case of Kashmir
Working Paper No : 75 (series 1)
Author(s) : Neera Chandhoke
Date :December 2005 

Title : The Country Behind the Ballot Box: the impact of political reform in Colombia during a humanitarian crisis
Working Paper No : 74 (series 1)
Author(s) : Marcela Ceballo & Ivan Romero
Date : December 2005
[PDF - Espagnol]

Title : 'Populism' Visits Africa: the case of Yoweri Museveni and no-party democracy in Uganda

Working Paper No : 73 (series 1)
Author(s) : Giovanni Carbone
Date :December 2005 

Title : Subverting the Spaces of Invitation - local politics and participatory budgeting in post-crisis Buenos Aires
Working Paper No : 72 (series 1)
Author(s) : Dennis Rodgers
Date : October 2005

Title : Urban Segregation from Below: drugs, consumption and primitive accumulation in Managua, Nicaragua

Working Paper No : 71 (series 1)
Author(s) : Dennis Rodgers
Date : October 2005
[Abstract]   [PDF]

Title : Conflict, State and Decentralisation: from social progress to an armed dispute for local control, 1974-2002

Working Paper No : 70(series 1)
Author(s) : Fabio Sanchez and Mario Chacon
Date : October 2005
[PDF - Espagnol]

Title : Law as a Tool: the challenge of HIV/Aids in Uganda
Working Paper No : 69 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jenny Kuper
Date : September 2005

Title : Close Encounters of an Inner Asian Kind: Tibetan-Muslim co-existence and conflict in Tibet past and present
Working Paper No : 68 (series 1)
Author(s) : Andrew Fischer
Date : Sept 2005 

Title : The Ethnicisation of an Afghan faction: Junbesh-i-Milli from its orgins to the presidential elections
Working Paper No : 67 (series 1)
Author(s) : Antonio Giustozzi
Date : Sept 2005 

Title : Re-stating the State:paramilitary territorial control and political order in Colombia (1978-2004)
Working Paper No : 66 (series 1)
Author(s) : Francisco Gutierrez Sanin and Mauricio Baron
Date : Sept 2005 

Title : The Political Economy of Nicaragua's Institutional and Organisational Framework for Dealing with Youth Violence
Working Paper No : 65 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jose Luis Rocha Gomez
Date : June 2005
[PDF - Espagnol] 

Title : Surviving the 'Waking Nightmare': Securing Stability in the Face of Crisis in Cuba (1989-2004)
Working Paper No : 64 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jonathan Curry-Machado
Date : June 2005 

Title : Deconstruction without Reconstruction? The Case of Peru (1978-2004)
Working Paper No : 63 (series 1)
Author(s) : Francisco Gutierrez Sanin
Date : June 2005 

Title : The Effects of Decentralisation on Public Investment: Evidence and Four Lessons from Bolivia and Colombia
Working Paper No : 62 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jean-Paul Faguet
Date : June 2005 

Title : Unintentional Democratisation? The Argentinazo and the Politics of Participatory Budgeting in Buenos Aires, 2001-2004
Working Paper No : 61 (series 1)
Author(s) : Dennis Rodgers
Date : April 2005 

Title : Crafting Democracy and Good Governance in Local Arenas: Theory, Dilemmas, and their Resolution through the Experiments in Madhya Pradesh, India
Working Paper No : 60 (series 1)
Author(s) : Manoj Srivastava
Date : April 2005

Title : Exit, Voice and Tradition: Loyalty to Chieftainship and Democracy in Metropolitan Durban, South Africa
Working Paper No : 59 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jo Beall
Date : January 2005 

Title : From Corporatism to Liberalisation in Zimbabwe: Economic Policy Regimes and Political Crisis (1980-1997)
Working Paper No : 58 (series 1)
Author(s) : E. A. Brett
Date : January 2005

Title : Electoral Behaviour Trends and Decentralisation in Colombia's Municipalities, 1988-2000

Working Paper No : 57 (series 1)
Author(s) : Diana Hoyos & Marcela Ceballos
Date : December 2004

Title : Business-led Peacebuilding in Colombia: Fad or Future of a Country in Crisis?
Working Paper No : 56 (series 1)
Author(s) : Angelika Rettberg
Date : December 2004

Title : Security Communities and the Problem of Domestic Instability
Working Paper No : 55 (series 1)
Author(s) : Laurie Nathan
Date :November 2004

Title : Decentralisation and Engendering Democracy: Lessons from Local Government Reform in South Africa
Working Paper No : 54 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jo Beall
Date : November 2004 

Title : Post-colonial Workplace Regimes in the Engineering Industry in South Africa, Swaziland and Zimbabwe
Working Paper No : 53 (series 1)
Author(s) : Andries Bezuidenhout
Date :November 2004 

Title : Critically Assessing Traditions: The Case of Meghalaya
Working Paper No : 52 (series 1)
Author(s) : Manorama Sharma
Date : November 2004
Title : 'Good' State vs. 'Bad' Warlords? A Critique of State-Building Strategies in Afghanistan
Working Paper No : 51 (series 1)
Author(s) : Antonio Giustozzi
Date : October 2004

Title : The Absence of Common Values and Failure of Common Security in Southern Africa, 1992-2003
Working Paper No : 50 (series 1)
Author(s) : Laurie Nathan
Date : July 2004

Title : The Legacies of Apartheid and Implications of Economic Liberalisation
Working Paper No : 49 (series 1)
Author(s) : Sarah Mosoetsa
Date : July 2004 

Title : Traditional Authority, Institutional Multiplicity and Political Transition in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Working Paper No : 48 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jo Beall, Sibongiseni Mkhize & Shahid Vawda
Date : July 2004 

Title : A Geography of Illicit Crops (Coca Leaf) and Armed Conflict in Colombia
Working Paper No : 47 (series 1)
Author(s) : Ana Maria Diaz and Fabio Sanchez
Date :May 2004

Title : The Political Economy of Economic Liberalisation in Venezuela
Working Paper No : 46 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jonathan DiJohn
Date : June 2004 

Title : Representation, Participation and Development: Lessons from Small Industry in Latin America
Working Paper No : 45 (series 1)
Author(s) : Kenneth C. Shadlen
Date : June 2004 

Title : Understanding the Legacies of Political Violence: An Examination of Political Conflict in Mpumalanga Township, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
Working Paper No : 44 (series 1)
Author(s) : Debby Bonnin
Date : June 2004
Title : Rethinking Militarism in Post-Apartheid South Africa
Working Paper No : 43 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jacklyn Cock
Date : June 2004 

Title : Urban Fault Lines in Shangri-La: Population and Economic Foundations of Inter-Ethnic Conflict in the Tibetan Areas of Western China
Working Paper No : 42 (series 1)
Author(s) : Andrew Martin Fischer
Date : June 2004 

Title : Access to Justice: The Palestinian Legal System and the Fragmentation of Coercive Power
Working Paper No : 41 (series 1)
Author(s) : Tobias Kelly
Date : March 2004 

Title : Constructing Authority Alternatives in Colombia: Globalisation and the Transformation of Governance
Working Paper No : 40 (series 1)
Author(s) : Ann C. Mason
Date : January 2004 

Title : Ethnic Conflicts and Traditional Self-governing Institutions: A Study of Laitumkrah Dorbar
Working Paper No : 39 (series 1)
Author(s) : Apurba K. Baruah
Date : January 2004 

Title : Political Participation and War in Colombia: An Analysis of the 2002 Elections
Working Paper No : 38 (series 1)
Author(s) : Miguel Garcia and Gary Hoskin
Date : November 2003 

Title : Demobilising Guatemala
Working Paper No : 37 (series 1)
Author(s) : David Keen
Date : November 2003 

Title : Developing Multi-Party Politics: Stability and Change in Ghana and Mozambique
Working Paper No : 36 (series 1)
Author(s) : Giovanni M. Carbone
Date : November 2003 

Title : Dying For It: Gangs, Violence and Social Change in Urban Nicaragua
Working Paper No : 35 (series 1)
Author(s) : Dennis Rodgers
Date : October 2003 

Title : North African Islamism in the Blinding Light of 9-11
Working Paper No : 34 (series 1)
Author(s) : Hugh Roberts
Date : October 2003 

Title : Respectable Warlords? The Politics of State-Building in Post-Taleban Afghanistan
Working Paper No : 33 (series 1)
Author(s) : Antonio Giustozzi
Date :September 2003 

Title : Violence and Drug Prohibition in Colombia
Working Paper No : 32 (series 1)
Author(s) : Carlos Medina & Hermes Martinez
Date : August 2003 

Title : What strategies are viable for developing countries today? The World Trade Organization and the shrinking of 'development space'
Working Paper No : 31 (series 1)
Author(s) : Robert Hunter Wade
Date : June 2003 

Title : Peru's Failed Search for Political Stability
Working Paper No : 30 (series 1)
Author(s) : Maria Emma Wills and Maria Teresa Pinto
Date : June 2003 

Title : Decentralization and local government in Bolivia: an overview from the bottom up
Working Paper No : 29 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jean-Paul Faguet
Date : May 2003

Title : From the Alliance for Progress to the Plan Colombia: a retrospective look at US aid to Colombia
Working Paper No : 28 (series 1)
Author(s) : Luis Eduardo Fajardo
Date : April 2003 

Title : Criminal Rebels? A discussion of war and criminality from the Colombian experience
Working Paper No : 27 (series 1)
Author(s) : Francisco Gutierrez Sanin
Date : April 2003 

Title : The dynamics of achieving 'power' and 'reform' as a positive-sum game: a report on the preliminary ethnographic explorations of the politics-governance nexus in Madhya Pradesh, India?
Working Paper No : 26 (series 1)
Author(s) : Manoj Srivastava
Date : March 2003 

Title : The Times of Democratic Involutions
Working Paper No : 25 (series 1)
Author(s) : Francisco Gutierrez Sanin
Date : March 2003 (revised January 2005)

Title : Hyper-Fragmentation and Traditional Politics in Colombia: Discussing Alternative Explanations
Working Paper No : 24 (series 1)
Author(s) : Francisco Gutierrez Sanin
Date : March 2003 (revised September 2004)

Title : Emerging Pluralist Politics in Mozambique: the Frelimo-Renamo party system
Working Paper No : 23 (series 1)
Author(s) : Giovanni M. Carbone
Date : March 2003 

Title : Tribal traditions and crises of governance in North East India, with special reference to Meghalaya
Working Paper No : 22 (series 1)
Author(s) : Apurba Baruah
Date : March 2003 

Title : Women in war and crisis zones - one key to Africa's wars of underdevelopment
Working Paper No : 21 (series 1)
Author(s) : Victoria Brittain
Date : December 2002 

Title : Mineral resource abundance and violent political conflict: a critical assessment of the rentier state model
Working Paper No : 20 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jonathan DiJohn
Date : December 2002 

Title : From Segmentarity to Opacity: on Gellner and Bourdieu, or why Algerian politics have eluded theoretical analysis and vice versa
Working Paper No : 19 (series 1)
Author(s) : Hugh Roberts
Date : December 2002

Title : Politics, the state and the impulse for social protection: the implications of Karl Polanyi's ideas for understanding development and crisis
Working Paper No : 18 (series 1)
Author(s) : James Putzel
Date : October 2002 

Title : Moral economy or moral polity? The political anthropology of Algerian riots
Working Paper No : 17 (series 1)
Author(s) : Hugh Roberts
Date : October 2002 

Title : Domesticating Leviathan: Sungusungu groups in Tanzania
Working Paper No : 16 (series 1)
Author(s) : Suzette Heald
Date : September 2002 

Title : Are donors to Mozambique promoting corruption?
Working Paper No : 15 (series 1)
Author(s) : Joseph Hanlon
Date : August 2002 

Title : "Since I am a Dog, Beware my Fangs": Beyond a 'rational violence' framework in the Sierra Leonean war.
Working Paper No : 14 (series 1)
Author(s) : David Keen
Date : August 2002 

Title : The state, tradition and conflict in the North Eastern states of India
Working Paper No : 13 (series 1)
Author(s) : John Harriss
Date : August 2002 

Title : Liberal theory, uneven development and institutional reform: responding to the crisis in weak states
Working Paper No : 12 (series 1)
Author(s) : E A Brett
Date : July 2002 

Title : Social Differentiation and Urban Governance in Greater Soweto: a case study of post-apartheid reconstruction
Working Paper No : 11 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jo Beall, Owen Crankshaw & Susan Parnell
Date : February 2002 

Title : The People Behind the Walls: Insecurity, identity and gated communitiees in Johannesburg
Working Paper No : 10 (series 1)
Author(s) : Jo Beall
Date : February 2002

 Title : Governance and Conflict Management: implications for donor intervention
Working Paper No : 9 (series 1)
Author(s) : Benedict Latto
Date : February 2002

Title : Subaltern Resurgence: a reconnaissance of Panchayat election in Bihar
Working Paper No : 8 (series 1)
Author(s) : Shaibal Gupta
Date : January 2002 

Title : Co-opting Identity: the manipulation of Berberism, the frustration of democratisation and the generation of violence in Algeria
Working Paper No : 7 (series 1)
Author(s) : Hugh Roberts
Date : December 2001

Title : Making Danger a Calling: Anthropology, violence and the dilemmas of participant observation
Working Paper No : 6 (series 1)
Author(s) : Dennis Rodgers
Date : September 2001

Title : Crisis States: South Africa in Southern Africa
Working Paper No : 5 (series 1)
Author(s) :
Date : April 2001 

Title :Research in Latin America
Working Paper No : 4 (series 1)
Author(s) :
Date :April 2001

Title : Collaborative Research: States of Crisis in South Asia and on "Political Ethnography"
Working Paper No : 3 (series 1)
Author(s) :  CSRC
Date :April 2001

Title : Research activities
Working Paper No : 2 (series 1)
Author(s) :  CSRC
Date :April 2001

Title : Concepts and Research Agenda
Working Paper No : 1 (series 1)
Author(s) :  CSRC
Date :April 2001

Discussion Papers

The Crisis States Programme published a series of papers on related topics contributed by authors not directly working with the programme.

Discussion Paper 18
'The Sun in the Sky: the relationship between Pakistan's ISI and Afghan Insurgents'
Matt Waldman  (June 2010)

Discussion Paper 17
Anatomy of a 'Political Chameleon': re-examining fluid shapes and solid constants of nationalism and nation-building'
Dominik Balthasar (Helling)  (November 2009

Discussion Paper 16
Building an Effective African Standby Force to promote African Stability, Conflict Resolution and Prosperity'
Jeffery E. Marshall  (April 2009)

Discussion Paper 15
'Do Inclusive Elite Bargains Matter? a research framework for understanding the causes of civil war in sub-Saharan Africa'
Stefan Lindemann  (February 2008)

Discussion Paper 14
'The Political Consequences of Ethnic Mapping'
Neera Chandhoke  (December 2005)

Discussion Paper 13
The Debate on Warlordism: the importance of military legitimacy'
Antonio Giustozzi   (September 2005)

Discussion Paper 12
'The Power of Justice,  Justice as Power'
Jon Lunn  (September 2005)

Discussion Paper 11
The Frightful Inadequacy of Most of the Statistics'
Laurie Nathan  (September 2005)

Discussion Paper 10
'Mediation and the African Union's 'Panel of the Wise'
Laurie Nathan  (July 2005)

Discussion Paper 9
'Disrupting democracy?   altering landscapes of local government in post-2000 Zimbabwe'
Amanda Hammar  (March 2005)

Discussion Paper 8
Media policy, Peace and State Reconstruction'
Tim Allen and Nicole Stremlau  (March 2005)

Discussion Paper 7
The Political Impact of Globalisation and Liberalisation: evidence emerging from Crisis States research'
James Putzel  (November 2004)

Discussion Paper 6
'Old Wine in New Bottles, or New Wine in Old? conceptualising violence and governmentality in Latin America'
Dennis Rodgers  (November 2004)

Discussion Paper 5
'Accounting for South Africa's Successful Transition to Democracy'
Laurie Nathan  (June 2004)

Discussion Paper 4
'Moving Beyond 'institutions matter' : some reflections on how the 'rules of the game' evolve and change'
Manoj Srivastava  (March 2004)

Discussion Paper 3
'Democracy in the Desert:  civil society, nation building and empire'
Jean-Paul Faguet  (January 2004)

Discussion Paper 2
'The 'new' imperialism and possibilities for coexistence'
James Putzel  (January 2004)

Discussion Paper 1
'The Politics of Participation: civil society, the state, and development assistance'
James Putzel  (January 2004)

Occasional Papers

The Crisis States Programme published a number of Occasional Papers focusing on issues relevant to the research.

Occasional Paper 10
Overview of the Municipal Finance System in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania'
Pritha Venkatachalam  (November 2009)

Occasional Paper 9
'Economic Initiatives to Tackle Conflict:  bringing politics back in'
David Keen  (May 2009)

Occasional Paper 8
'Guarding the State, or Protecting the Economy?  the economic factors of Pakistan's military coups'
Amina Ibrahim  (May 2009)

Occasional Paper 7
'Tribal Security Systems (Arbakai) in Southeast Afghanistan'
Mohammed Osman Tariq  (December 2008)

Occasional Paper 6
'Capital Cities in Civil Wars:  the locational dimension of sovereign authority'
Marika Landau-Wells  (April 2008)

Occasional Paper 5
'Domestic Ownership or Foreign Control?  a content analysis of poverty reduction strategy papers from eight countries'
Marte Briseid, Laura Collinson, Richard L. Klein, Agathe Schjetlein (March 2008)

Occasional Paper 4
'Beyond Beirut: why reconstruction in Lebanon did not contribute to state-making and stability'
Kathrin Hoeckel  (July 2007)

Occasional Paper 3
'Sudan: international dimensions to the state and its crisis'
Alex de Waal  (April 2007)

Occasional Paper 2
'Sudan: what kind of state?  What kind of crisis?
Alex de Waal  (April 2007)

Occasional Paper 1
'On the Death Toll in Iraq since 1990'
Tim Dyson  (December 2006)

Briefing Papers

Briefing Paper 17
'Traditional Leadership and Developmental Coalitions'
June 2010

Briefing Paper 16
'The Continuities of Conflict in Peacetime'
February 2004

Briefing Paper 15
'North African Islamism after 9-11'
January 2004

Briefing Paper 14
'Political Participation and Civil War'
December 2003

Briefing Paper 13
'Foreign Aid, State Stabilisation and Counter-insurgency'
September 2003

Briefing Paper 12
Decentralisation and Local Government'
September 2003

Briefing Paper 11
Social Differentiation and Urban Governance'
July 2003

Briefing Paper 10
Insecurity, Identity and Gated Communities'
July 2003

Briefing Paper 9
'The Dynamics of Achieving 'power' and 'reform'
July 2003

Briefing Paper 8
Challenging the 'Criminal Rebels' thesis'
May 2003

Briefing Paper 7
'Beyond a rational violence framework: psychological causes of civil war violence'

Briefing Paper 6
'The Emergence of post-civil war pluralist politics'
April 2003

Briefing Paper 5
Involution of Democratic Institutions'
March 2003

Briefing Paper 4
'Community-based Approaches to Dealing with Rural Violence'
March 2003

Briefing Paper 3
'Women in War and Crisis Zones'
March 2003

Briefing Paper 2
'Mineral Resource Abundance and Violent Political Conflict'
March 2003

Briefing Paper 1
'Tribal Traditions and Crises of Governance'
March 2003


The Centre organised a number of public events to disseminate and discuss its research. Key events from both phases of work are listed below:

12 October 2001 : Terrorism and the Developing World

The centre brought together a wide range of discussants to address the prospects for developing countries in the light of current global events. Participants included John Harriss, Director, Development Studies Institute; David Keen, DESTIN, expert on complex emergencies; Deniz Kandiyotti, Development Studies Centre, SOAS; Haleh Afshar, York University, expert on women and Islam; Zahir Tanin, Senior Producer, BBC Persian service; and Matthew Fielden, DESTIN, expert on Afghanistan

May 30th - June 1st 2003 : CSP/ZEF Symposium: State reconstruction and international engagement in Afghanistan

The Centre participated in a symposium on the prospects for Afghanistan co-hosted with ZEF Bonn.   Led by Conrad Schetter the symposium sought to consider the effects of international interventions in the country and the possibilities for state reconstruction.

12- 14 May 2004 : The Politics of the Colombian Conflict: Towards a Redefinition?

This workshop was organised by IEPRI (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogota) and the Crisis States Research Centre, with additional support from Colciencias, the British Council in Colombia, Semana and El Espectador.The Centre's Colombian partners facilitated the workshop to discuss their research on War, Democracy and Globalisation. Widely reported in the Colombian press, discussions centred on the causes of Colombia's 35 year war, the patterns of mobilisation of the guerrilla and paramilitary forces, the impact of the controversial US-funded Plan Colombia, and prospects for future peace.

James Putzel, director of CSRC, spoke to insights emerging from the programme's wider studies of war and post-war reconstruction, while the CSRC’s Jonathan DiJohn and Jean-Paul Faguet spoke about research on the relationship between natural resources and war, and the possibilities offered by democratic decentralisation reforms to manage conflict. Professor Neera Chandhoke, working with CSRC in India, spoke to her research on patterns of ethnic conflict in Kashmir and Punjab, while CSRC research fellow Laurie Nathan, from UCT South Africa, discussed lessons from peace negotiations in Africa. The British ambassador to Colombia, Thomas Duggin, addressed the public forum held at Bogota's National Museum and expressed his hope for an eventual negotiated settlement. Professor Francisco Gutierrez and his team at the Institute of Political Studies and International Relations at the National University in Bogota spoke in detail about their work on the micro-foundations of war.

21st/22nd March 2005: 'Defining & Understanding Media Development Strategies in Post-War and Crisis States'

The Centre worked with the Stanhope Centre for Communication and Policy Research, and the Annenberg School of Communication (University of Pennsylvania) to convene a workshop discussing the options for a free and open media in situations of fragility and post-war reconstruction. Outputs from the event include CSRC Discussion Paper 8: 'Media Policy, Peace and State Reconstruction' (Tim Allen & Nicole Stremlau) and the report from the event 'Why Templates for Media Development do not work in Crisis States'.

17th October 2005 : Terrorism and Development

The Centre co-hosted a debate on the interaction between development and international terrorism with the colleagues from the International Development department. Panellists discussed the sources of terrorism in the developing world and the implications of the "war on terror" for countries struggling to get out of poverty. The debate was followed by a question and answer session. Full transcript of the event.

13th June 2006 : The Darfur Crisis: what is to be done?

Laurie Nathan of the Crisis States Research Centre spoke about the peace negotiations and the process of African Union mediation in Abuja, of which he has personal experience. Mark Bowden of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs offered an explanation of the scale of the humanitarian disaster, whilst Hafiz Mohamed, Darfur Coordinator for Justice Africa, discussed his own experience of the situation and the demands of ordinary citizens from all sides of the conflict. David Keen, Reader in Complex Emergencies at the LSE, reflected on the origins of the crisis and prospects for the future.

June 2006 - World Urban Forum 3

The Crisis States Research Centre sent a delegation to the 3rd World Urban Forum in Vancouver in June 2006, to speak on the policy implications of inclusive governance in conflict areas. Highlights of the presentations given by Prof Jo Beall, Daniel Esser and Dr Jason Sumich can be found on the WUF3 website.

Monday 6th November 2006 : The Long-term Implications for Development of the War in Iraq

The Centre hosted the Rt.Hon. Clare Short MP for a public lecture on the future prospects in Iraq. Ms Short gave an overview of global politics in the post-Cold War era and offered her own viewpoint on the reasons behind the ongoing war in Iraq. She also spoke about the enormous challenges posed by global warming which threaten to impact most seriously on the poorest countries of the world.

Monday 19th February 2007  : From Kabila to Kabila – what else is new?

Prof Rene Lemarchand of the University of Florida, a leading scholar on ethnicity and clientilism and author of a large body of work on the Great Lakes region, gave insights from his extensive research in DR Congo and discussed the intricacies of Congolese politics and the effects of shifting neo-patrimonial alliances. Although DR Congo successfully held elections in 2006, the new political order has yet to significantly improve the social and economic situation for a population ravaged by over a decade of war.

Thursday 17th May 2007 : International Military Interventions and the Constraints facing the UN

Lt.Gen. Romeo Dallaire commanded the UN Mission for Rwanda (UNAMIR) in 1994 at the time of the Rwandan genocide and he spoke movingly of his experiences at this time and of the difficulties faced by military interventions in the post-Cold War world.  On retirement, Lt. Gen Dallaire was appointed to the Canadian Senate where he now sits as a member of the Liberal Party of Canada.  He is working with Search for Common Ground on an initiative to eradicate the use of child soldiers.

Thursday 31st January 2008 : Iraq: the way out

Guardian foreign correspondent Jonathan Steele gave a public lecture to mark the release of his new book ‘Defeat: Why They Lost Iraq’. Steele explained that he had visited Iraq eight times since the 2003 invasion and on each occasion had found the security situation worse, as well as an increasing hostility towards the presence of the US and UK. Dozens of books have already been written about how this situation came about; but most follow the same ‘conventional wisdom’ that suggests it was the lack of a coherent plan before the invasion and a number of blunders after the invasion that caused this disaster. Steele expressed alarm at the growing strength of this orthodox interpretation and said that his book was ‘a deliberate challenge to the conventional wisdom’, which implies that the occupation could have been successful if only it was better managed. In fact, he argued, for the US and UK to occupy an Arab state in the 21st century was doomed to fail regardless of forward planning. He pointed out that ‘all occupations are inherently unpopular – people don’t like seeing foreign tanks on their streets, they don’t like seeing foreign troops in their midst and of course there has been a century-long history of Anglo-American intervention in the Middle East.’ As a result of this, he argued, ‘From the very first day more Iraqis saw it as an occupation than a liberation’. He went on to explain that the US and UK did not face up to this reality. Paul Bremer and his colleagues took the post-1945 occupation of Japan and Germany as a template, despite the hugely differing circumstances. They ‘seemed to forget that Iraq was in the Middle East – they didn’t seem to realise they were treading on old colonial ground’. Consequently Steele argued that ‘the biggest US blunder was not dissolving the Iraqi army. It was to maintain an open-ended occupation with no date for withdrawal.’

Tuesday 18th March 2008 : Defining the scope of responsibilities: the Great Lakes region

Recently back from a visit to the Great Lakes region, the UNHCR's Assistant High Commissioner for Operations Judy Cheng-Hopkins discussed the local settlement of refugees in Tanzania and the return and reintegration of refugees in Burundi. Dr Chaloka Beyani, Legal Advisor to the Secretariat of the International Conference on the Great Lakes, situated the issue within the Great Lakes Pact which sets out a holistic legal framework in which this problem is merely one component of establishing peace and security in the region, while Dr Susan Breau, Reader in public international law, explored the interface between the 'responsibility to protect' doctrine and peacekeeping, including the facilitation of the voluntary return of refugeees and IDPs.

Monday 28th April 2008 : 'Meeting the New Humanitarian Challenges of the 21st Century' 

Sir John Holmes spoke of the multiple challenges that UN agencies and other national and international NGOs will face in the coming years when seeking to deliver emergency relief and humanitarian aid. These include: preserving 'humanitarian space' and remaining independent of political and military action in locations such as Iraq, Somalia and Darfur; increasing effective coordination between the many humanitarian actors in the field; coping with the effects of climate change; and coping with the effects of a global rise in food prices on the poorest communities. Sir John is the UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs, and Emergency Relief Coordinator.

Thursday 22nd May 2008 : Fixing Failed States

Ashraf Ghani and Clare Lockhart launched their new book 'Fixing Failed States'. (OUP, May 2008) with a public lecture at LSE. Ashraf Ghani is a former Minister of Finance in the Afghan government and Chairman of the Institute for State Effectiveness, which seeks to promote the ability of states to serve their citizens. Clare Lockhart is Director of the Institute for State Effectiveness, where she advises countries and other organisations on state-building. She was previously UN advisor to the Bonn Process and Adviser to the Government of Afghanistan responsible for several national initiatives. She is a lawyer, historian and specialist in institution-building and has worked at the World Bank, the UN and as a barrister.

Thursday 17th July 2008 : Zimbabwe: Beyond the Endgame'
Gugulethu Moyo, Dr. Martin Rupiya, Patrick Smith and James Putzel (Chair).

As talks between Mr Mugabe and both factions of the Movement for Democratic Change open in South Africa, the crisis in Zimbabwe continues. Western countries are pushing for more sanctions against Zimbabwe’s rulers, while President Mbeki and the African Union oppose them. Meanwhile, the shrinking economy provides Mr Mugabe with less and less to pay the army, police and administrators. The June 27 2008 presidential run-off was dubbed the endgame. It proved just another stage in Zimbabwe’s unfolding catastrophe. A panel of experts discussed what might happen next.  podcast of the event

12th November 2008 : The Prospects for Democratisation in Afghanistan

Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Afghanistan, spoke on the future of the country, reflecting on the current political and economic conditions. Foreign Minister Spanta earned a Master degree in Political Sciences, Sociology and International Relations and a PhD degree from Aachen University in Political Sciences where he also taught as a professor from 1992 to 2005. In January 2005, Dr. Spanta returned to teach at Kabul University, and later became the advisor on foreign affairs to President Hamed Karzai. Podcast.

18th March 2009 : Eastern DRCongo - what should the international community be doing?
Panel Debate with General Olusegun Obasanjo, Clare Short, David Leonard and James Putzel

UN Special Envoy to the Congo and former President of Nigeria, General Olusegun Obasanjo highlighted the importance of strengthening order and institutions at a panel discussion hosted by the Crisis States Research Centre last week. He called on the international community to make sufficient resources available, warning 'if we fail, DRC may be a disaster waiting to happen'.   In front of a high-profile audience, General Obasanjo discussed international intervention in the Eastern DRC with former Secretary of State, Clare Short, Professor David Leonard of the International Development Institute and Professor James Putzel, Director of the CSRC. Broad optimism was expressed after what Clare Short called an 'important breakthrough' in January 2009 when DRC and Rwandan governments agreed to cooperate. All speakers concurred that in order to obtain peace and stability, the recently formed partnership between Kinshasa and Kigali must hold.  The debate, stemming from a controversial CSRC press release in November 2008, focused on the role of diplomacy, political relations and ethical business in addressing the complex issues that have led to over five million deaths in the Eastern Congo since 1998. Particular attention was paid to the role of Rwanda, where rebel leader Laurent Nkunda was arrested in January 2009. Whilst Clare Short emphasised that the 'fundamental fault' lay with the Security Council members, who should provide military resources to the UN peacekeeping force, MONUC, without which their financial inputs are less effective, David Leonard sought answers as to what could now make MONUC a credible deterrent to violence. Raising the importance of the creation of elite incentives to work with, as opposed to against, the state, James Putzel highlighted the importance of CSRC's work on development as state-making, fragile cities and regional conflict.  Podcast

6th May 2009 : 'The Role of the West in Rwanda's Genocide'

Public lecture with Linda Melvern, an investigative journalist and author. A world expert on the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, she was a consultant to the prosecution team at the International Criminal Tribunal to Rwanda in the Military 1 case. Linda discussed the role of the West in the lead up to and duration of the genocide in Rwanda in 1994, highlighting new findings from recent research that are included in the new edition of her book of the same name, to be released in July 2009. Focusing particularly on the role of the UN Security Council and in particular the UK, the USA and France, she considered differing degrees of negligence, ignorance and complicity. Podcast.

7th October 2009 : How to be humanitarian:  UN intervention in post-conflict societies

Lise Grande, Deputy Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, UN Southern Sudan, gave a stimulating presentation on the challenges of humanitarian intervention in post-conflict societies.   Humanitarian assistance is uniquely provided when states are failing.  Through the provision of public and household goods, it responds to needs rather than entitlements and often pushes the frontiers of state support. Yet, Ms. Grande noted, post-conflict states need to regain control, and to be seen to do so. Focusing specifically on the experience of the UN, Ms. Grande defined the situation in Southern Sudan as 'the perfect humanitarian storm'.  The spiralling inter-tribal violence, food deficit and budget crisis combine towards 'inevitable catastrophe'.  Rather than 'building back better', the UN has had no choice but to concentrate on an emergency response. A first priority now must be a focus on evidence based security sector reform. Podcast.

29th October 2009 : What now for Sudan?

On 28th October 2009 SRSG Qazi briefed the UN Security Council on the current situation in Sudan and his prognosis on the forthcoming fourteen months before the planned 2011 referendum. On 29th October SRSG Qazi gave the same brief in discussion with an LSE audience. Special Representative to Sudan since 2007, Mr Qazi is the senior UN envoy to a situation termed by Lise Grande as a ‘perfect humanitarian storm’. He brings to this role his breadth of experience in the Pakistani diplomatic service and as UN Head of Mission in Iraq (2003-06).

18th January 2010 : The War on Drugs: an upper or downer for development?

The Centre hosted two prominent speakers, Misha Glenny (author of ‘McMafia: Seriously Organised Crime’) and Michael Hartmann (manager and senior adviser of the Criminal Justice Programme at the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Kabul) to debate the controversial issue of the legalisation of the drug trade, with particular emphasis on the under-recognized but important perspective of production, as opposed to trade or use, focusing on fragile states. Misha Glenny is an award winning journalist who has spent years in Eastern and Central Europe, as correspondent for the Guardian and later the BBC. His latest of three books focuses on the detrimental effects of organised crime and how it is funded by the trade in illegal drugs. Legalising the drugs trade, the book argues, would be a blow to organised crime. From this background, Glenny argued that 80 years of 'prohibition' style drug policy had failed. Whilst 'producing' countries have been left with 'rivers of blood' as a result of an aggressively pursued war on drugs, 'consuming' cou tries cannot research the health effects of these drugs, nor can they regulate their quality. Michael Hartmann, having worked as manager of the Criminal Justice Programme at the UN Office on Drugs and Crime in Kabul, argued from a very different perspective. Were drugs legalised, regulation of this market would be necessary, and this would create another potential black market. Moreover, legalising the trade in drugs would lead to a dramatic increase in consumption and consequently a rise in associated health and social problems in rich countries. Alternatives to legalisation and regulation including education, social services and crop diversification, as currently pursued by the UNODC are therefore preferable.

3rd February 2010 :  Burquas aren't always blue: Kandahar 1968-2010

The Centre hosted Alex Strick van Linschoten and Felix Kuehn (co-editors of 'My Life with the Taliban'), who presented an insight into Kandahar: the birthplace of the Taliban movement and focal area for the recently announced military surge. As residents of Kandahar, and founders of AfghanWire – a website which provides alternative views of Afghanistan - the speakers were well placed to provide an unconventional and nuanced account of the city. Having recently co-edited My Life with the Taliban, the memoirs of a former Taliban high commander, the speakers drew on this unique account not only to provide an insight into the psychology and motivations of a former Taliban leader, but also to shed light on the organisation’s complex history, its purpose and the relationships which underlie its network. They went on to explore the current situation in Kandahar. Contrary to the recently published BBC report, they described how the Taliban are winning the propaganda war in provinces such as Kandahar. Their presentation was also a critique of much of the research emerging from Afghanistan. Since Afghanistan is too dangerous to conduct random polling, interviewed groups are often biased towards the urban and educated. Trust is also crucial in receiving honest answers to questions and short term researchers are therefore likely to receive inaccurate information. The talk was followed by a lively question and answer session with questions from an audience which included policymakers and representatives from NGOs, as well as academics and students.

12th February 2010 :  'The Fiction of Development'

As part of the LSE 2010 Literary Festival, the Crisis States Research Centre in conjunction with the Department of Social Policy and DESTIN hosted a panel discussion with three leading literary figures: Giles Foden (author of The Last King of Scotland), Jack Mapanje (Malawian poet and Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing at Newcastle University) and Sunny Singh (Indian writer and journalist). They were joined by David Lewis (Social Policy and Development, LSE) and Dennis Rodgers (Senior Visiting Fellow, CSRC and Senior Research Fellow, Brooks World Poverty Institute).The concept of the event was based on a paper co-written by David Lewis, Dennis Rodgers and Michael Woolcock in which they argued that fiction could be 'a source of authoritative knowledge'. The speakers discussed this idea of how fiction can highlight aspects of development overlooked by more conventional forms of knowledge such as policy papers and research reports. David Lewis noted that amongst the benefits of fiction is its ability to capture the messy reality of development issues and crucially to convey development ideas to a much wider audience than more conventional mediums.As a journalist and author of the award winning 1998 novel 'The Last King of Scotland', which focuses on the rise of Idi Amin in Uganda and his reign as dictator from 1971-1979, Giles Foden was no stranger to the idea that the novel is a useful medium for getting across important ideas, commenting that his own novel could be seen as a 'chronicle about governance'. He stressed in particular its ability to conjure up an image far more realistically than data alone could do. Whilst agreeing that fiction can be an important source of knowledge about development, Sunny Singh made the point that we should be wary of overemphasising it since fiction is inherently biased and often sensational. She pointed to ‘'Slumdog Millionaire' as an example, arguing that this hit movie gave a highly skewed picture of slums in India and failed to represent the voices of those dwelling in the slums. The prize-winning Malawian poet, Jack Mapanje, sees poetry as a voice of dissent in more senses than one. Having been imprisoned without trial for his collection of poems 'Of Chameleons and Gods', his work looks critically at those in power as well as at contemporary development discourses. Indeed, he agreed with the ideas in the 'Fiction of Development' paper to such an extent that he found it "a little obvious", highlighting for example the attention that has already been paid to post-colonial literature. Podcast.

6th May 2010 : ‘Do No Harm : international support for state-building'

The question of whether foreign aid undermines statebuilding in fragile states has come to the forefront of the development cooperation agenda. The OECD DAC International Network on Conflict and Fragility recently published a report on the topic, entitled "Do No Harm: International support for statebuilding" authored by a team from LSE and PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP led by Prof James Putzel, Director of the CSRC. Together with Jon Lomoy, newly appointed Director of OECD DAC and Dr 'Funmi Olanisakin, Senior Research Fellow with the Conflict, Security and Development Group at KCL, Prof Putzel discussed the report at this Centre debate. Broadly outlining how the interventions of OECD countries may risk undermining positive statebuilding processes, the panel highlighted the issues around the 'dual public sector', economic production and political trade-offs, making recommendations on how to avoid negative impact in the future by developing a more complex understanding of these issues.

Monday 18th-Wednesday 27th October 2010 : Congo/Women - Portraits of War

To highlight the issues surrounding the widespread use of sexual violence in conflict areas of Eastern DRCongo, the Centre facilitated a touring photo exhibition in the LSE Atrium entitled ‘Congo/Women: portraits of war’.   The exhibition was co-curated by Art Works Projects and the Ellen Stone Belic Institute for the Study of Women and Gender in the Arts and Media, at Columbia College Chicago, with major funding from the UNFPA; Humanity United; National Endowment for the Arts; Oak Foundation; and leadership donors of the ESB Institute.  The exhibition featured powerful photographs from award-winning photojournalists Lynsey Addario, Marcus Bleasdale, Ron Haviv and James Nachtwey and sought to educate and raise awareness of the issues to a wide range of audiences.  A reception hosted by the UNFPA on the evening of 20th October provided an opportunity to mark the 10-year observance of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 (2000) on Women, Peace and Security and to call for the elimination of sexual violence as a weapon of war.  Victoria Dove Dimandja and Jose Musau Kalanda of the Congolese women's organisation Liberation spoke movingly of the realities of women's lives in Eastern DRCongo and Gabi Hesselbein of the CSRC highlighted the Centre's research in the country.