
Prospects for Elections in Thailand: the Future Forward party under the spotlight

Hosted by Department of International Development and Saw Swee Hock Southeast Asia Centre

Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House


Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit

Leader, Future Forward Party, ex-VP of Thai Summit Group

Duncan McCargo

Professor of Political Science, University of Leeds

Petra Desatova

PhD student, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds

Piyabutr Saengkanokkul

Secretary-general of Future Forward Party, and legal scholar

Pannika Wanich

Spokesperson, Future Forward Party


Professor Tim Forsyth

Professor, Department of International Development, LSE

The May 2014 military coup in Thailand ushered in a junta that halted a period of mass demonstrations, and ended open conflicts between competing political factions. After repeated postponements, a general election has been promised for 2019. As part of a realignment of the old party system, a new political party known as Future Forward was formed early this year, and has generated considerable media interest.

This meeting in London will allow academics and audience members to challenge leaders of Future Forward to explain their political agenda and their vision for Thailand. The event will examine prospects for change in Thailand: Will fresh elections really restore democracy? Is Future Forward fundamentally different from other Thai parties, or a variation on old themes? Can new parties such as Future Forward help overcome deep social and regional divisions? To what extent can young Thai voters, many of whom are disillusioned with electoral politics, become re-engaged? How can Thailand move on from military regimes, and forge stable inclusive governance?

Twitter Hashtag for this event: #LSEforward 

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