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ID student event organisers

Events hosted by ID's student event organisers for students and staff in the Department of International Development

Each year, the Department of International Development selects a group of volunteer student event organisers from across the five core courses to work together to coordinate events and activities and build a sense of community among students, and between students and staff, in ID.

With the support of Maya Bullen, Communications and Events Officer, they will coordinate programme specific and department wide events throughout the year, ranging from socials to educational panel discussions and alumni mixers. Programme representatives will be listed below. 

Development Studies: 

Development Management: 

Economic Policy for International Development: 

Health and International Development: 

International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies:

All students are welcome to suggest ideas for events or projects by getting in contact with your programme representative or directly to Maya, and we can then work together to make your event happen. Upcoming events will be shared in the weekly bulletin, on StudentHub and on this page. 

Upcoming Events

️ID Department Party

Wednesday 2 April, 7.30pm - Midnight | The Book Club, Shoreditch 

Your ID Student Event organisers are planning a department-wide party to celebrate the end of the Winter Term. Tickets cost £5 and guarantees entry only.

Tickets will first be available to ID students (core and joint MSc, and PhD), and then opened up to plus ones from Monday 17 March, so don’t wait too long to grab yours!

There will be a limited number of free drinks available at the bar on a first come, first serve basis. Be sure to arrive early to enjoy your free drinks before they run out! Feeling hungry? Pizza will be available for purchase from the venue at an additional optional cost. 

Find the ticket link in the ID Bulletin newsletter. 

ID Bake Off 

Calling all bakers! It's time to put your baking skills to the test in our ID Bake-Off. Each ID programme will be hosting their own 'Bake off' and their Professors will vote on a winner. The winner from each programme will then compete again at a department level for a chance to be awarded the title of ID Star Baker. 

You will need to bake your item in advance and bring it in on the day. All events will be taking place in the ID MSc Common room on the 6th floor of Connaught House. 

Monday 10 March, 12.15pm - Development Management 
Wednesday 12 March, 1.00pm - Economic Policy for International Development 
Friday 14 March, 10.30am - International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies 
Monday 17 March, 12.15pm - Development Studies 
Tuesday 18 March, 3.00pm (time TBC) - Health and International Development 


  • All items submitted to the competition need to be homemade (and not store brought)
  • Items need to be made in advance and brought in on the day 
  • Please keep an ingredients list, for allergy awareness
  • The Professors will be blind judging and rate each entry out of 10
  • The bake with the highest score will then proceed to the final, and the participant will need to re-bake and bring in their entry for the final 
  • Once judging is complete the remaining bakes will be shared amongst everyone in attendance 

We are aware that it is Ramadan and some of our students may be fasting during this period. Please still feel welcome to attend, and you are invited to take some of the baked good's home for when you break your fast. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this please email Maya,


ID Football Tournament 2025

Contact the team captain from your course to join the team. Teams in bold won the match. 

Team Captains: 

DM - Dave G
IDHE - Gemma Patey
HID/ EPID - Filippa Gullstrand
DS - Taylor Norris

Thursday 6 February 2025 | Tournament | Marshall Building Sports Hall 

  • 6.30pm - 7.00pm = DM vs DS
  • 7.00pm - 7.30pm = HID/EPID vs IDHE

Thursday 13 February 2025 | Tournament | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 6.30pm - 7.00pm = DS vs IDHE 
  • 7.00pm - 7.30pm = DM vs HID/EPID

Thursday 20 February 2025 | Tournament | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 6.30pm - 7.00pm = DM vs. IDHE
  • 7.00pm - 7.30pm = HID/EPID vs DS

Thursday 6 March 2025 | Semi-final | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 6.30pm - 7.00pm = DS vs EPID/HID
  • 7.00pm - 7.30pm = DM vs IDHE

Thursday 13 March 2025 | Final | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 6.30pm - 7.30pm = TBC

IDHE Dance Class 

Wednesday 12 March, 5.00pm SAW 6th Floor studio

Join our dance fitness class, taught by IDHE student Paula. 


Past Events


Health and International Development - Trip to the Huntarian Museum

Tuesday 4 March, 3.00pm

Located next to Lincoln's Inn Fields, the Huntarian Museum is England’s largest public display of human anatomy right on LSE's campus! Exhibits feature 70,000 items of anatomical and pathological specimens (human and other animals), models, instruments, paintings and sculptures, covering the art and science of surgery from the 17th century to the present day.


Development Studies Social 

Thursday 20 February, 7.30pm - 9.00pm | CLM.4.02

After the ID Football match we will be hosting a DS Mixer to celebrate the game and unwind before reading week. What’s in store? Snacks, Soft Drinks and Good Vibes. 

Health and International Development - For Sama film screening 

Tuesday 18 February, 5.00pm - 7.00pm | OLD 4.10

An epic and intimate journey filmed through five years of the uprising in Aleppo, Syria. Waad al-Kateab tells the story of how she fell in love, married and gave birth to her daughter Sama.

Development Management Networking Social 

Friday 7 February, 4.30pm - 6.00pm | CLM 4.02

Your amazing and extremely hardworking DM Student Organisers invite you to the first social of this term: *Speed Friending*. We are excited to see all of you there soon and getting to know more of DM people.

IDHE Coffee Morning 

Friday 24 January, 10.00am - 12.00pm | CBG.1.07

Join the IDHE Professors and cohort for breakfast.

ID Winter Party 

Wednesday 11 December, 6.30pm - 8.00pm | Marshall Building Great Hall

We would like to invite ID students to our annual Winter Party! Mulled wine, mince pies and Christmas crackers will be provided – as well as a DJ!

Gingerbread Cookie Decorating 

Thursday 5 December, 6.00pm - 8.00pm | CLM 4.02

Come join the International Development department for a gingerbread cookie decorating night! All materials will be provided, plus some hot teas and holiday music classics. 

DS Coffee Morning 

Monday 2 December, 10.30am - 12.00pm | ID Common Room 

Join the DS Professors and cohort for a coffee and snack before the DV400 Development lecture. 

HID Wellcome Trust Trip 

Wednesday 27 November, from 3.00pm | Wellcome Collection 

Your HID Student Event Organisers would like to invite you to join Professor Tine Hanrieder for a trip to the Wellcome Collection, a health focused museum and library by charitable foundation Wellcome Trust.
We will explore the exhibit Hard Graft: Work, Health and Rights.

DM Inaugural Social - Potluck and Pizza 

Friday 15 November, 6.00pm - 8.00pm | CLM. 2.02 

Enjoy some games, food & drinks, and getting to know more of DM peeps in the event. Bring a dish/drink to share and let's have the best night with the DM family!

HID Breakfast 

Wednesday 16 October, 9.00am - 11.00am | ID MSc Common Room 

Join the HID Professors and cohort for breakfast. 


ID Summer Party: Sports day and picnic 

Thursday 13 June 2024, 12.00pm - 5.00pm |  LSE Sportsground 

We'd like to warmly invite you to our ID Summer Party on Thursday 13 June. The event will be a chance for our staff and students to celebrate the end of the academic year together. It will be taking place at the LSE Sportsground. Food and drink will be provided - including a pizza van! There will also be the opportunity to join in some classic sports day games.

Documentary Premier: Hearing No Objection

Thursday 28 March 2024, 7.10pm - 8.45pm |  CLM.4.02

Hearing No Objection is a Swiss Youth For Climate documentary about youth activism at the largest international climate summit yet; COP28 in Dubaï. The film, directed by Emily Boyle follows Alexis Balimann and Solange Zongo as they navigate the complicated and controversial conference. The film explores how youth activists try to bring about change by exposing their strategies, hopes and disappointments as well as some of their successes. It is a film by youth, for youth and hopes to encourage political participation among young people. Youth activists might be in negotiation rooms, but it is about time they be handed the microphones.

Completed in March 2024, this event will be the film’s premiere! Hosted by Dr Myfanwy James, the screening will be followed by a panel discussion featuring Dr Tom Kirk, the filmmaker Emily Boyle, and Leïla Réau, president of Swiss Youth For Climate. Following the discussion, we will then open the floor up to questions. Emily invites attendees to celebrate the premiere of the film at the White Horse for a few drinks after the screening!


  • Emily Boyle is a student at the LSE. She is currently studying for an MSc in International Development and Humanitarian Emergencies. Hearing No Objections is her second short documentary. She has been a member of Swiss Youth For Climate since 2022.
  • Leïla Réau is the president of Swiss Youth For Climate. She graduated with a Master's in International Economics, specializing in Energy Markets and E-Mobility from Humboldt University. Currently working as a Sustainability Project Manager, she has been actively involved in various NGOs, focusing on fighting climate change and engaging youth in initiatives around sustainability.
  • Tom Kirk is a CPAID researcher and consultant. His interests include the provision of security and justice in conflict affected regions, social accountability, civil society, activism, governance and public authority. He has lived and worked in Afghanistan, Pakistan, South Sudan, India, Timor-Leste, the DRC and Kenya. 

OECD-LSE Debating Aid Seminar: Locally led development in the evolving international aid system

Wednesday 27 March 2024 | 12.00pm - 1.00pm |  Online Via Zoom, please register here.

The Development Co-operation Report 2023 finds that debates are crystalising around the need for a fundamental rethinking of the international aid system. The report proposes ideas for action to overcome roadblocks to existing financial and other commitments; support locally led transformation in partner countries; modernise business models and financial management practices; and rebalance power relations in international decision-making and partnerships.

Against the backdrop of overlapping crises, unprecedented strain on international development budgets, and geopolitical tensions, there is a growing recognition of the imperative for locally led development. Critique of the roots, rationale and operations of the international aid system is resulting in calls for fundamental change, manifesting, for example, in the movements to address colonial legacies and racism in the sector. The report flags the need to address power imbalances that impede local leadership, ownership, and legitimacy. Building upon the report’s insights, the webinar provides a platform for an engaging discussion on the evolving landscape and future trajectory of international development. Join us as we collectively reflect on how locally led development can be a promising pathway forward for development cooperation, examining its implications, challenges, and potential bottlenecks.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Chilande Kuloba-Warria, Founder and Managing Director, Warande Advisory Centre
  • Ida Mc Donnell, Senior Policy Analyst and Head of Development Co-operation Research Unit, OECD
  • Joëlline Benefice, Policy Analyst, OECD
  • Valentina Papú, MSc student discussant
  • Alice Robinson, PhD student discussant 
  • Jeongyeon Cho, student moderator

️ID Football Tournament 2024

Contact the team captain from your course to join the team. Teams in bold won the match. 

Team Captains: 

DM - Renzo Guillén Hernández 
IDHE- Colm McDaniel
HID/ ID Society- Malik Takreem Ahmad
DS- Kerem Uzdiyen 
EPID- Michaela Ho

Monday 22 January 2024 | Tournament | Marshall Building Sports Hall 

  • 4.00pm - 4.30pm = HID/ ID Soc vs. DS
  • 4.30pm - 5.00pm = DM vs. IDHE

Tuesday 30 January 2024 | Tournament | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 4.00pm - 4.30pm = EPID vs. DS
  • 4.30pm - 5.00pm = IDHE vs. HID/ ID Soc  

Monday 5 February 2024 | Tournament | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 4.00pm - 4.30pm = DS vs. IDHE
  • 4.30pm - 5.00pm = EPID vs. DM

Tuesday 13 February 2024 | Tournament | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 4.00pm - 4.30pm = HID/ ID Soc vs. EPID
  • 4.30pm - 5.00pm = DS vs. DM

Monday 26 February 2024 | Tournament | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 4.00pm - 4.30pm = EPID vs. IDHE 
  • 4.30pm - 5.00pm = HID/ ID Soc vs. DM

Tuesday 5 March 2024 | Semi-final 1 | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 4.00pm - 4.30pm = DS vs. DM 
  • 4.30pm - 5.00pm = IDHE vs. EPID 

Monday 11 March 2024 | Semi-final 2 | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 4.00pm - 4.30pm = DS vs. DM 
  • 4.30pm - 5.00pm = IDHE vs. EPID 

Tuesday 26 March 2024 | Final | Marshall Building Sports Hall

  • 4.00pm - 5.00pm = DS vs. IDHE

International Development Spring Ball 

Friday 22 March 2024 | 6.30pm - 11.30pm | Le Gothique, Wandsworth

Current students please check your email or the ID Bulletin for the link to purchase your ticket. 

Tickets cost £60 per person! Places are limited, please make sure to purchase yours as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. Please note that this event is for Department of International Development students only. Tickets are limited to one per person.

A welcome drink on arrival. Alcoholic and non alcoholic options will be available

️ A three course sit down meal

  • Starter: Burrata with heritage tomatoes and a balsamic glaze.
  • Main: Chicken Parmigiana, Creamy mashed potatoes and French green beans 
  • Dessert: Authentic homemade Tiramisu

Half a bottle of wine per person or soft drinks during dinner

A photographer capturing the evening

A DJ and a dancefloor

The dress code is formal so dress to impress. 

Ethical Development Initiative: Roundtable Discussion on “Gatekeeping Development"

Thursday 21 March 2024 | 5.00pm - 6.00 pm | LSE Community Space - SAW 3.02

Join the Ethical Development Initiative for a casual, honest roundtable discussion on “Gatekeeping Development.” How have you witnessed gatekeeping? Are development practitioners paid too well? How do you stop private consulting from poaching the best and brightest? These are just some of the questions they'll touch on. They look forward to hosting an open space for you to share your personal experiences, questions, and insights! Snacks and Caprisun included!

Ethical Development Initiative: How to Start Thinking Ethically About Development

Thursday 29 February 2024 | 6.00pm - 7.30pm | CKK 1.15

The EDI will be holding a panel on the topic “How to Start Thinking Ethically About Development” with three amazing LSE professors, Professor Putzel, Dr. Pailey, and Dr. Ngutuku. Bringing stories from their careers studying and working in ethically complicated spheres, these panelists will discuss career considerations, research considerations, and reflect on their own career paths. 

About the Panelists:

    • Professor Putzel is the Programme Director of Development Studies and Research at the LSE. His research covers a range of themes, from comparative politics of development in East and Southeast Asia, to problems of institutional change, to the role of politics and governance in development. He also has extensive experience in consultancy and advisory roles for development-oriented organisations.
    • Dr. Pailey’s research focuses on how structural transformation is conceived and contested by local, national and transnational actors from ‘crisis’-affected regions of the so-called ‘Global South’.
    • Dr. Ngutuku is a scholar-activist working on development issues from a critical decolonial perspective and has been part of a movement aimed at decolonizing research and development practices in Africa. Her multidisciplinary work investigates children and young people’s lived experience of poverty, education, citizenship claims and sexual and reproductive health.

Ethical Development Initiative Introductory Social

Thursday 8 February 2024 | 5.00pm - 6.30pm | CBG 1.04

Do you like sweet treats? Salty snacks? Maybe you’re a cheese person? How about ethics? The Ethical Development Initiative is hosting an introductory social event to break the ice and get to know each other better. We’re a group of students looking to bring ethical conversations to the forefront of our work on development. We hope to facilitate honest conversations among peers, alumni and working professionals.

Pub Quiz style social with the ID Society 

Thursday 7 December 2023 | 5.00pm - 7.00pm | CKK 1.15

Calling all Postgrads! Join the ID Society and ID Student Organisers for a Pub Quiz style social. Register yourself or your team. Free snacks provided.

ID Winter Party 

Monday 4 December 2023 | 6.30pm - 8.00pm | Senior Dining Room, Old Building 

Mulled wine, minced pied and Christmas crackers will be provided - all we ask if that you don something festive (although not manditory). We look forward to celebrating the end of AT with you. Please note, this event is for core MSc and Research students only. Unfortunately, we cannot open this up to joint-degree students due to capacity limitations.

ID Student Social: Pizza Party 

Friday 1 December 2023 | 6.30pm - 8.00pm | CLM 4.02

Come and celebrate the end of Autumn term and grab a slice of pizza. 

 'For Sama' Documentary Film Screening 

Wednesday 15 November 2023 | 6.00pm - 8.00pm | MAR 1.10

An epic and intimate journey filmed through five years of the uprising in Aleppo, Syria. Waad al-Kateab tells the story of how she fell in love, married and gave birth to her daughter Sama.

ID Movie Night Halloween Special: Scary Movie 2

Thursday 2 November 2023 | 6.00pm | Sumeet Valrani Lecture

A Halloween themed film night for students in the Department of International Development on Thursday 2 November where we will screen the comedy horror Scary Movie 2. 


ID Summer Boat Party

Thursday 8 June 2023 |  6.30pm - 11pm | Thames River cruise

Tickets cost £22 and include entry to the boat party cruise on the Thames, a reception drink, a light buffet-style meal and a DJ+dance floor! See you there.

ID End-of-term potluck dinner

Thursday 30 March 2023 | 7.00pm - 9.00pm | CLM 4.02

Please join us to celebrate the end of term with a potluck dinner – a chance to share your favourite dishes with students and staff in LSE ID, as well as share the recipe and story of your dish! It will be a great occasion to share food from different cultures and unwind after a really demanding Lent Term. Drinks (alcoholic and non-alcoholic), cups, plates, cutlery and napkins to be provided by the department.

ID Alumni-Student Networking Mixer

Tuesday 14 March 2023 | 5.00pm - 7.00pm | Staff Common Room, 5th Floor, OLD

This event was a fantastic opportunity for current students to socialise with ID alumni and find out what career paths they have pursued since graduating! Students had the chance to network with alumni working in financial consulting, environmental think tanks, infrastructure and transport consulting, democracy advocacy and the charity/NGO sector. Light refreshments provided.

Ethical Development Initiative: Short-term internships in developing countries

Thursday 9 March 2023 | 6.00pm | CBG.1.06

The Ethical Development Initiative was set up by some of our MSc Development Management students to bring awareness to the ethical implications of working in the development industry. They are hosting a small-group discussion on the ethics of short-term internships in developing countries where you can share your own experiences and thoughts with fellow ID students, followed by some casual drinks and snacks.

India: The Modi Question (ep.2) | Documentary Screening & Discussion

Tuesday 7 March 2023 | 6.00pm | CLM.4.02

The BBC released a documentary series on 17 January 2023 investigating the current Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s role in the Gujarat riots in 2002 which led to over a thousand fatalities. The documentary has been banned in India and several university students in the country’s capital have been arrested for conducting screenings.

After a packed screening of part one last month, join us pn Tuesday 7th March at 6pm in CLM.4.02 for a screening of the second episode of the two-part documentary followed by an open discussion.India_ The Modi Question documentary screening DESTIN ep.2-1 (2)

The Backbone | Documentary Screening & Discussion

Friday 3 March 2023 | 6.00pm | CLM.5.02

A partial screening of the documentary film The Backbone created by DM student Hannah White followed by a discussion on race, inclusion and inequality embedded and experienced within academia's institutional structures.

Architecture, Art & Development: Film Screening & Discussion

Friday 17 February 2023 | 5.30pm | MAR.2.04Can architecture function as an intermediary between the arts and economic development by creating high quality spaces of learning, culture, housing, health, and political participation?

Join LSE Department of International Development's DESTIN student organisers and guest speakers Marlene Rutzendorfer (Wonderland Architecture) and Professor David Lewis (LSE ID) for a screening of two short films about the work of pioneering architect Diébédo Francis Kéré, followed by an open discussion. Refreshments will be provided.

ID Valentine's Film Night: 10 Things I Hate About You

Monday 13 February 2023 | 6.00pm | CLM.2.02

A festive Valentine's film night for students in the Department of International Development on Monday 13 February where we will screen the classic rom-com 10 Things I Hate About You.

India: The Modi Question | Documentary Screening & Discussion

Thursday 2 February 2023 | 6.00pm | CLM.5.02

The BBC released a documentary series on 17 January 2023 investigating the current Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s role in the Gujarat riots in 2002 which led to over a thousand fatalities. The documentary has been banned in India and several university students in the country’s capital have been arrested for conducting screenings.

Join us this Thursday, 2nd February at 6pm in CLM.5.02 for a screening of episode one of the two-part documentary followed by an open discussion!

Save the date! ID Christmas party on 9 December 2022

Save the date for the LSE ID Christmas Party: Friday 9 December, from 6-8pm. Please note, this event is for core ID students only. Unfortunately, we cannot open this up to joint-degree students due to capacity limitations.

ID Festive Film Night: Love Actually

Thursday 8 December 2022 | 7.00pm | CLM.3.02

A festive film night for students in the Department of International Development on Thursday 8 December where we will screen Love Actually. Drinks and snacks will be provided! And a bottle of wine will be given to the programme with the most attendees.

ID Career Student Roundtable

Thursday 1 December 2022 | 9.00am | MAR.2.05

Considering the fact that so many students within ID already have multiple years of experience working, we thought it might be interesting to organise a roundtable where students had the chance to ask their peers about their career experience. We had a student from each of the four MSc programmes, Romana, Carol, Maya and Kanika, to provide representation for the various pathways a career in development can take. Coffee, tea and pastries provided.

ID Thanksgiving Dinner

Tuesday 29 November 2022 | 7.30pm | CLM.3.02

This Thanksgiving dinner, organised by Zachary Cheek and supported by the student organisers and the Department, is open to postgraduate students and staff in LSE Department of International Development. Guests are welcome to bring dishes which speak to their individual backgrounds and cultures.

Made in Bangladesh film screening and Q&A

Thursday 17 November 2022 | 6.00pm - 8.00pm | CLM.5.02

Luc Bitterli (DS) invites you to a screening of his film which critically reflects on the connections between the Global North and Bangladesh and exposes critical issues and challenges for development including environmental destruction and extreme inequality that are products of our global capitalist system.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A/ discussion session exploring some of the questions the film poses. Drinks and nibbles will be provided.

Roundtable coffee morning: Careers in academia with ID professors

Wednesday 9 November 2022 | 9.00am - 10.00am | CBG.1.07

On the morning of Wednesday 9 November the ID student organisers hosted a roundtable coffee morning with Prof Jean-Paul FaguetDr Elliott Green and Prof Kathy Hochstetler where students in the Department of International Development had the chance to ask professors about their life experiences, choices, and even fears they had to overcome to become who they are today. Coffee, tea, pastries and biscuits were provided.

ID Halloween Film Night: Hocus Pocus!

Tuesday 25 October 2022 | 7.00pm | PAN.G.01 (Pankhurst House, Clement's Inn)

With Halloween just around the corner, ID's student organisers are hosting a spooky film night for students in the department! At 7pm on Tuesday 25th October in room PAN.G.01, we'll be screening the all-time-favourite Hocus Pocus! Some snacks and drinks will be provided, so all you need to bring is your spooky self! Hocus Pocus


Online Career Networking Event: Atkins, Tetra Tech & WFP

​Monday 13 June 2022 | 5.00pm - 6.30pm | Zoom

An online career information and networking event for students in the Department of International Development taking place next week on Monday 13 June 2022 from 5 - 6.30pm BST. The event will be an informal 90-minute session where you will have the opportunity to hear from professionals working in the development sector and to ask questions directly in breakout rooms, from how to decide which career path will be the best fit for you to practical advice on job searching and preparing for interviews.

Confirmed speakers:

Full speaker bios and Zoom joining details will be sent to attendees on the morning of the event.

LSE ID Summer Picnic in the Park

​Friday 17 June 2022 | 1.00pm - 3.00pm | Lincoln’s Inn Fields 

The Department of International Development is hosting a summer social event – a potluck picnic in the park – on campus from 1-3pm on Friday 17 June. We hope to see many of you there to celebrate the end of the term – stay tuned for details!

ID Summer Social '22 Save the D

Career Insight Event: Pursuing a PhD in International Development

​Monday 11 April 2022

The ID student organisers and the Department of International Development held an online event on what it's like to do a PhD in International Development. Current PhD candidate in the Department Sophie Legros and 2020 alumnus Max Gallien, who is now a research fellow at the Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, spoke about their experiences on the PhD programme in ID and pursuing careers in academia. There was an opportunity for students to ask questions.

ID End-of-Term Boat Party

​Friday 1 April 2022

The ID student organisers and the Department of International Development hosted a boat party for students in the Department to celebrate the end of Lent Term. The event was a formal-dress cruise on the Thames with a light buffet-style meal, drinks and a dance floor.

ID End-of-term boat party

DESTIN Dissertation Coffee Hours

​Thursday 3 March and ​Tuesday 22 March 2022

 Academic reps organised informal dissertation coffee/tea chat between students and academic staff! This event offered the opportunity for students to ask questions, and share and spark dissertation ideas with their peers and diverse academic staff.

Each featured a number of members of the ID and Methodology faculties: Dr Ian Madison, Dr Eleanor Power, Dr Arjan Gjonça, Dr Elliot Green, and Dr Ivan Deschenaux, Professor Ernestina Coast, Professor Kathryn Hochstetler and Professor David Keen.

DESTIN Coffee Hours with an alum

​Tuesday 15 Febuary and Wednesday 3 March 2022

Career reps organised two coffee with an alumn sessions during lent term: one with Beatrice Smorto and Alejandra Finotto and one with Anusha Raghav. Each speaker shared insight about finding work after graduating and answered questions from students.

LSE Careers Information Session

Thursday 20 January 2022 | 12.00pm - 1.00pm | Zoom event

On Thursday 20 January at 12pm (noon) the Department of International Development and ID student organisers hosted a Zoom information session on services and resources available from LSE Careers.

ID's Winter Wednesdays

Wednesday 1 December 2021 to Wednesday 5 January 2022

Winter Wednesdays poster 300

ID student organisers coordinated a number of events across December to help students get into the festive mood.

winter party promo poster_finalID Winter Party

Date and Time: Wednesday 8 December 2021, 5.00pm - 6.15pm & 7.15pm - 8.30pm
Staff Common Room, 5th floor Old Building

Christmas lights in London

Date and Time: Wednesday 15 December 2021, 4.00pm

Winter Wonderland

Date and Time: Wednesday 22 December 2021, 1.00pm
Hyde Park

Ice Skating 

Date and Time: Wednesday 29 December 2021, 8.00pm
Somerset House


ID Careers Month Virtual Networking events

​Monday 12 April to Friday 30 April 2021

ID student organisers coordinated a series of six virtual networking events for students in the Department of International Development during ID Careers month, 12-30 April 2021.

We invited speakers from a range of organisations including IOM, UNDP, WFP, UNICEF, Dalberg, FCDO, IRC, Ecorys, ADB and many more. The event format was informal 90-minute sessions which gave students a chance to hear from professionals (including many ID alumni), ask questions and get career inspiration about different areas of work in the development sector.

EVENT 1: Aid, Advocacy and Community Engagement 
Date and Time: Wednesday 14 April, 2.30pm - 4.00pm 
Organisations represented:
- International Organisation for Migration x2
- International Council of Voluntary Agencies
- Choose Love

EVENT 2: Aid, Advocacy and Community Engagement 
Date and Time: Thursday 15 April, 11.00am - 12.30pm
Organisations represented:
- Norwegian Refugee Council (Germany)
- International Committee of the Red Cross (Switzerland)
- UNICEF (Myanmar)
- Ipas (Pakistan)

EVENT 3: Aid, Advocacy and Community Engagement 
Date and Time: Friday 16 April, 4.00pm - 5.30pm 
Organisations represented:
- World Food Programme (Ethiopia)
- UNRWA (Jerusalem)
- UNICEF (Syria)
- Tahaddi (Lebanon)

EVENT 4: Consulting 
Date and Time: Tuesday 20 April, 6.30pm - 8.00pm
- Development Reimagined
- Development Pathways
- Dalberg

EVENT 5: Consulting 
Date and Time: Wednesday 21 April, 6.00pm - 7.30pm 
- PwC
- Dalberg

EVENT 6: Finance and Technology 
Date and Time: Tuesday 27 April, 5.30pm - 7.00pm
- African Development Bank
- British Red Cross
- Acumen
- MBC Group

ID Quiz Night

Thursday 1 April 2021 7.00pm

DESTIN society hosted another quiz night for all students and staff in the Department on the last day of Lent term, Thursday 1 April, at 7-8.15pm (GMT). This was a lovely way of celebrating the end of term together before breaking for the Easter recess. Well done to the winning teams!

ID Department Evening flow Yoga

Thursday 18 March 2021, 8.30pm - 9.15pm 

The Department hosted a free Zoom Yoga session for both students and staff led by fantastic Yoga instructor Meghan Bonhomme.ID de-stress yoga sessions are back! As we start to head towards the end of Lent Term, DESTIN and ID have invited back the fantastic yoga instructor Meghan Bonhomme who hosted two wonderfully relaxing sessions last term. All levels of practice including beginners are welcome at this session.

Virtual Coffee Morning for Students & Staff in ID

Wednesday 10 March 2021, 10.00am - 11.00am 

DESTIN society hosted a virtual coffee/tea morning for all students (including MRes and PhD) and staff in ID on Wednesday, featuring some tea trivia.

ID Spyfall Game Night

Thursday 25 February 2021, 6.00pm -7.00pm 

DESTIN society held a virtual Spyfall game night on Thursday 25 February for all students (including MRes and PhD) and staff in ID are welcome to attend.

We split up into breakout rooms to play Spyfall, a game where all players are FBI detectives, but one person is randomly selected as a spy. Players are all given the same location, except for the spy, who has to guess the location while other players have to identify the spy.

Virtual Coffee Morning for Students & Staff in ID

Wednesday 10 February 2021, 10.00am - 11.00am

DESTIN society hosted a virtual coffee/tea morning for all students (including MRes and PhD) and staff in ID on Wednesday, featuring some coffee trivia.

Virtual Catch-up for Students & Staff in ID

Thursday 28 January 2021 – 6.00pm - 7.00pm 

A virtual informal catch-up DESTIN society for all students (including MRes and PhD) and staff in ID to start off the term.

ID Department De-Stress Yoga Sessions

Wednesday 25 November and Friday 4 December 2020, 8.30pm - 9.15pm 

The Department hosted two free Zoom Yoga classes for both students and faculty led by certified Yoga instructor Meghan Bonhomme.

ID Quiz Night 

Wednesday 9 December 2020, 8.00pm - 9.00pm


DESTIN society hosted a Who's Who quiz as part of the MT 2020 social events series, which involved fun trivia about International Development staff, general knowledge and great prizes for the winning teams.

International Development Pizza Party!

Thursday 10 December 2020, 7.00pm - 8.00pm


The DESTIN society hosted an end-of-term online social event: International Development Pizza Party! ID students and staff got creative in making their own pizzas, competing and chatting with others and competing for prizes.