
Understanding the Global Rise of Populism

In this Strategic Update, Michael Cox explores the causes of populists' recent electoral successes around the world.

He argues it is important to try and understand populist anger and the wider causes of populism, including the end of communism.

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 Understanding the Global Rise of Populism

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 Understanding the Global Rise of Populism

About the Author

Professor Michael Cox is Director of LSE IDEAS and Professor of International Relations. He is a renowned international lecturer who has published extensively on the United States, transatlantic relations, Asia’s rise, and the problems facing the EU - and the impact these changes are having on international relations.

References & Footnotes

[1] Matthew Goodwin, 'Right response: understanding and countering populist extremism in Europe', Chatham House, Europe Programme Report, September 2011

[2] Gavin Esler, The United States of Anger: people and the American Dream (New York, 1997)

[3] John Stepek, 'What's driving populism, and why it matters to investors', MoneyWeek, 4 April 2017

[4] Frank Furedi, 'Populism on the ropes? Don't be so sure', Spiked, 15 May 2017, see also 'Populism: a defence', Spiked, 29 November 2016

[5] Jan-Werner Muller, What is Populism? (Philadelphia, 2016)

[6] David Goodhart, The road to somewhere: the populist revolt and the future of politics (London, 2017)

[7] Moses Naim, 'How to be a populist', The Atlantic, 21 April 2017

[8] Anthony Giddens, Runaway world: how globalization is reshaping our lives (London, 1999)

[9] Arvind Subramanian & Martin Kessler, 'The Hyperglobalizations of Trade and its Future', Peterson Institute for International Economics, Working Paper Series, WP13-6, July 2013

[10] Thomas Piketty, Capital in the 21st Century (Paris, 2013)

[11] James Montier & Philip Pilkington, 'The deep causes of secular stagnations and the rise of populism', GMO White Paper, March 2017

[12] Simon Fraser, 'The tide of globalisation is turning', The World Today, April-May 2016, 38-41: 38