
The International Orders Research Unit is an interdisciplinary research initiative aiming to examine the sources of international order and patterns of international disorder past, present, and future.

We are faced with a world of change and disorder...

President Xi Jinping Speaks with US President Joe Biden, 2022

Its research remit includes:

  • The historical sources of international order and disorder.
  • Comparatively and critically assessing international order strategies.
  • Mapping and analysing international order preferences of states and populations.

Conducting research within this remit also aims to connect academic research expertise to practitioners and publics addressing contemporary international order challenges.

This research unit further functions to foster synergies between related research projects at LSE IDEAS, provide an umbrella for relevant taught courses, produce research grant and knowledge exchange projects, host an ‘International Orders’ public events series, research workshops and seminars, and to connect a global network of scholars working on international order and disorder.

Its calendar programme of activities includes briefings on contemporary developments in policy relevant international order topics, research seminars with invited speakers presenting research, public panels engaging public interest in academic international order expertise, and an annual stock-taking and agenda-setting research workshop.



Dr. Aaron McKeil is Academic Director, Programme Convenor and Course Tutor on the MSc International Strategy and Diplomacy programme at LSE IDEAS. He also produced 'A Short History of IDEAS' in 2018 to celebrate LSE IDEAS' ten-year anniversary. 



International Advisory Board

Professor William Bain, National University of Singapore

Professor Chris Brown, LSE IDEAS

Professor Barry Buzan, LSE IDEAS

Professor Anna Caffarena, Torino World Affairs Institute and University of Torino

Professor Michael Cox, LSE IDEAS

Professor Trine Flockhart, University of Southern Denmark

Professor Patrick Thadeus Jackson, American University

Professor Beate Jahn, University of Sussex

Professor Oliver Kessler, University of Erfurt

Professor Daniel Nexon, Georgetown University

Professor Inderjeet Parmar, City University of London

Dr. Leslie Vinjamuri, SOAS University and Chatham House

Professor Ayse Zarakol, University of Cambrige

Professor Toni Erskine, Coral Bell School of Asia-Pacific Affairs, The Australian National University 

Professor Patrick O. Cohrs, University of Florence

Global Research Network

Beyond LSE academic staff and associates, the International Orders Research Unit connects a global network of scholars conducting research on international order and disorder in world politics.

We are always glad to hear from researchers working in this field. For expressions of interest in the research unit’s global research network, or in other research collaboration, please contact, Dr. Aaron McKeil.