LSE IDEAS CSEEP Desk at BBU Cluj-Napoca

The LSE IDEAS Central and South-East Europe Programme’s Romania Desk is based at the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences (FSPAC) of Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca.

The Desk strengthens and expands LSE IDEAS’ global exchange of ideas and knowledge by supporting current and future CSEEP research on topics ranging from European values and security to regional economic development and political participation. Academics at all career stages engage with our interdisciplinary and international research projects.  

The Desk and CSEEP together organise academic conferences, lectures and presentations on topics of mutual interest, such as the 2019 conference on ‘Europe 30 Years after the Fall of the Berlin Wall’, and the 2020 conference ‘Trianon: 100 Years After’. CSEEP and the Desk also co-present and publish reports, as well as expert contributions in support of public policy decision-making.


Cosmin Marian is the CSEEP Desk Co-ordinator. He is professor of political science at the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Since 2016 he serves as Chair of the Political Science Department at the same university. His academic work positions him as a scholar with a special interest in political rules design and effects. His scholarship is grounded in theories and methods found in the field of comparative politics and formal rules with applications to institutional design that affects individual behaviour and societal outputs. Part of Cosmin's recent work analyzes the anticommons property regime.

Mădălina Mocan is the CSEEP Desk Manager. She is a civil society professional associated with the Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD Cluj) at the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences, Babes-Bolyai University. With a long experience in developing, coordinating and advising civil society organisations, she maintains an academic and civic interest in human rights, particularly human trafficking, inequality, and political participation. Her current academic interests relate to the role of national and international donors and grant givers in Romania while continuing to advice and work with national and international partners in human trafficking and exploitation projects. She is an Aspen Institute Romania fellow (2009) and moderator, German Marshall Transatlantic Fellow (2014) and serves as a board member for Techsoup Romania.

CSEEP-FSPAC Fellowship

The Desk hosts an ongoing fellowship program, encouraging scholars with a focus on regional trends and developments to be part of the team while pursuing their research interest during their fellowship. Fellows are encouraged to be part of the academic community delivering presentations and engaging students in their field of interest.

The fellowship is intended to aid international scholarly contacts and foster inner and inter-disciplinary dialogue that addresses problems specific to the political, social and economic developments of Central and South East Europe in general and Romania in particular.

For more information on current fellowship opportunities please contact the Desk Manager, Mădălina Mocan.

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