Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, on the aims of British foreign policy, dated 4 January 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Western Europe, post-war USSR
Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, outlining recommendations for future foreign publicity policy, 4 January 1948
Keywords: post-war order, post-war Western Europe, great power relations, post-war Eastern Europe
Note by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, to the Cabinet regarding the breakdown of the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, 5 January 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations
Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, reviewing Soviet Policy, dated 5 January 1948
Keywords: post-war USSR, post-war order, great power relations, Cominform
Despatch from the British Ambassador to the Soviet Union, M. Peterson, to Prime Minister, C. Atlee: record of a conversation with the Indian Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, dated 6 January 1948
Keywords: post-war Asia, post-war USSR
Memorandum of a Cabinet discussion on foreign policy in Europe, dated 8 January 1948
Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Western Europe, post-war order
Minute by G. Jebb for Sir Orme Sargent, Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office, and other attendees of a meeting on Western Union, held in the Foreign Office, 21 January 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Western Europe, post-war order
Memorandum of a Russia Committee meeting on Cominform developments and W. Churchill’s view on Anglo-Soviet Relations, dated 29 January 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Eastern Europe, the Balkans, post-war Western Europe
Memorandum by General Montgomery for the Chiefs of Staff Committee meeting on the prospect of a future war and the strategy of war with Russia, dated 30 January 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Western Europe, post-war Eastern Europe, post-war order
Minutes of a Chiefs of Staff Committee meeting discussing future strategy of war with Russia, dated 2 February 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Western Europe
Memorandum recording a meeting between Prime Minister, C. Attlee, Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, and the Chiefs of Staff Committee, dated 4 February 1948
Keywords: post-war order, great power relations, post-war Western Europe, post-war Germany
Telegram from the Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York, A. Cadogan, to the Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Sir Orme Sargent, on Russo-Pakistani Relations, dated 10 February 1948
Keywords: post-war order, post-war Asia
Letter from the British Embassy in Prague to Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, describing a conversation with the Czech President on the Communist threat in the country, dated 11 February 1948
Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia
Telegram from Geoffrey Harrison at the British Embassy in Moscow to P. Grey, Head of the South-East Asia department of the Foreign Office, dated 19 February 1948
Keywords: post-war Asia
Cabinet memorandum by Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, containing a copy of a telegram from the British Ambassador in Prague, giving an appreciation of the present situation in Czechoslovakia, dated 27 February 1948
Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia
Minute for the Private Secretary by T.S. Tull discussing Russo-Pakistan Relations, 2 March 1948
Keywords: post-war Asia
Cabinet conclusions on the Czechoslovak Crisis, dated 3 March 1948
Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia
Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, on the threat of Soviet expansion, dated 3 March 1948
Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Western Europe, great power relations, Comintern, post-war USSR
Cabinet conclusions on British foreign policy in Europe, 5 March 1948
Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Western Europe, great power relations, post-war Asia
Memorandum outlining the Foreign Secretary E. Bevin’s vision for British foreign policy objectives, dated 5 March 1948
Keywords: post-war order, post-war USSR
Telegram from the Foreign Office, London, to the British Embassy in Washington D.C. on Norwegian-Soviet relations, 10 March 1948
Keywords: post-war Western Europe
Extract from a telegram from the UK delegation to the United Nations, New York, to the Foreign Office, London, on Soviet influence in the Czechoslovakian coup, dated 18 March 1948
Keywords: Czechoslovakia, post-war USSR, post-war Eastern Europe, United Nations, Cominform
Cabinet conclusions regarding the future of the Free Territory of Trieste, dated 22 March 1948
Keywords: Italy, Yugoslavia, great power relations
Note by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, to the Cabinet on the possible impact of the Italian elections on the Trieste issue, dated 15 April 1948
Keywords: Italy, Yugoslavia, great power relations
Telegram from the UK delegation to the United Nations, New York to the Foreign Office on American anxiety regarding Soviet policy in the Middle East, dated 27 April 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Middle East
Memorandum by J. Henniker, recording a meeting between the UK High Commissioner for Pakistan, the Minister of Finance of Pakistan and the British Foreign Secretary, dated 14 June 1948
Keywords: post-war Asia, post-war order
Note to UK Prime Minister’s Office summarising currency reform plans in the Western zones of Germany, dated 14 June 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations
Cabinet minutes on the Soviet response to the currency reform plans in Germany, dated 24 June 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany
Cabinet minutes of the update by the British Deputy Military Governor in Germany’s on the latest developments in Berlin, dated 25 June 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations
Cabinet minutes of the Foreign Secretary’s update on the latest developments in the situation in Germany, dated 28 June 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations
Commentary by G.T.C. Campbell, dated 30 June 1948, on the telegram received on 29 June 1948 from Mr Peake, British Embassy in Belgrade, to the Foreign Office on Soviet-Yugoslav relations
Keywords: Yugoslavia, the Balkans, Cominform
Telegram from the British Embassy in Belgrade to the Foreign Office, on Yugoslav-Soviet Relations, dated 30 June 1948
Keywords: Yugoslavia, the Balkans, Cominform
Minute by Mr. Wallinger for the Secretary of State providing background on the Yugoslav-Cominform dispute, dated 1 July 1948
Keywords: Yugoslavia, post-war USSR, post-war Eastern Europe
Extract from Cabinet conclusions recording the Foreign Secretary’s view on recent developments in Soviet-Yugoslav relations, dated 1 July 1948
Keywords: Yugoslavia, the Balkans, post-war Eastern Europe
Note by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Lord Henderson, on his visit to Germany, dated 7 July 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations
Telegram from Mr. Harrison, Minister at the British Embassy in Moscow, to the Foreign Office, London, on the expulsion of Yugoslavia from Cominform, dated 8 July 1948
Keywords: Yugoslavia
Telegram from the British Embassy in Prague to the Foreign Office regarding the possibility of war with Russia in Czechoslovakia, dated 10 July 1948
Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia
Telegram from J. Sterndale Bennett, Minister in the British Embassy in Sofia, to E. Bevin, Foreign Secretary, on the possible Bulgarian role in the event of military moves in the Yugoslav-Cominform dispute, dated 10 July 1948
Keywords: Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Cominform, the Balkans
Minutes of a meeting of the Russia Committee regarding the Soviet situation in Germany, dated 21 July 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations, post-war USSR
Extract from Cabinet conclusions regarding the situation in Berlin, 22 July 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations
Cabinet conclusions on Soviet policy in Europe, 26 July 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany, post-war Western Europe
Cabinet memorandum on the resignation of Dr. Beneš as President of Czechoslovakia, dated 27 July 1948
Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia
Telegram from the British Embassy in Berlin to the Foreign Office, London, regarding the British position in Berlin, dated 10 August 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations
Cypher telegram from Molotov to Stalin on the proposed response to the British government regarding when to convene the next Council of Foreign Ministers meeting, dated 8 September 1948
Keywords: great power relations, Italy
Cabinet conclusions on developments in Berlin, dated 10 September 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations
Minutes of a meeting between E. Bevin, British Foreign Secretary, G. Marshall, US Secretary of State, and R. Schuman, Prime Minister of France, dated 21 September 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Western Europe
Telegram from the British Embassy in Prague to the Foreign Office, London, on the possibility of Soviet annexation of Czechoslovakia, dated 7 October 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Eastern Europe, post-war USSR, Czechoslovakia
Cypher Telegram from the Soviet Delegation in Paris on Bramuglia’s view on the Berlin Question, dated 12 October 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany, United Nations
Telegram from Molotov to Stalin on the proposed response to Bramuglia regarding the Berlin Question, dated 12 October 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations, United Nations
Cypher telegram by Vyshinky to Molotov containing the minutes of a phone conversation with Bramuglia regarding the Soviet response on the Berlin question, dated 14 October 1948
Keywords: United Nations, great power relations, post-war Germany
Copy of the telegram from Molotov in Paris to Vyshinsky giving instructions on the Berlin question, dated 15 October 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations
Telegram from Molotov to Stalin regarding the Soviet directive on the Berlin question, dated 15 October 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany
Cypher Telegram from Vyshinsky to I.V. Stalin outlining the questions Bramuglia intends to ask the USA, British, French and Soviet delegates during the next Security Council session, dated 15 October 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany
Note from Comrade V.M. Molotov to Comrade I.V. Stalin concerning the Berlin question at the UN Security Council, dated 16 October 1948
Keywords: United Nations, great power relations, post-war Germany
Minutes of meeting between British Ambassador Peterson to the Soviet Union and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, dated 20 October 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations, United Nations
Memorandum by Field Marshal Montgomery Regarding the Strategy for the defence of Western Europe, dated 28 October 1948
Keywords: post-war order, post-war Western Europe, great power relations
Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, regarding the Berlin elections, dated 11 November 1948
Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany
Minutes of a Russia Committee meeting concerning the British response to Soviet policy in Europe, dated 25 November 1948
Keywords: great power relations, the Balkans, post-war order
Cabinet memorandum on the currency situation in Berlin, dated 7 December 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations
Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, on further updates to the currency situation in Berlin, dated 9 December 1948
Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations