
Archive by year

Browse British-Soviet Relations Archive material by year of publication.

Through this exceptional collaboration, we can provide new avenues for understanding this key historical period. These documents will be a valuable resource, made publicly available for researchers, scholars, students and policymakers all over the world.

Dr Svetozar Rajak


Note from the Head of the II European Department of the People's Commissariat on Foreign Affairs of the USSR, K.V. Novikov, to the Deputy USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, A.J. Vyshinsky, 11 January 1943

Keywords: Post-war order, Yugoslavia, inter-allied relations

From the Diary of the Counselor of the USSR Embassy in Great Britain K.E. Zinchenko, 15 January 1943.

Keywords: Post-war order

Telegram of the USSR ambassador to Britain I.M. Maisky to the People's Commissariat on Foreign Affairs of the USSR, 9 February 1943.

Keywords: Italy

From a telegram of the USSR ambassador to Britain, I.M. Maisky, dated 9 February 1943

Keywords: Inter-allied relations

From an internal memo from People's Commissariat on Foreign Affairs of the USSR, March 1943

Keywords: Post-war Germany

Telegram of USSR ambassador to Britain, I.M. Maisky sent to the People's Commissariat on Internal Affairs of the USSR, dated 31 March 1943

Keywords: Second front

Telegram from USSR ambassador to Britain, I.M. Maisky to the People's Commissariat on Internal Affairs of the USSR, dated 31 March 1943 (2)

Keywords: Second front, inter-allied relations

A telegram sent by the USSR ambassador to Britain, I.M. Maisky, to the People's Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, dated 24 April 1943.

Keywords: Poland

Prime Minister, W. Churchill, to British Ambassador in Moscow, A. Kerr, dated 29 June 1943.

Keywords: Inter-allied relations

British Ambassador to Moscow, A. Kerr, to Prime Minister, W. Churchill. 1 July 1943.

Keywords: Inter-allied relations

Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, A. Eden, “Proposed Anglo-Soviet Agreement regarding the Conclusion of Treaties with the Lesser European Allies and Its Bearing upon Relations between the USSR, Czechoslovakia and Poland”, dated 28 September 1943.

Keywords: Poland

From the diary of the Head of the Press Department of the People's Commissariat on Foreign Affairs of the USSR, N.G. Palgunov, dated 5 October 1943

Keywords: Inter-allied relations

War Cabinet Confidential Annex, dated 5 October

Keywords: Post-war Germany, inter-allied relations

The telegram of Soviet Ambassador to the UK, F.T. Gusev, sent to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, 18 October 1943 (received on 19 October).

Keywords: Inter-allied relations, second front

British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden’s telegram to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, dated 29 October 1943

Keywords: Italy, Second front

British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden’s telegram to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, dated 29 October 1943 (2)

Keywords: Inter-allied relations

[An extract] from a circular telegram from the USSR People's Commissariat on Foreign Affairs on the outcome of the Moscow Conference of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, the USA and the UK, dated 5 November 1943

Keywords: Poland, Post-war order, Yugoslavia

From Deputy USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, I.M. Maisky’s note to the Chief Information Bureau, A.S. Shcherbakov, dated 27 November 1943

Keywords: Inter-allied relations

Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs "Possible ways for the settlement of the Polish-Soviet conflicts”, dated 22 November 1943

Keywords: Poland

From British Ambassador to the USSR, A. Kerr’s report sent to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, A. Eden, dated 4 December 1943 (received on 19 December).

Keywords: Comintern, Tehran conference, second front, Baltic states

[An extract] from a draft telegram on the outcome of the Tehran Conference from the USSR’s People's Commissariat on Foreign Affair with corrections by Chairman of the Council of Ministers, I.V. Stalin, dated 10 December 1943

Keywords: Tehran conference, second front, Finland, Poland, Turkey, post-war Germany, France, United Nations, Yugoslavia

War Cabinet Confidential Annex - Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, dated 13 December 1943

Keywords: France, Poland, Yugoslavia, Balkans


From the note ‘On the desirable foundations for the future of the world’ from the Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, head of the Commission of the USSR People's Commissariat for damages caused by Nazi Germany and its allies to the Soviet Union, I.M. Maisky, to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, dated 10 January 1944.

Keywords: Post-war order, inter-allied relations, post-war Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Japan, Balkans

From the diary of the USSR Ambassador to Great Britain F. T. Gusev, 14 January, 1944.

Keywords: Poland

The Prime Minister, W. Churchill, to Foreign Secretary, A. Eden, 16 January 1944.

Keywords: Baltic states

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, A. Eden, to Prime Minster, W. Churchill, 25 January 1944.

Keywords: Finland, Romania

From the diary of the USSR Ambassador to Great Britain F.T. Gusev, 9 February 1944.

Keywords: Poland

Telegram of Soviet Ambassador to the UK, F.T. Gusev, to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, 22 February 1944 (received 23 February).

Keywords: Second front, Poland, Yugoslavia

From the telegram of the USSR Ambassador to the U.K., F.T. Gusev, to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, (dated 4 March 1944).

Keywords: Second front, Italy, Turkey, inter-allied relations


Keywords: Post-war order, post-war Soviet Union, inter-allied relations

British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s message to the USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, V.M. Molotov, dated 2 May 1944

Keywords: Inter-allied relations, Romania

Message from the USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, V.M. Molotov, to British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, dated 10 May 1944

Keywords: Intern-allied relations, Romania

From the diary of the USSR Ambassador to Great Britain F.T. Gusev, 5 June 1944.

Keywords: Inter-allied relations, post-war order, Poland

Top Secret: Printed for the War Cabinet, 6 June 1944.

Keywords: Inter-allied relations, post-war order

Telegram from the USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, V.M. Molotov, to the Ambassador of the USSR in the UK, F.T. Gusev, and the Soviet ambassador to the Allied governments in London, V.Z. Lebedev, 22 June 1944

Keywords: Poland

Memorandum by Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs A. Eden to Mr. Duff Cooper, dated 25 July 1944

Keywords: Inter-allied relations, post-war order

From the diary of the USSR Ambassador to Great Britain F.T. Gusev, 8 August 1944.

Keywords: Poland

From the Memorandum by British Foreign Secretary A. Eden to the War Cabinet, 9 August 1944

Keywords: Post-war order, Poland

Letter from British Ambassador to the USSR A. Kerr to Mr. Molotov, 15 August 1944

Keywords: Poland

Letter from the USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, V.M. Molotov, to the British Ambassador to the USSR, A. Kerr, 16 August 1944

Keywords: Poland

Letter from the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, to the Prime Minister of the Polish Government in exile S. Mikołajczyk, 16 August 1944


From the diary People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.M. Molotov, 17 August 1944.

Keywords: Poland

Note from the Deputy Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs, O. G. Sargent to Secretary of State for Foreign Affaris, A. Eden, 18 August 1944

Keywords: Post-war order, post-war Germany, inter-allied relations.

From the diary of the USSR Ambassador to Great Britain F.T. Gusev, 20 August 1944.

Keywords: Poland

Note from G. Wilson, Foreign Office Northern Department, on relations with the Soviet Union after the war, 24 September 1944

Keywords: Inter-allied relations, post-war Germany, post-war order.

From the diary of the Deputy Head of the Press Department of the USSR, K.E. Zinchenko, to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, 9 October 1944

Keywords: Inter-allied relations

Record of the meeting at the Kremlin, Moscow, between the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin and British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, 9 October 1944

Keywords: Poland, Turkey, inter-allied relations, the Balkans, Greece, post-war Germany.

Record of meeting at the Kremlin, Moscow between Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs A. Eden and Mr. Molotov on 10 October 1944, at 7pm

Keywords: The Balkans, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania

Telegram from “Tolstoy” to the Foreign Office following from Secretary of State for Sir O. Sargent, 12 October 1944

Keywords: Poland

Record of meeting at Spiridonovka House between Stalin, Molotov, Churchill, Eden and the representatives of the Lublin Committee, 13 October 1944

Keywords: Poland

From the circular telegram of the USSR People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs on the outcome of the "Tolstoy" conference, 21 October 1944

Keywords: Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Hungary

From the notes of the Deputy USSR People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Commission on preparation of peaceful negotiations and post-war settlement, M.M. Litvinov, 15 November 1944

Keywords: Inter-allied relations, post –war order                   

Note from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, A. Eden to Prime Minister, W. Churchill, 29 November 1944

Keywords: Post-war order


Note by the Soviet ambassador to the United States, A.A. Gromyko, to the Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, A.Y. Vyshinsky, 26 January 1945

Keywords: Poland, Yugoslavia, United Nations, inter-allied relations

Note from the Soviet ambassador to the United Kingdom, F.T. Gusev, to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, undated [End of January 1945]

Keywords: post-war order, Poland, Greece, Yugoslavia, inter-allied relations, post-war Germany, Turkey, Iran

Note from the Foreign Secretary, A. Eden to the Prime Minister, W. Churchill concerning prospects for Poland, 28 January 1945

Keywords: Poland

Memorandum from O. Sargent to the Foreign Secretary, A. Eden, on the future administration of areas on the Italian-Yugoslav border, 4 February 1945

Keywords: Yugoslavia, Italy

Note from Prime Minister W. Churchill to Deputy Prime Minister C. Attlee describing the conditions attached to British recognition of an independent Poland, dated 8 February 1945

Keywords: Poland

Telegram from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs A. Eden to the Foreign Office, London, describing Soviet and US responses to plans for a provisional government in Warsaw, 8 February 1945

Keywords: Poland, inter-allied relations

Draft of a circular telegram from the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR to Soviet ambassadors and envoys on the outcomes of the Crimean (Yalta) Conference, 15 February 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, Poland, post-war Germany, United Nations

Labour Party National Executive Committee minutes containing views on the post-war settlement, 28 February 1945

Keywords: post-war order, inter-allied relations

Despatch from the British Ambassador to the USSR, A. Kerr, to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, A. Eden, dated 27 March 1945 (received 12 April)

Keywords: post-war order, inter-allied relations, post-war Eastern Europe

From the diary of the Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, I.M. Maisky, record of a conversation with A. Kerr, British Ambassador to the USSR, 6 April 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war Eastern Europe, post-war order

Telegram from the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, dated 19 April 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, Poland

Note by the Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, A.Y. Vyshinsky, to the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, I.V, Stalin, dated May 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war Western Europe

Telegram from the Prime Minister W. Churchill to the Foreign Secretary A. Eden, 4 May 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war order

Extract from the telegram of the Soviet Ambassador to the United Kingdom, F.T. Gusev, to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, 18 May 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, Trieste, Yugoslavia, Italy, Poland, post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Western Europe

Extract from the telegram of the Soviet Ambassador in the UK, F.T. Gusev, to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, 18 May 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, Poland

Extract from the telegram of the Soviet Ambassador to the UK, F.T. Gusev, to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, 28 June 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Western Europe, Turkey, Italy, Yugoslavia

Extract from the telegram of the USSR Ambassador to the U.K., F.T. Gusev, 30 June 1945

Keywords: post-war Germany, Japan, Baltic states

Foreign Office memorandum by O.G. Sargent considering the post-war prospects for British foreign policy, 11 July 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war USSR, post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Western Europe, post-war order, post-war Germany

Telegram from the British Embassy in Tehran to the Foreign Office, London, describing Russian activity in Iran, 11 July 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, Iran

Telegram from the Foreign Office, London, to the British ambassador in Ankara, M. Peterson, 12 July 1945

Keywords: Turkey

Note by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, A. Eden, to the British Prime Minister W. Churchill, 17 July 1945

Keywords: post-war order

Telegram from the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, to the British Ambassador in Ankara, M. Peterson, concerning Russo-Turkish relations, 28 July 1945 (received on 11 August)

Keywords: Turkey, inter-allied relations

Letter from the British Ambassador in Ankara, M. Peterson, to the Deputy Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, O. G. Sargent, 1 August 1945

Keywords: Turkey, inter-allied relations

Circular telegram from the People's Commissariat of the USSR on the outcome of the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference between the Heads of Government of the USSR, USA and Great Britain, 4 August 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, Turkey, Greece, post-war Germany, post-war Eastern Europe

Supplement to the circular telegram of the People's Commissariat of the USSR on the outcome of the Berlin (Potsdam) Conference between Heads of Government of the USSR, the USA and the UK, dated 5 August 1945

Keywords: Germany, Poland, United Nations, inter-allied relations

Cabinet Memorandum by E. Bevin, Foreign Secretary, on British policy towards Greece, dated 11 August 1945

Keywords: Greece

The directive of People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, V.M. Molotov, for the London session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, dated 5 September 1945

Keywords: post-war Germany, Japan, inter-allied relations

From the Central Committee meeting minutes of the CPSU (b), dated 6 September 1945

Keywords: Romania, Bulgaria, post-war Eastern Europe, Yugoslavia, Italy, inter-allied relations

Telegram from the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, to the Chairman Council of the People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, 19 September 1945

Keywords: Italy, Yugoslavia, Greece, inter-allied relations

Telegram from the Chairman of the Council of the People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, dated 19 September 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, Romania, Italy, post-war Eastern Europe

Directive for the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, to discuss the Control Council for Japanese affairs at the London session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, [undated, September 1945]

Keywords: Japan, inter-allied relations

Telegram from the Chairman Council of the People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, dated 26 September 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, Japan

Telegram from Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov to the Chairman Council of the People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, 28 September 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, Japan, the Balkans

Telegram from the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, to the Chairman Council of the People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, 2 October 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, the Balkans

From the report by TASS employee, D.F. Kraminov, ‘Organization of English external propaganda’, 2 October 1945

Keywords: inter-allied relations, propaganda, post-war Western Europe, post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Middle East, Turkey, France

Cabinet conclusions concerning British foreign policy in the Middle East, dated 4 October 1945

Keywords: post-war Middle East, post-war order

Note from the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, to the "Quartet" of the Politburo of the AUCP (b) of the USSR, dated 10 November 1945

Keywords: Inter-allied relations, post-war USSR

Note from the Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, I.M. Maisky, to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, dated 29 November 1945

Keywords: post-war order, inter-allied relations, post-war Germany, post-war Western Europe, United Nations, the Balkans, post-war Eastern Europe

Note from the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, V.M. Molotov, to the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, dated December 1945

Keywords: post-war order, inter-allied relations, post-war Asia

Telegram from the British Embassy in Tehran to the Foreign Office, London, 2 December 1945

Keywords: post-war order, Iran

Note from the Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, I.M. Maisky, to the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, 10 December 1945

Keywords: post-war order, inter-allied relations

Note from the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs, V.M. Molotov, to the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, dated 14 December 1945

Keywords: China, Greece, inter-allied relations

From the diary of the People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, dated 18 December 1945

Keywords: Greece, Bulgaria, Poland, inter-allied relations, post-war Asia, post-war Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Iran, India

Minutes of conversations between Chairman of Council of People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, and British Foreign Minister, Ernest Bevin, dated 19 December 1945

Keywords: Iran, Turkey, post-war Asia, inter-allied relations, the Balkans

Telegram from the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, to the Prime Minister, C. Attlee, on the meeting between him and Stalin, 20 December 1945

Keywords: Iran, Turkey, Greece, post-war Asia, inter-allied relations

Minutes of conversations between the Chairman Council of People's Commissars, I.V. Stalin, and the British Foreign Minister, Ernest Bevin, dated 24 December 1945

Keywords: post-war order, inter-allied relations, post-war Western Europe, Iran, post-war Asia, the Balkans


Cabinet conclusions on Trusteeship of Tripolitania, the future of Indonesia and withdrawal from Austria, 1 January 1946

Keywords: inter-Allied relations, post-war Middle East, Tripolitania, Indonesia, Austria

From a circular telegram by the People’s Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR on the outcome of the Moscow meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers of the USSR, the United States and the United Kingdom, 2 January 1946

Keywords: post-war order, inter-allied relations

Cabinet conclusions on control of the entrances to the Baltic, 3 January 1946

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, post-war order

Cabinet conclusions on the recognition of Bulgaria and Romania, and the Iran crisis, 28 January 1946

Keywords: Bulgaria, post-war Eastern Europe, Iran

Telegram from the British embassy in Iran to the Foreign Office, dated 4 February 1946

Keywords: Iran

Cabinet conclusions on the Soviet position on Greece, 4 February 1946

Keywords: Greece

Cabinet conclusions on Soviet intentions in South-East Asia and the Middle East, 11 February 1946

Keywords: post-war South East Asia, post-war Middle East, United Nations

Foreign Office Memorandum, ‘Soviet Economic Policy in Eastern Europe’, 20 February 1946

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe

Foreign Office memorandum on Soviet behaviour at the UN, 22 February 1946

Keywords: United Nations

Report of the Joint Intelligence Sub-Committee of Great Britain: ‘Russia’s Strategic Interests and Intentions’, 1 March 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR, inter-allied relations

Cabinet conclusions on the Soviet failure to withdraw from Iran, 4 March 1946

Keywords: Iran

Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, E. Bevin, 13 March 1946

Keywords: post-war order

Report of Meeting in Sir Orme Sargent’s Room, 18 March 1946

Keywords: post-war Middle East, post-war Western Europe

Telegram from Chargé d’Affaires of the United Kingdom in the USSR, F. Roberts, to the Foreign Office, London, 20 March 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR, inter-allied relations

Telegram from the British Embassy in Chungking to the Foreign Office, 25 March 1946

Keywords: post-war Asia, China

Cabinet note by State Secretary for Defence, L.C. Hollis, containing a memorandum by the Minister of Fuel and Power on Petroleum Resources in the Middle East, 28 March 1946

Keywords: post-war Middle East, inter-allied relations

Top Secret report by C.F.A. Warner from the British Embassy in Moscow, 2 April 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR, inter-allied relations, post-war Western Europe

Letter from the Chargé d’Affaires of the United Kingdom in the USSR, F. Roberts, to the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs, A. Ya. Vyshinsky, 8 April 1946

Keywords: Iran

Note from Head of the Personnel Department of the Foreign Ministry of the USSR, M.A. Silin, to Deputy Foreign Minister of the USSR, A. Ya. Vyshinksy, 10 April 1946

Keywords: Iran, inter-allied relations

Letter from the British Chargé d’Affaires in the USSR, F. Roberts, to the Head of the Second European Department of the Foreign Ministry of the USSR, K.V. Novikov, 17 April 1946

Keywords: Iran

Foreign Office memorandum, ‘Survey of Present Situation in Germany’, 24 April 1946

Keywords: post-war Germany, post-war USSR

Telegram from the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin to People’s Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, 26 April 1946

Keywords: United Nations

Telegram from the British embassy in Moscow to the Foreign Office, 27 April 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR, post-war Middle East, inter-allied relations, Iran, Turkey

Telegram from the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, 30 April 1946

Keywords: inter-allied relations

Memorandum by Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, E. Bevin, ‘Policy towards Germany’, 3 May 1946

Keywords: post-war Germany, inter-allied relations

Cabinet conclusions on the issue of German unity based on a memorandum of 3 May 1946 by Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, E. Bevin, dated 7 May 1946

Keywords: post-war Germany, inter-allied relations

Cabinet Conclusions on the international control of Trieste, 13 May 1946

Keywords: post-war order, Trieste, Yugoslavia, Italy, inter-allied relations

Foreign Office memorandum by E. Bevin, ‘Discussions in Paris regarding Germany’, 23 May 1946

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war Germany

Extract from a brief, together with summary of observations by various Soviet officials on draft treaties for the disarmament of Germany and Japan that was presented by the Secretary of State of the United States, J.F. Byrnes, 8 June 1946

Keywords: post-war Germany, inter-allied relations

Telegram from the Foreign Office to British Embassy to Iran, 9 June 1946

Keywords: Iran, inter-allied relations

Letter from A. Zhdanov to Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V.  Stalin, 27 July 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR, inter-allied relations

From the diary of the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.G. Dekanozov, dated 31 July 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR

Note from the Chairman of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, V.V. Kuznetsov to Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin [circa 3 August 1946]

Keywords: post-war USSR, inter-allied relations

Record of the meeting between the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, and members of the delegation of the Labour Party of Great Britain, 7 August 1946

Keywords: post-war order, post-war USSR, inter-allied relations

From a telegram by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, to the ‘Five’ of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All Union Communist Party (b), 30 September 1946

Keywords: Iran

From a telegram by the Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.G. Dekanozov, to Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, 1 October 1946

Keywords: Iran

From a telegram by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, to Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, 23 October 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR

From a telegram by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, to Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, 23 October 1946 (2)

Keywords: post-war order, inter-allied relations

Note from the Minister for State Security of the USSR, V.S. Abakumov, to the Secretary of the Central Committee of the All Union Communist Party (b), A.A. Zhdanov, 2 November 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR

From a telegram by the President of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, to Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, 2 November 1946

Keywords: United Nations, inter-allied relations

From the record of the meeting in the Parliamentary Office of the Prime Minister, C. Attlee, 5 November 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR

Telegram of the President of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, to Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, 9 November 1946

Keywords: United Nations

Telegram from the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, 16 November 1946

Keywords: United Nations

Telegram from Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, to President of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, 17 November 1946

Keywords: United Nations

From a telegram by the President of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, to Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, 20 November 1946 

Keywords: United Nations, post-war order

From a telegram from Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, to the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, 23 November 1946

Keywords: United Nations, post-war order

Telegram from Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, to Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, 5 December 1946

Keywords: United Nations

Foreign Office memorandum by P.J. Dixon on the strategic situation in Africa and the Middle East, 9 December 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR, Africa, post-war Middle East

From a telegram by the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, to Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, I.V. Stalin, 13 December 1946

Keywords: post-war order, inter-allied relations, Trieste, United Nations

From the report by the representative of the Soviet Information Bureau in Great Britain, S.N. Rostovsky, ‘On the status of Soviet propaganda in Britain’ to the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (b), 18 December 1946

Keywords: post-war USSR, propaganda

From the circular telegram by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the USSR to Soviet ambassadors on the results of the New York meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, 24 December 1946

Keywords: inter-allied relations, Paris Peace Conference, post-war order, post-war Eastern Europe, United Nations


Cabinet conclusions regarding the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin’s report of the proceedings of the Council of Ministers in New York, 2 January 1947

Keywords: post-war Germany, Italy, Yugoslavia, the Balkans, Poland, inter-allied relations

Minute from the Prime Minister, C. Attlee, to the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, concerning British policy in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, 5 January 1947

Keywords: post-war order, post-war Middle East, Iran, inter-allied relations

Cabinet conclusions on the proposed peace treaties with Italy, Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania and Finland, 6 January 1947

Keywords: Italy, the Balkans, Yugoslavia, post-war Germany, inter-allied relations

Memorandum from E. Bevin, Foreign Secretary, to C. Attlee, Prime Minister, concerning British policy in the Middle East, 9 January 1947

Keywords: post-war Middle East, Iran, United Nations, inter-allied relations, post-war Germany, post-war Asia

Handwritten Foreign Office minute by P. Dixon on British policy in the Middle East, 10 January 1947

Keywords: post-war Middle East

Note by the Foreign Office on the political and economic bases of British policy in the Middle East, 24 January 1947

Keywords: post-war Middle East, inter-allied relations

Memorandum by E. Bevin, Foreign Secretary, on British policy towards Greece and Turkey, 25 January 1947

Keywords: Greece, Turkey, inter-allied relations

Note from M. Peterson, British Ambassador in Moscow, to A. Molotov, Minister of Foreign Affairs, containing a record of the conversation between Mr Bevin and Messrs Zarubin and Kukin, dated 3 February 1947

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war Middle East, Iran, post-war Germany

Record of a conversation between Comrade I.V. Stalin and E. Bevin, Foreign Secretary, 24 March 1947

Keywords: post-war Germany, inter-allied relations, post-war Middle East, Iran, post-war Asia 

Telegram from the United Kingdom Delegation to the Council of Foreign Ministers in Moscow to the Foreign Office, London, on the subject of India, 25 March 1947

Keywords: post-war Asia, inter-allied relations

Note from Comrade Arkadiev to Comrade V. M. Molotov, remarks on Bevin’s suggestions, 30 April 1947

Keywords: post-war Western Europe, post-war Eastern Europe, inter-allied relations

Telegram from the British Ambassador in Moscow, Sir M. Peterson, to the Foreign Office, London, on Soviet policy towards Asia, 6 June 1947

Keywords: post-war Asia, India, inter-allied relations

Instructions To The Soviet Delegation At The Meeting Of Foreign Secretaries Of The USSR, Great Britain And France In Paris, dated 21 June 1947

Keywords: post-war Germany, inter-allied relations, post-war Western Europe, post-war Eastern Europe

Note handed by Comrade Avalov to Mr Bidault, 22 June 1947

Keywords: France, inter-allied relations

Telegram from V.M. Molotov to Soviet embassies in Warsaw, Prague and Belgrade, 22 June 1947

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Western Europe

Telegram from the correspondent of TASU in London concerning the results of negotiations between the British ministers and Clayton, 28 June 1947

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war Western Europe

Translation of the letter regarding members of the Labour Parliamentary delegation visiting USSR received by the Soviet Ambassador in London and forwarded to Zarubin, 8 August 1947

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe

Report by the Joint Planning Staff on the Palestine report of the United Nations Committee, 5 September 1947

Keywords: post-war Middle East

Brief prepared by the Joint Planning Staff for proposed talks in Washington on the subject of the Middle East, 26 September 1947

Keywords: post-war Middle East, inter-allied relations

Notes from the International Sub-Committee of the National Executive Committee of the Labour Party on the new Belgrade Comintern, 10 October 1947

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, inter-allied relations

Note from V. M. Molotov to Comrade V. I. Stalin, 13 October 1947

Keywords: inter-allied relations

From the diary of V.M. Molotov, record of a conversation with a delegation of the British Labour Party, 13 October 1947

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war USSR, post-war Western Europe, post-war Eastern Europe, post-war order

Memorandum from Abakumov to Comrade I. V. Stalin describing the reaction of the Labour Party delegation to their reception by Comrade Stalin, 14 October 1947

Keywords: inter-allied relations

Message from F. Gusev, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, to V.M. Molotov containing remarks and suggestions regarding the forthcoming session of the Council of Foreign Ministers in London, 17 October 1947

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war Germany, post-war order, United Nations

Memorandum to members and candidates of the political bureau of the Central Committee of VKP, record of a conversation between Comrade I.V. Stalin and a delegation from the British Labour Party, 18 October 1947

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war USSR, post-war Western Europe, post-war Eastern Europe, Cominform

Memorandum from V. Semyonov and A. Smirnov to Comrade V.M. Molotov for the forthcoming session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, 1 November 1947

Keywords: post-war Germany, inter-allied relations

Memorandum from V. Semyonov to Comrade V.M. Molotov, for the forthcoming session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, 8 November 1947

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war Germany

Paper submitted by V.I. Yerofeev for V.M. Molotov, 20 November 1947

Keywords: post-war Germany, inter-allied relations

Memorandum from V. Semyonov to Comrade V.M. Molotov for the forthcoming session of the Council of Foreign Ministers, 22 November 1947

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war Germany

Memorandum from Izakov to Comrade V.M. Molotov concerning the views of the British delegation to the forthcoming Council of Foreign Ministers, 30 November 1947

Keywords: inter-allied relations, post-war Germany


Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, on the aims of British foreign policy, dated 4 January 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Western Europe, post-war USSR

Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, outlining recommendations for future foreign publicity policy, 4 January 1948

Keywords: post-war order, post-war Western Europe, great power relations, post-war Eastern Europe

Note by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, to the Cabinet regarding the breakdown of the meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, 5 January 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations

Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, reviewing Soviet Policy, dated 5 January 1948

Keywords: post-war USSR, post-war order, great power relations, Cominform

Despatch from the British Ambassador to the Soviet Union, M. Peterson, to Prime Minister, C. Atlee: record of a conversation with the Indian Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit, dated 6 January 1948

Keywords: post-war Asia, post-war USSR

Memorandum of a Cabinet discussion on foreign policy in Europe, dated 8 January 1948

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Western Europe, post-war order

Minute by G. Jebb for Sir Orme Sargent, Permanent Under-Secretary at the Foreign Office, and other attendees of a meeting on Western Union, held in the Foreign Office, 21 January 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Western Europe, post-war order

Memorandum of a Russia Committee meeting on Cominform developments and W. Churchill’s view on Anglo-Soviet Relations, dated 29 January 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Eastern Europe, the Balkans, post-war Western Europe

Memorandum by General Montgomery for the Chiefs of Staff Committee meeting on the prospect of a future war and the strategy of war with Russia, dated 30 January 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Western Europe, post-war Eastern Europe, post-war order

Minutes of a Chiefs of Staff Committee meeting discussing future strategy of war with Russia, dated 2 February 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Western Europe

Memorandum recording a meeting between Prime Minister, C. Attlee, Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, and the Chiefs of Staff Committee, dated 4 February 1948

Keywords: post-war order, great power relations, post-war Western Europe, post-war Germany

Telegram from the Permanent Representative to the United Nations, New York, A. Cadogan, to the Permanent Under-Secretary of State, Sir Orme Sargent, on Russo-Pakistani Relations, dated 10 February 1948

Keywords: post-war order, post-war Asia

Letter from the British Embassy in Prague to Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, describing a conversation with the Czech President on the Communist threat in the country, dated 11 February 1948

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia

Telegram from Geoffrey Harrison at the British Embassy in Moscow to P. Grey, Head of the South-East Asia department of the Foreign Office, dated 19 February 1948

Keywords: post-war Asia

Cabinet memorandum by Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, containing a copy of a telegram from the British Ambassador in Prague, giving an appreciation of the present situation in Czechoslovakia, dated 27 February 1948

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia

Minute for the Private Secretary by T.S. Tull discussing Russo-Pakistan Relations, 2 March 1948

Keywords: post-war Asia

Cabinet conclusions on the Czechoslovak Crisis, dated 3 March 1948

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia

Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, on the threat of Soviet expansion, dated 3 March 1948

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Western Europe, great power relations, Comintern, post-war USSR

Cabinet conclusions on British foreign policy in Europe, 5 March 1948

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, post-war Western Europe, great power relations, post-war Asia

Memorandum outlining the Foreign Secretary E. Bevin’s vision for British foreign policy objectives, dated 5 March 1948

Keywords: post-war order, post-war USSR

Telegram from the Foreign Office, London, to the British Embassy in Washington D.C. on Norwegian-Soviet relations, 10 March 1948

Keywords: post-war Western Europe

Extract from a telegram from the UK delegation to the United Nations, New York, to the Foreign Office, London, on Soviet influence in the Czechoslovakian coup, dated 18 March 1948

Keywords: Czechoslovakia, post-war USSR, post-war Eastern Europe, United Nations, Cominform

Cabinet conclusions regarding the future of the Free Territory of Trieste, dated 22 March 1948

Keywords: Italy, Yugoslavia, great power relations

Note by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, to the Cabinet on the possible impact of the Italian elections on the Trieste issue, dated 15 April 1948

Keywords: Italy, Yugoslavia, great power relations

Telegram from the UK delegation to the United Nations, New York to the Foreign Office on American anxiety regarding Soviet policy in the Middle East, dated 27 April 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Middle East

Memorandum by J. Henniker, recording a meeting between the UK High Commissioner for Pakistan, the Minister of Finance of Pakistan and the British Foreign Secretary, dated 14 June 1948

Keywords: post-war Asia, post-war order

Note to UK Prime Minister’s Office summarising currency reform plans in the Western zones of Germany, dated 14 June 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations

Cabinet minutes on the Soviet response to the currency reform plans in Germany, dated 24 June 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany

Cabinet minutes of the update by the British Deputy Military Governor in Germany’s on the latest developments in Berlin, dated 25 June 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations

Cabinet minutes of the Foreign Secretary’s update on the latest developments in the situation in Germany, dated 28 June 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations

Commentary by G.T.C. Campbell, dated 30 June 1948, on the telegram received on 29 June 1948 from Mr Peake, British Embassy in Belgrade, to the Foreign Office on Soviet-Yugoslav relations

Keywords: Yugoslavia, the Balkans, Cominform

Telegram from the British Embassy in Belgrade to the Foreign Office, on Yugoslav-Soviet Relations, dated 30 June 1948

Keywords: Yugoslavia, the Balkans, Cominform

Minute by Mr. Wallinger for the Secretary of State providing background on the Yugoslav-Cominform dispute, dated 1 July 1948

Keywords: Yugoslavia, post-war USSR, post-war Eastern Europe

Extract from Cabinet conclusions recording the Foreign Secretary’s view on recent developments in Soviet-Yugoslav relations, dated 1 July 1948

Keywords: Yugoslavia, the Balkans, post-war Eastern Europe

Note by the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Lord Henderson, on his visit to Germany, dated 7 July 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations

Telegram from Mr. Harrison, Minister at the British Embassy in Moscow, to the Foreign Office, London, on the expulsion of Yugoslavia from Cominform, dated 8 July 1948

Keywords: Yugoslavia

Telegram from the British Embassy in Prague to the Foreign Office regarding the possibility of war with Russia in Czechoslovakia, dated 10 July 1948

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia

Telegram from J. Sterndale Bennett, Minister in the British Embassy in Sofia, to E. Bevin, Foreign Secretary, on the possible Bulgarian role in the event of military moves in the Yugoslav-Cominform dispute, dated 10 July 1948

Keywords: Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Cominform, the Balkans

Minutes of a meeting of the Russia Committee regarding the Soviet situation in Germany, dated 21 July 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations, post-war USSR

Extract from Cabinet conclusions regarding the situation in Berlin, 22 July 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations

Cabinet conclusions on Soviet policy in Europe, 26 July 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany, post-war Western Europe

Cabinet memorandum on the resignation of Dr. Beneš as President of Czechoslovakia, dated 27 July 1948

Keywords: post-war Eastern Europe, Czechoslovakia

Telegram from the British Embassy in Berlin to the Foreign Office, London, regarding the British position in Berlin, dated 10 August 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations

Cypher telegram from Molotov to Stalin on the proposed response to the British government regarding when to convene the next Council of Foreign Ministers meeting, dated 8 September 1948

Keywords: great power relations, Italy

Cabinet conclusions on developments in Berlin, dated 10 September 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations

Minutes of a meeting between E. Bevin, British Foreign Secretary, G. Marshall, US Secretary of State, and R. Schuman, Prime Minister of France, dated 21 September 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Western Europe

Telegram from the British Embassy in Prague to the Foreign Office, London, on the possibility of Soviet annexation of Czechoslovakia, dated 7 October 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Eastern Europe, post-war USSR, Czechoslovakia

Cypher Telegram from the Soviet Delegation in Paris on Bramuglia’s view on the Berlin Question, dated 12 October 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany, United Nations

Telegram from Molotov to Stalin on the proposed response to Bramuglia regarding the Berlin Question, dated 12 October 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations, United Nations

Cypher telegram by Vyshinky to Molotov containing the minutes of a phone conversation with Bramuglia regarding the Soviet response on the Berlin question, dated 14 October 1948

Keywords: United Nations, great power relations, post-war Germany

Copy of the telegram from Molotov in Paris to Vyshinsky giving instructions on the Berlin question, dated 15 October 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations

Telegram from Molotov to Stalin regarding the Soviet directive on the Berlin question, dated 15 October 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany

Cypher Telegram from Vyshinsky to I.V. Stalin outlining the questions Bramuglia intends to ask the USA, British, French and Soviet delegates during the next Security Council session, dated 15 October 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany

Note from Comrade V.M. Molotov to Comrade I.V. Stalin concerning the Berlin question at the UN Security Council, dated 16 October 1948

Keywords: United Nations, great power relations, post-war Germany

Minutes of meeting between British Ambassador Peterson to the Soviet Union and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, dated 20 October 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations, United Nations

Memorandum by Field Marshal Montgomery Regarding the Strategy for the defence of Western Europe, dated 28 October 1948

Keywords: post-war order, post-war Western Europe, great power relations

Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, regarding the Berlin elections, dated 11 November 1948

Keywords: great power relations, post-war Germany

Minutes of a Russia Committee meeting concerning the British response to Soviet policy in Europe, dated 25 November 1948

Keywords: great power relations, the Balkans, post-war order

Cabinet memorandum on the currency situation in Berlin, dated 7 December 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations

Cabinet memorandum by the Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, on further updates to the currency situation in Berlin, dated 9 December 1948

Keywords: post-war Germany, great power relations


V.M. Molotov’s Speech at the Party Conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, 6 January 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, Post-war USSR

Letter from K. Jowers, Office of the UK High Commissioner in Pakistan, to A.H. Joyce, 10 January 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, Post-war Asia

Note from A. Gromyko to V.M. Molotov regarding the plan of the article regarding the Atlantic Treaty, 15 January 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, NATO

Minutes of the meeting of the Russia Committee on Tuesday, 15 February 1949

Keywords: Greece, Yugoslavia, NATO

From First Secretary of the Soviet Embassy in Great Britain, V. Khramelashvili, a summary of British commentaries on formation of Atlantic Bloc, dated 28 February 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, Post-war Western Europe, Norway, NATO

Extract from the minutes of the meeting of the Russia Committee, 1 March 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, Yugoslavia, Post-war USSR, India

Cabinet minutes on the consequences of the Chinese Communists' advance for British relations with China, 8 March 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, China

Colonial Office Memorandum on UK policy in South-East Asia and the Far East, undated

Keywords: Post-war order, France, Post-war South East Asia, China

Foreign Office memorandum on the future of UK policy in Germany, 2 April 1949

Keywords: Inter-allied relations, Post-war Germany

Cabinet conclusions on Soviet attitudes toward Germany, 2 May 1949

Keywords: Inter-allied relations, Post-war Germany

Minutes of the meeting of the Russia Committee held on 10 May 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, Great-power relations

F.O.R.D. Memorandum on Soviet and satellite attitudes towards Israel, 15 May 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, Inter-allied relations, United Nations, Post-war USSR, Post-war Middle East

Foreign Office memorandum on Indian foreign policy, 10 September 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, India

Instructions for the USSR delegation to the fourth session of the United Nations General Assembly, 16 September 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, United Nations, Post-war Middle East, Greece, Korea

Draft of the head of delegation speech to the UN General Assembly on Anglo-American foreign policy and NATO, 16 September 1949

Keywords: United Nations, Post-war Western Europe, NATO

Memorandum from I.V. Stalin to Comrades Malenkov, Beria, Bulganin and others, 16 September 1949

Keywords: Greece

Record of a meeting between Secretary of State D. Acheson and Foreign Secretary E. Bevin on the topic of China at the State Department, Washington, 18 September 1949

Keywords: China

Resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Russia Communist Party (Bolsheviks), 23 September 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, Great-power relations

Report by Joint Intelligence Committee entitled ‘The implications of a communist success in China’, 30 September 1949

Keywords: Post-war Asia, China

Memorandum by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, E. Bevin, on United Kingdom policy in South-East Asia and the Far East, 18 October 1949

Keywords: Post-war order, Post-war Asia, Post-war Middle East

Foreign Office memorandum on the recognition of the Chinese Communist government, 18 November 1949

Keywords: Post-war Asia, China

Telegram from Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, to British Embassy in Washington D.C., 16 December 1949

Keywords: Post-war Asia, China


Note from Foreign Minister of the USSR, A. Vyshinsky, and Minister of Foreign Trade of the USSR, M. Menshikov, to I.V. Stalin on the planned Soviet withdrawal from the Russo-British Chamber of Commerce, 12 January 1950

Keywords: Post-war USSR

Letter from Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations of the VKP (b), V. Grigorian, to Minister for Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V.M. Molotov, with a short note of instruction added by V.M. Molotov at the end of the document, 14 May 1950

Keywords: propaganda, post-war USSR

Letter from Permanent Representative of the USSR to the United Nations, A. Gromyko, to I.V. Stalin, 29 May 1950

Keywords: post-war Middle East, United Nations

Cabinet conclusions on the role of Communist imperialism in the invasion of South Korea, 27 June 1950

Keywords: Korea, United Nations, Asia

Protocol of the Meeting of the Board of the Foreign Ministry of the USSR, 29 June 1950

Keywords: India

Draft order in preparation for a possible Soviet air attack on Britain from Secretary of State for Defence, E. Shinwell, to Prime Minister, C. Attlee, 19 July 1950

Keywords: post-war USSR

Minutes from a Cabinet Meeting regarding Korea, 20 July 1950

Keywords: Korea

Cabinet paper on the Soviet position in Korea, 31 August 1950

Keywords: Korea, United Nations

Cabinet memorandum by Secretary of State for Defence, E. Shinwell, on trade restrictions against the Soviet bloc and China in response to the Korean War, 31 August 1950

Keywords: Korea, China

Memorandum by Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, E. Bevin, on China’s intervention in Korea, 10 November 1950

Keywords: China, Korea

Cabinet conclusions on China’s intervention in the Korean War, 29 November 1950

Keywords: United Nations, Korea, China

Memorandum by E. Bevin entitled ‘Soviet Proposal for a Meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers’ and accompanying Annex C on the proposed reply to the Soviet note suggesting a meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, 2 December 1950

Keywords: Post-war order, Post-war Western Europe, great power relations

Record of a meeting of the British Prime Minster, C. Atlee, British Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, with the French Prime Minister, R. Pleven and French Minister for Foreign Affairs, R. Schuman, 2 December 1950

Keywords: Post-war Western Europe, NATO


Minutes of a conversation between I. V. Stalin and General Secretary of the Communist Party of Great Britain, H. Pollitt, translated and minuted by V. Pavlov, 5 January 1951

Keywords: International communist movement, Post-war USSR

Conclusions of the Cabinet meeting regarding defence, 15 January 1951

Keywords: Great – power relations, military threat

Conclusions of a cabinet meeting regarding defence, 25 January 1951

Keywords: Post-war order, post-war USSR, military threat

Letter from Foreign Secretary, E. Bevin, to Deputy-Under Secretary of State at the Foreign Office, F. Roberts, 27 February 1951

Keywords: India

Note from Chairman of the Foreign Policy Commission of the Central Committee of the VKP (b), V. Grigorian, to V.M. Molotov, enclosing a note regarding the exchange of delegations between public organisations of the Soviet Union and Britain in 1950, 28 February 1951

Keywords: Post-war USSR, Trade unions

Politburo directive to the Soviet Ambassador to Iran, I. V. Sadchikov, chastising him for deviating from instructions, dated 25 October 1951

Keywords: Iran

Note from Chairman of the Foreign Policy Commission of the Central Committee of the VKP (b), V. Grigorian, to V.M. Molotov regarding British parliamentary elections, 6 December 1951

Keywords: British elections

Note from Chairman of the Foreign Policy Commission of the Central Committee of the VKP (b), V. Grigorian, to V.M. Molotov, enclosing the translation of a letter from Chairman of the French Peace Council, Y. Farge, to Chairman of the Soviet Peace Council, N. Tikhonov, and the draft of Tikhonov’s response, 22–26 December 1951

Keywords: Trade relations

Note from Chairman of the Foreign Policy Commission of the Central Committee of the VKP (b), V. Grigorian, to V.M. Molotov, enclosing a note from the Foreign Policy Commission regarding the British economy, 28 December 1951

Keywords: Economy, Arms race


Documents submitted to Comrade V.M. Molotov, 13 Jan 1952

Keywords: United Nations, China, Germany

Letter from the Head of II European Section at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the USSR, V. Pavlov, to Comrade Ponomarev, 28 January 1952

Keywords: Economy

Documents submitted to V.M. Molotov, 31 Jan 1952

Keywords: Germany

Documents submitted to V.M. Molotov, 2 Feb 1952

Keywords: Economy

Documents submitted to V.M. Molotov, 23 March 1952

Keywords: Middle East

Documents submitted to V.M. Molotov, 7 April 1952

Keywords: India

Cypher Telegram from Paul Grey, British Embassy in Moscow to UK Foreign Office, distributed to: Northern Department, China and Korea Department, Information Research Department and Permanent Under-Secretary’s Department (Mr. Falla), 12 April 1952

Keywords: Academic cooperation

Telegram from P. Grey, British Embassy in Moscow, to A. Eden, UK Prime Minister, 15 April 1952

Keywords: Moscow International Economic Conference

Report from Undersecretary for Overseas Trade at Commercial Relations and Exports Department, Board of Trade, R.J.W. Stacey, to the Foreign Office, copied to D. Wright, 18 April 1952

Keywords: Trade relations

Telegram from UK Foreign Office Northern Department to Commercial Department, British Embassy, Paris, 14 May 1952

Keywords: Moscow International Economic Conference 

Documents submitted to V.M. Molotov, 24 May 1952

Keywords: Middle East

Documents submitted to Comrade V.M. Molotov, Foreign Minister Molotov, 28 May 1952

Keywords: Sudan

Documents submitted to V.M. Molotov, 31 May 1952

Keywords: Moscow International Economic Conference

Documents submitted to Cde. V.M. Molotov, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 10 June 1952

Keywords: Middle East

Stenographic record of a reception for English writers at the Union of Soviet Writers, chaired by Comrade A. A. Surkov, 1 July 1952

Keywords: Cultural exchanges


Report from British Ambassador to the Soviet Union, Sir Alvary Gascoigne, to Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, A. Eden, describing public’s reaction in Moscow to Stalin’s death, 16 March 1953

Keywords: Stalin’s death

Foreign Office memorandum on Soviet policies after Stalin’s death, 9 April 1953

Keywords: post-war order, post-war USSR, Stalin’s death, China, Post-Stalin leadership

Cabinet conclusions concerning the Soviet proposal for a Five-Power peace pact, 28 April 1953

Keywords: post-war order, great-power relations, Stalin’s death, Post-Stalin leadership

From the Diary of Soviet Ambassador to Great Britain, Ya. A.  Malik, transcript of an interview with Prime Minister, W. Churchill, dated 30 June 1953

Keywords: Great-power relations, post-war order, post-war Eastern Europe, Post-Stalin leadership

Extract from the Cabinet memorandum by the Acting Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs regarding British policy towards the Soviet Union and Germany, 3 July 1953

Keywords: Great – power relations

Quarterly report on the Soviet Union, from British Ambassador to the Soviet Union, A. Gascoigne, to Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, Lord Salisbury, dated 13 July 1953

Keywords: Post-war order, Post-war Eastern Europe, Post-war Western Europe, Post-Stalin leadership, Korea, Post-war Germany

Telegram from the Commonwealth Relations Office to U.K. High Commissioners in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, India, Pakistan and Ceylon, dated 18 July 1953

Keywords: post-war order, Beria’s downfall, Post-Stalin leadership

From the Diary of Soviet Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Ya. A. Malik, record of the conversation with the Vice-President of India, S. Radhakrishnan, dated 26 July 1953

Keywords: Post-war order, Post-war Asia, Africa

Letter from Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, J. Colville, to Private Secretary to Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, C. Shuckburgh, 27 July 1953

Keywords: Post-war Eastern Europe, Hungary, Beria’s downfall, Post-Stalin leadership

From the diary of Soviet Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Ya. A. Malik, record of a conversation with the Czechoslovak Ambassador, J. Ullrich, dated 5 August 1953

Keywords: Great – power relations, Post-war USSR, British Commonwealth

Letter from Private Secretary to the Prime Minister, J. Colville, to Private Secretary to Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, C. Shuckburgh, dated 6 August 1953

Keywords: Post-Stalin leadership

Telegram from British Ambassador to the Soviet Union, A. Gascoigne, to the Foreign Office, 9 August 1953

Keywords: Post-war order, United Nations, NATO, Post – Stalin leadership

From the Diary of Soviet Ambassador to Great Britain, Ya.A. Malik, record of a conversation with the State Minister of Great Britain, Selwyn Lloyd, dated 21 August 1953

Keywords: United Nations, Post-war Asia, China, Korea

From the Diary of Soviet Ambassador to the United Kingdom, Ya.A. Malik: record of the conversation with a Member of Parliament from the Conservative Party, Colonel Soames, dated 21 August 1953

Keywords: Post-war order, Post-war Asia, United Nations, Korea, great – power relations

Report from the Minister at the British Embassy in Moscow, P. Grey, to the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations, Lord Salisbury, on Soviet foreign policy, dated 8 October 1953

Keywords: Post-war USSR, post-Stalin leadership, Post-war order

Quarterly report on the Soviet Union from British Ambassador to the Soviet Union, W. Hayter, to Foreign Secretary, A. Eden, 19 October 1953

Keywords: Post-war USSR, Post-war Germany, Korea, Post-Stalin leadership, great-power relations, China

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