China Foresight Forum

The Forum comprises a wide range of expertise on China. Through a series of publications and public events, the China Foresight Forum aims to contribute to public discussion on China and aid the creation of informed UK foreign policy on China.

At this critical moment in history, China is simply too important to be left to those whose starting point either seems to be that China can do no wrong or has become the primary source of all the world's troubles. In an age of a pandemic we need to generate much less heat and far more light when it comes to discussing a country whose actions at home and abroad will increasingly impact on us all as we move ever deeper into the 21st century

Professor Michael Cox, Senior Academic Adviser to the China Foresight Forum

Professor Christopher Alden, Professor of International Relations, LSE IDEAS

Gordon Barrass, Visiting Professor, LSE IDEAS

Hannah Bretherton, Member Engagement & Project Manager, Australia-United Kingdom Chamber of Commerce; Affiliate, Lau China Institute

Professor William Callahan, Professor of International Relations, LSE

Professor Michael Cox, Senior Academic Adviser

Professor Kent Deng, Professor of Economic History, LSE

Charles Dunst, Associate, LSE IDEAS

Jonathan Fenby, Associate, LSE IDEAS

Carrie Gracie, Senior Journalist, BBC

Patrick Horgan, Director of Government Relations, Rolls Royce

Sir Christopher Hum, Life Fellow, University of Cambridge

Nigel Inkster, Senior Advisor, IISS

Dr Yu Jie, Senior Research Fellow, Chatham House

Guy de Jonquieres, Senior Fellow, European Centre for International Political Economy

Charlotte Lenz

Professor Jonathan Liebenau, Professor of Management, LSE

Michael Maclay, LSE IDEAS

George Magnus, Research Associate, Oxford University China Centre

Sir David Manning, Senior Advisor, Chatham House

Dr Alvaro Mendez, Co-Director LSE Global South Unit—Senior Associate Fellow at LSE IDEAS; Adjunct Professor at Fudan University and Sciences Po Paris

Dr Bingchun Meng, Associate Professor and Deputy Head of the Department of Media and Communications, LSE            

Charles Parton, Senior Associate Fellow, RUSI

Gideon Rachman, Chief Foreign Affairs Columnist, Financial Times

Nadia Schadlow, Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute

Lutfey Siddiqi, Visiting Professor in Practice, LSE IDEAS

Dr Xin Sun, Lecturer in Chinese and East Asian Business, KCL

Anthony Vinci, Adjunct Senior Fellow, Center for a New American Security

Dr Leslie Vinjamuri, Director, US and the Americas Programme, Chatham House & Reader in International Relations, SOAS

Geoffrey Yu, Associate at LSE IDEAS and Senior Market Strategist at Bank of New York Mellon

Valentin Weber, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP)

Bruno Binetti, PhD Candidate in International Relations at LSE and non-resident fellow at the Inter-American Dialogue