
Catch up with our past events which feature key policy makers and academics on China and foreign policy


The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: a flashpoint of regional competition
Monday 30 May 2022

The China-Pakistan Economic Corridor offers Pakistan with abundant economic opportunities to ease out its financial distress and provides China with another opening in Indian Ocean through Gwadar. LSE IDEAS Jinnah Fellow Dr Seema Khan discusses why the CPEC has remained the subject of intense scrutiny, criticism and pivot of regional politics.

Sinostan: China's inadvertent empire in Central Asia
Wednesday 6 April 2022

Raffaello Pantucci and Professor Chris Alden discuss China's foreign policy in Central Asia, and what it can tell about China’s transformative vision for how international affairs should be shaped.

Meet the Leader: Michele Wucker
Thursday 31 March 2022

Michele Wucker speaks with Lutfey Sidiqqi as part of the Meet the Leader series, hosted by LSE IDEAS’ Alumni Network and China Foresight.

Financial Cold War? A View of Sino-US Relations from the Financial Markets
Thursday 10 March 2022

Joyce Chang, James A. Fok and Lutfey Siddiqi discuss US-China competition from the perspective of the financial markets.

China and the Arctic: energy finance, history and regional governance
Wednesday 23 February 2022

Catch up on the final China-Arctic panel from LSE IDEAS and UiT on the role of Chinese finance and energy investments and their implications for regional governance.

The US, China and the Global Race to Dominate Blockchain and Crypto Technologies
Tuesday 22 February

With growing state interests in ‘blockchain’ and ‘cryptocurrency’, the panel discusses the capabilities and potential uses of these technologies for domestic and foreign policy.

Chinese Diplomacy: from peaceful rise to wolf warriors
Thursday 3 February

What are the origins of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy and how successful has it been to date? What are its consequences for China’s growing international engagement going forward? Following the publication of Peter Martin’s book, China’s Civilian Army: The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy, LSE IDEAS' China Foresight project hosts a webinar to analyse the evolution of Chinese diplomacy and its global implications.



China and the Arctic: Great Power competition, security and regional responses
Thursday 21 October 2021

This webinar covered China’s security and diplomatic engagement in the Arctic, and exploring commensurate regional responses.

China's Environmental Foreign Relations
Thursday 30 September 2021

Ahead of COP26 in November, LSE IDEAS' China Foresight Project, the Grantham Research Institute at LSE, and LSE's Department of International Relations co-host a panel discussing the evolution of China’s own understanding of the environment, the role of domestic stakeholders in shaping Chinese environmental diplomacy and Beijing’s role in the upcoming COP26.

17+1: China's Foreign Policy in Central Europe
Friday 28 May 2021

Once the beacon of Chinese influence in Central and Eastern Europe, the 17+1 project has largely proved ineffective. How will Chinese diplomacy fare in a post-Covid world where transatlantic cooperation seems to be re-emerging?

China and the Arctic: Critical Minerals, Environmental Politics and Climate Change
Thursday 13 May 2021

The first LSE IDEAS-UiT panel of China and the Arctic focuses on Beijing’s climate policy vis-à-vis the region, critical resource mining and great power responsibility.

Empire and Righteous Nation: Past, present and future of China-Korea relations
16 March 2021

This panel seeks to untangle the history of Korea’s relationship with China and, given that Sino-Korean relations will be of crucial importance in the future, build on this knowledge to recognize new opportunities, or avoid false paths, over the years to come.

2021: A Pivotal Year for China's Financial System?
9 March 2021

2021 may mark a turning point in the global standing of China’s financial system. From the digital yuan, to financial services liberalisation and US treasuries purchases, this panel seeks to explore key trends and place these in an increasingly fraught geopolitical context.


US-China Great Power Competition: a new cold war?
28 October 2020

The nature of great power competition in the 21st century will shape the world. Are we in a new cold war between the US and China? 

China in One Country? Autarky, decoupling, and its implications
11 June 2020

Facing international upheaval due to COVID-19, and an increasingly hostile West, some speculate that China may experience a semi-Stalinist turn inward, and widespread technological and economic decoupling from the rest of the world. What is the truth behind these speculations, what is the internal debate within China, and what might this mean for China and indeed for the international community?

China in One Country? Autarky, decoupling, and its implications
June 2020

Facing international upheaval due to COVID-19, and an increasingly hostile West, some speculate that China may experience a semi-Stalinist turn inward, and widespread technological and economic decoupling from the rest of the world. What is the truth behind these speculations, what is the internal debate within China, and what might this mean for China and indeed for the international community?

Made in China 2025: avoiding the middle-income development trap
March 2020

This panel discusses the challenges that China faces in avoiding the ‘middle-income trap’ of development and how this aims to be avoided through the ‘Made in China 2025’ industrial strategy.


Redefining cross-strait relations: Taiwan elections 2020
November 2019

With the Taiwan elections approaching in January 2020, there grows a stirring, yet precarious, potential of a redefining shift in the nation’s foreign policy.

China's Peaceful Rise and the Thucydides Trap
January 2019

China first proposed a “peaceful rise” as early as by the end of 2003. As China emerged as a major economic and political power, however, there has been increasing concern regarding the role it plays in international trade and affairs over the last decade. In particular, a pivotal question about the world order in the present day is whether China and the United States can escape Thucydides Trap.


Clash of the Titans? China-US Relations from Nixon to Trump
December 2016

When Nixon opened a door to China in 1972  the world was turned upside down for ever. But what is the state of the US-China relationship nearly fifty years on? Margaret Macmillan and Christopher Coker discuss the past, present, and future of arguably the most significant relationship of the modern era.

The Decline of the West in the New Asian Century?
October 2016

Financial Times columnist Gideon Rachman and experts from LSE IDEAS discussed his new book Easternisation, debating how far Asia's growing wealth will move the international balance of power away from the West, Chinese nationalism, and the US-China competition for allies in Asia.

UK-China: Stocks, Shakespeare, and Satellites
March 2016

British Ambassador to China Barbara Woodward on the 'Golden Era' of UK-China relations, the importance of public diplomacy, and building a strategic partnership.

Private events

ICBCS and LSE IDEAS Belt and Road Initiative roundtable series - Which Emerging Markets will gain?

ICBC Standard Bank and LSE IDEAS are co-hosting a series of private discussions, bringing together leading experts from academic, policymaking and business communities to fully explore the global economic and financial impact of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The second explored the opportunities for emerging economies.

ICBCS and LSE IDEAS Belt and Road Initiative Roundtable series - Can BRI bring China and Russia together?

ICBC Standard Bank and LSE IDEAS are co-hosting a series of private discussions, bringing together leading experts from academic, policymaking and business communities to fully explore the global economic and financial impact of China's Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The first focused on how the BRI programme will impact China's relations with Russia.

The New Silk Routes: How is infrastructure reconnecting Asia? 
LSE IDEAS-LSE Department for International Relations event

China’s recent revival of the historic ‘Silk Road’ has captured the imaginations of both policymakers and business leaders. At this event, representatives from the Reconnecting Asia project at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) in Washington DC explained their ambitious initiative to map infrastructure projects across Eurasia.

China, Brexit, & the EU: Challenges, Uncertainties, & Opportunities?

This China Foresight-Dahrendorf Forum workshop explored strategic aspects of China-EU relations and how the Brexit debate will impact the newly revived bilateral relationship between Beijing and London. Included speakers from the Italian Foreign Ministry and the French Embassy.