203. Athanasia Chalari, Cultural identities among Greek Diaspora in the UK, December 2024
202. Revecca Pedi and Iannis Konstantinidis, Small States Navigating Shelters and Political Shocks: The Republic of Cyprus Between EU Sanctions and Multivector Foreign Policy, November 2024
201. Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert and Antigone Heraclidou, Re-framing Photographic Archives: archaeology and colonial Cyprus, October 2024
200. Konstantinos Mavrigiannakis, Stelios Sakkas, EU Sanctions on Russia and Implications for a Small Open Economy: the case of Cyprus, September 2024
199. Emmanuel C Mamatzakis, High Greek Bank Net Interest Margins, Recapitalisations and Competition, August 2024
198. George Alogoskoufis, Before and After the Political Transition of 1974 Institutions, Politics, and the Economy of Post-War Greece, July 2024
197. Emmanouil Pikoulis, Ioannis Vardakastanis, Evika Karamagioli, Evangelia Kallimani and Eleni-Panagiota Stoupa, Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Disaster Risk Management after the COVID-19 Pandemic: an exploratorystudy in the Greek context, June 2024
196. Katerina Sideri and Eleni Chanania, Vaccination Mandates for Hesitant Healthcare Workers and the Science Advice System in Greece: a hermeneutic approach to public policy, May 2024
*this paper is available upon request from the author*
195. Spyros Economides, Konstantinos Karamanlis and Leadership in Foreign Policy, April 2024
194. George Economides, Giota Koliousi, Natasha Miaouli, and Apostolis Philippopoulos, From Debt Arithmetic to Fiscal Sustainability and Fiscal Rules: taking stock and policy lessons, March 2024
193. Sofia Anyfantaki, Yannis Caloghirou, Konstantinos Dellis, Aikaterini Karadimitropoulou, and Filippos Petroulakis, The Need for an Industrial Policy for long-term Growth, February 2024
192. Agni Poullikka, The 2013 Cypriot Banking Crisis and Blame Attribution: survey evidence from the first application of a bail-in in the Eurozone, January 2024
191. Olga Demetriou, Forms of Activism on Refugee Protection in a British Overseas Territory: conventional, contentious, cultural, December 2023
190. Roula Nezi, Georgios Karyotis and Iakovos Makropoulos, Culture Wars? Assessing the Impact of Affective Polarisation on Cultural Battles, November 2023
189. George Alogoskoufis, The Twin Deficits, Monetary Instability and Debt Crises in the History of Modern Greece, October 2023
188. Theofanis Exadaktylos, Nikolaos Zahariadis, and Maria Mavrikou, Reforms in Health Policy during the Greek Bailout: what makes reform successful and why?, September 2023
187. Daniel M. Knight, Chronic Crisis and the Psychosocial in Central Greece, August 2023
186. Christos Genakos, Ioannis Kaplanis, Maria Theano Tagaraki, and Aggelos Tsakanikas, Firm Resilience and Growth during the Economics Crisis: lessons from the Greek depression, July 2023
185. Svetoslav Danchev, Georgios Gatopoulos, Niki Kalavrezou and Nikolaos Vettas, Intergenerational Mobility in Education in Greece: an exploration into socioeconomic determinants of students’ performance and future career plans before, during and after the crisis, June 2023
184. George Alogoskoufis, The State and the Economy of Modern Greece Key Drivers from 1821 to the Present, May 2023
183. Nicos Trimikliniotis, Myria Georgiou, Erol Kaymak, Afroditi-Maria Koulaxi, Melis Mevsimler, Giorgos Charalambous, Vassilis Tsianos, Corina Demetriou, Ari Sitas, Michelangelo Anastasiou, and Emmanuel Achiri, Mobile Citizenship, States of Exception and (non)Border Regimes in the Pandemic and Post-Covid19 Cyprus, April 2023
182. Sokratis Koniordos and Dimitri A. Sotiropoulos, The Paradoxes and Mixed Record of Culture Wars in Contemporary Greece, March 2023
181. Yannis Maniatis, Haris Doukas and Emmanuel Karagiannis, A Greek Green Deal: building energy democracy and fighting energy poverty, February 2023
180. Gikas Hardouvelis and Dimitri Vayanos, The Greek Economic Crisis and the Banks, January 2023
179. Marilena Paraskeva, The Covid-19 Anti-vaccination Movement in Cyprus: an investigation of its discourses (AMID), December 2022
178. Antonis Pastellopoulos, Cypriotism as a Political Ideology: critical contributions and conceptual limitations, December 2022
177. Angelos Angelopoulos, George Economides, George Liontos, Apostolis Philippopoulos, Stelios Sakkas, Public Redistributive Policies in General Equilibrium: an application to Greece, November 2022
176. Dimitris Katsikas, Crisis, Clientelism and Institutional Resilience: reflections on a public sector reform under the MoUs, October 2022
175. Petros Kosmas, Antonis Theocharous, Elias Ioakimoglou, Petros Giannoulis, Leonidas Vatikiotis, Maria Panagopoulou, Lamprianos Lamprianou, Hristo Andreev and Aggeliki Vatikioti, Mapping and Measuring the Phenomenon of Precariousness in Cyprus: challenges and implications, September 2022
174. Nasia Hadjigeorgiou, The Invisible Impact of Frozen Conflicts: A case study of foreign domestic workers in Cyprus, August 2022
173. Dimitrios Karamanis, Defence partnerships, military expenditure, investment, and economic growth: an analysis in PESCO countries, July 2022
172. Cyrille Lenoël, Corrado Macchiarelli, Garry Young, Greece 2010-18: What could we have done differently?, June 2022
171. Ilias Livanos and Evi Tzika, Precarious employment in Greece: Economic crisis, labour market flexibilisation, and vulnerable workers, May 2022
170. Theodoros Rakopoulos, On Divisionism and Cypriotism: the civic languages of the Cyprus Problem, April 2022
169. Ritsa Panagiotou and Nikolaos Tzifakis, Deciphering the Greek Economic Diplomacy towards the Western Balkans: actors, processes, challenges, March 2022
168. Diomidis Spinellis, Athanasia Pouloudi, George Xirogiannis, Evmorfia Makantasi, Intelligent modeling of e-Government initiatives in Greece, February 2022
167. Lamprini Rori, Vasiliki Georgiadou and Costas Roumanias, Political violence in Greece through the PVGR database: evidence from the far right and the far left, January 2022
166. Eleni Theodorou, Spyros Spyrou, and Georgina Christou,There is no Plan(et) B: youth activism in the fight against climate change in Cyprus, December 2021
165. Raphael Ntentas, Quantifying Political Populism and Examining the Link with Economic Insecurity: evidence from Greece, November 2021
164. Pantelis Kammas, Argyris Sakalis, Vassilis Sarantides, Pudding, Plague and Education: trade and human capital formation in an agrarian economy, October 2021
163. Fotios Fitsilis and Stelios Stavridis, The Hellenic Parliament’s use of digital media in its response to the 2019 Turkey-Libya Memorandum of Understanding on maritime boundaries in the Mediterranean Sea: a preliminary assessment, September 2021
162. Chrysoula Papalexatou, The Evolution of Bank–State Ties under Economic Adjustment Programmes: the case of Greece, August 2021
161. Ioanna Katsounari, Phivos Phylactou and Helena Heracleous, No Lost Generation: refugee children education in Cyprus, July 2021
160. Maria Karadima and Helen Louri, Determinants of Non-Performing Loans in Greece: the intricate role of fiscal expansion, June 2021
159. Gikas A. Hardouvelis, Financial Crisis and Non-performing Exposures in Greece, May 2021
158. George Alogoskoufis, Historical Cycles of the Economy of Modern Greece from 1821 to the Present, April 2021
157. Vassilis Arapoglou, Nikos Karadimitriou, Thomas Maloutas and John Sayas, Multiple Deprivation in Athens: a legacy of persisting and deepening spatial division, March 2021
156. Georgios Gatopoulos, Alexandros Louka, Ioannis Polycarpou and Nikolaos Vettas, Evaluating the Impact of Labour Market Reforms in Greece during 2010-2018, February 2021
155. Athanasios Kolliopoulos, Reforming the Greek Financial System: a decade of failure, January 2021
154. Konstantinos Dellis, Knowledge Diffusion and Financial Development Thresholds, December 2020
153. Charalambos Tsekeris, Nicolas Demertzis, Apostolos Linardis, Katerina Iliou, Dimitra Kondyli, Amalia Frangiskou and Olga Papaliou, Investigating the Internet in Greece: findings from the World Internet Project, November 2020
152. George Economides, Dimitris Papageorgiou and Apostolis Philippopoulos, Macroeconomic Policy Lessons for Greece, October 2020
Special Issue edited by Vassilis Monastiriotis and Philipp Katsinas, The Economic Impact of COVID-19 in Greece, September 2020
151. Sotiris K. Papaioannou, Political Instability and Economic Growth at Different Stages of Economic Development: historical evidence from Greece, August 2020
150. Eirini Andriopoulou, Eleni Kanavitsa, Chrysa Leventi and Panos Tsakloglou, The Distributional Impact of Recurrent Immovable Property Taxation in Greece, July 2020
149. Eirini Andriopoulou, Eleni Kanavitsa and Panos Tsakloglou, Decomposing Poverty in Hard Times: Greece 2007-2016, June 2020
148. Athanasios Kolliopoulos, The Determinants of Bank Bailouts in Greece: testing the extreme limits of the “Varieties of Financial Capitalism” framework, May 2020
147. Konstantinos Chisiridis, Kostas Mouratidis
and Theodore Panagiotidis, The North-South Divide, the Euro and the World, April 2020
146. Georgios Efthyvoulou, Pantelis Kammas and Vassilis Sarantides, Gender Voting Gap in the Dawn of Urbanization: evidence from a quasi-experiment with Greek special elections, March 2020
145. Manto Lampropoulou and Stella Ladi, The Role and Performance of Independent Regulatory Agencies in Post-Crisis Greece, February 2020
144. Kelly Benetatou and Yannis Katsoulacos, Legal Standards and Economic Analysis in Antitrust Enforcement: An Empirical Investigation for the Case of Greece, January 2020
143. Angelos Angelou, Preference and Policy Formation in International Bureaucracies during Crises: Evidence from the European Commission’s Policies on Debt-Management, December 2019
142. Persefoni Zeri, Charalambos Tsekeris and Theodore Tsekeris, The social power dynamics of post-truth politics:How the Greek youth perceives the “powerful” foreignersand constructs the image of the European partners, November 2019
141. Ioannis Laliotis, Did the Economic Adjustment Programmes Deliver Wage Flexibility in Greece?, October 2019
140. Özgün Sarımehmet Duman, Class struggle over absolute surplus value strategies inGreece: Initial response to the post-2008 economic crisis, September 2019
139. Calliope Spanou, Competing Frames, Domestic Discretion and Uneven Outcomes: Administrative Reform in Greece under the Crisis, August 2019
138. Theodore Panagiotidis and Panagiotis Printzis, What is the Investment Loss due to Uncertainty?, July 2019
137. Ioannis Laliotis, Mujaheed Shaikh, Charitini Stavropoulou,Dimitrios Kourouklis, Retirement and Household Expenditure in Turbulent Times, June 2019
136. George Alogoskoufis, Greece and the Euro: A Mundellian Tragedy, May 2019
135. Helen Louri and Petros Migiakis, Financing economic activity in Greece: Past challenges and future prospects, April 2019
134. Vassilis Monastiriotis and Angello Martelli, Crisis, adjustment and resilience in the Greek labour market: an unemployment decomposition approach, March 2019
133. Christos Axioglou and Nicos Christodoulakis, Which firms survive in a crisis? Corporate dynamics in Greece 2001-2014, February 2019
*A later version of this paper was published as Which firms survive in a crisis? Investigating Gibrat’s Law in Greece 2001–2014, Christos Axioglou, Nicos Christodoulakis, Journal of Industrial and Business Economics,
132. Anna Tsiftsoglou, Greece after the Memoranda: A Constitutional Retrospective, January 2019
131. Andreas Georgiadis, Ioannis Kaplanis and Vassilis Monastiriotis, The Impact of Minimum Wages on Wages and Employment: Evidence from Greece, December 2018
130. George Pagoulatos, Greece after the Bailouts: Assessment of a Qualified Failure, November 2018
129. Rebekka Christopoulou, Maria Pantalidou, Who saved Greek youth? Parental support to young adults during the great recession, October 2018
128. Antigone Lyberaki, Platon Tinios, Long-term Care, Ageing and Gender in the Greek crisis, September 2018
127. Persefoni Zeri, Charalambos Tsekeris, Theodore Tsekeris, Investigating the Macedonia Naming Dispute in the Twitter Era: Implications for the Greek Identity Crisis, July 2018
126. Roumanias Costas, Skouras Spyros, Christodoulakis Nikos Crisis and Extremism: Can a Powerful Extreme Right Emerge in a Modern Democracy? Evidence from Greece’s Golden Dawn, June 2018
*A later version of this paper was published as Crisis and extremism. How does an extreme far right emerge in a modern democracy? Evidence from Greece’s Golden Dawn, Costas Roumanias, Spyros Skouras & Nicos Christodoulakis, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 15 June 2020
125. Christopoulou Rebekka, Vassilis Monastiriotis, Did the crisis make the Greek economy less inefficient? Evidence from the structure and dynamics of sectoral premia, May 2018
124. Glyniadaki Katerina, Judge, Nudge, or Engage? Gender-related pressures and responses among street-level bureaucrats working with migrants, April 2018
123. Chalari Athanasia, Serifi Panagiota, The ‘Crisis Generation’: the effect of the Greek Crisis on Youth Identity formation, March 2018
122. Christopoulou Rebekka, Pantalidou Maria, The parental home as labour market insurance for young Greeks during the crisis, February 2018
121. Stavridis Stelios, Greek parliamentarians and Greek foreign policy (2004-2014), January 2018
120. Huliaras Asteris, Sotiropoulos Dimitris, The crisis in Greece: The semi-rentier state hypothesis, January 2018
119. Zafiropoulou Maria, Pérez Alejandro, Christodoulopoulou Archontia, Peeva Radina, Marini Ioanna, Winners and Losers of the Greek Crisis as a Result of a Double Fragmentation and Exclusion: a Discourse Analysis of Greek Civil Society, December 2017
118.Chryssogelos Angelos, Still Europeanised? Greek Foreign Policy During the Eurozone Crisis, November 2017
117. Paraskevopoulos Christos J., Varieties of capitalism, quality of government, and policy conditionality in Southern Europe: Greece and Portugal in comparative perspective, October 2017
116. Andriopoulou Eirini, Karakitsios Alexandros, Tsakloglou Panos, Inequality and Poverty in Greece: Changes in Times of Crisis, October 2017
115. Hatgioannides John, Karanassou Marika, Sala Hector, Karanasos Menelaos, Koutroumpis Panagiotis, The Legacy of a Fractured Eurozone: the Greek Dra(ch)ma, September 2017
114. Voskeritsian Horen, Veliziotis Michail, Kapotas Panos, Kornelakis Andreas, Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Social Partners and Reforms in the Wage-Setting System in Greece under Austerity, September 2017
113. Karanasos Menelaos G., Koutroumpis Panagiotis D., Hatgioannides John, Karanassou Marika, Sala Hector, The Greek Dra(ch)ma: 5 Years of Austerity. The Three Economists' View and a Comment, August 2017
112. Kiriazis Theo, The European Deposit Insurance in Perspective, August 2017
111. Chisiridis Konstantinos, Panagiotidis Theodore, The Relationship Between Greek Exports and Foreign Regional Income, July 2017
110. Magioglou Thalia, Representations of Democracy for Young Adults in Greece before and during the Crisis: cultural dualism revisited through an over-time qualitative study, June 2017 (Not available online due to copyright restrictions)
109. Kammas Pantelis, Sarantides Vassilis, Democratisation and tax structure: Greece versus Europe from a historical perspective, May 2017
*A later version of this paper was published as Democratisation and tax structure in the presence of home production: Evidence from the Kingdom of Greece, Pantelis Kammas & Vassilis Sarantides, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 177, September 2020, Pages 219-236
108. Tsekeris Charalambos, Ntali Evdokia, Koutrias Apostolos and Chatzoulis Athena, Boomerang Kids in Contemporary Greece: Young People's Experience of Coming Home Again, March 2017
107. Theologos Dergiades, Eleni Mavragani, Bing Pan, Arrivals of Tourists in Cyprus Mind the Web Search Intensity, February 2017
106. Kougias Konstantinos, ‘Real’ Flexicurity Worlds in action: Evidence from Denmark and Greece, January 2017
105. Jordaan Jacob A., Monastiriotis Vassilis, The domestic productivity effects of FDI in Greece: loca(lisa)tion matters!, December 2016
104. Monokroussos Platon, Thomakos Dimitrios D., Alexopoulos Thomas A., The Determinants of Loan Loss Provisions: An Analysis of the Greek Banking System in Light of the Sovereign Debt Crisis, November 2016
103. Halikiopoulou Daphne, Nanou Kyriaki, Vasilopoulou Sofia,Changing the policy agenda? The impact of the Golden Dawn on Greek party politics, October 2016
102. Chalari Athanasia, Sealey Clive, Webb Mike, A Comparison of Subjective Experiences and Responses to Austerity of UK and Greek Youth, September 2016
101.Monokroussos Platon, Thomakos Dimitrios D. and Alexopoulos Thomas A., Explaining Non-Performing Loans in Greece: A Comparative Study on the Effects of Recession and Banking Practices, August 2016
100. Gourinchas Pierre-Olivier, Philippon Thomas, Vayanos Dimitri, The Analytics of the Greek Crisis, July 2016
99. Labrianidis Lois, Pratsinakis Manolis, Greece’s new Emigration at times of Crisis, May 2016
98. Vasilaki Rosa, Policing the crisis in Greece: The others’ side of the story, April 2016
97. Makrydemetres Anthony, Zervopoulos Panagiotis D and Pravita Maria-Eliana, Reform of Public Administration in Greece; Evaluating Structural Reform of Central Government Departments in Greece: Application of the DEA Methodology, February 2016
96. Huliaras Asteris, Kalantzakos Sophia, Looking for an Oasis of Support: Greece and the Gulf states, January 2016
95 Simiti Marilena, ‘Social Need’ or ‘Choice’? Greek Civil Society during the Economic Crisis, November 2015
94. Ifantis Kostas, Triantaphyllou Dimitrios, Kotelis Andreas, National Role and Foreign Policy: An Exploratory Study of Greek Elites’ Perceptions towards Turkey, August 2015.
93. Tsirbas Yannis, Sotiropoulos Dimitri A., What do Greek political elites think about Europe and the crisis? An exploratory analysis, July 2015.
92. Tsekeris Charalambos, Kaberis Nikos and Pinguli Maria, The Self in Crisis: The Experience of Personal and Social Suffering in Contemporary Greece, June 2015.
91. Thomadakis Stavros B, Growth, Debt and Sovereignty : Prolegomena to the Greek Crisis, May 2015.
90. Arapoglou Vassilis, Gounis Kostas, Poverty and Homelessness in Athens: Governance and the Rise of an Emergency Model of Social Crisis Management, March 2015.
89. Dimelis Sophia, Giotopoulos Ioannis, Louri Helen, Can firms grow without credit? Evidence from the Euro Area, 2005-2011: A Quantile Panel Analysis, February 2015.
88. Panagiotidis Theodore, Printzis Panagiotis, On the Macroeconomic Determinants of the Housing Market in Greece: A VECM Approach, January 2015.
87. Monokroussos, Platon, The Challenge of Restoring Debt Sustainability in a Deep Economic Recession: The case of Greece, October 2014.
86. Thomadakis Stavros, Gounopoulos Dimitrios, Nounis Christos, Riginos Michalis, Financial Innovation and Growth: Listings and IPOs from 1880 to World War II in the Athens Stock Exchange, September 2014.
85. Papandreou Nick, Life in the First Person and the Art of Political Storytelling: the Rhetoric of Andreas Papandreou, May 2014.
84. Kyris George, Europeanisation and 'Internalised' Conflicts: The Case of Cyprus,April 2014.
83. Christodoulakis Nicos, The Conflict Trap in the Greek Civil War 1946-1949: An economic approach, March 2014.
82.Simiti Marilena, Rage and Protest: The case of the Greek Indignant movement, February 2014.
81. Knight Daniel M, A Critical Perspective on Economy, Modernity and Temporality in Contemporary Greece through the Prism of Energy Practice, January 2014.
80. Monastiriotis Vassilis, Martelli Angelo, Beyond Rising Unemployment: Unemployment Risk Crisis and Regional Adjustments in Greece, December 2013.
79. Apergis Nicholas, Cooray Arusha, New Evidence on the Remedies of the Greek Sovereign Debt Problem, November 2013.
78. DergiadesTheologos, Milas Costas, Panagiotidis Theodore, Tweets, Google Trends and Sovereign Spreads in the GIIPS, October 2013.
77. Marangudakis Manussos, Rontos Kostas, Xenitidou Maria, State Crisis and Civil Consciousness in Greece, October 2013.
76. Vlamis Prodromos, Greek Fiscal Crisis and Repercussions for the Property Market, September 2013.
75. Petralias Athanassios, Petros Sotirios, Prodromídis Prοdromos, Greece in Recession: Economic predictions, mispredictions and policy implications, September 2013.
74. Katsourides Yiannos, Political Parties and Trade Unions in Cyprus, September 2013.
73. Ifantis Kostas, The US and Turkey in the fog of regional uncertainty, August 2013.
72. Mamatzakis Emmanuel, Are there any Animal Spirits behind the Scenes of the Euro-area Sovereign Debt Crisis?, July 2013.
71. Etienne Julien, Controlled negative reciprocity between the state and civil society: the Greek case, June 2013.
70. Kosmidis Spyros, Government Constraints and Economic Voting in Greece, May 2013.
69. Venieris Dimitris, Crisis Social Policy and Social Justice: the case for Greece, April 2013.
68. Alogoskoufis George, Macroeconomics and Politics in the Accumulation of Greece’s Debt: An econometric investigation, 1975-2009, March 2013.
67. Knight Daniel M., Famine, Suicide and Photovoltaics: Narratives from the Greek crisis, February 2013.
66. Chrysoloras Nikos, Rebuilding Eurozone’s Ground Zero: A review of the Greek economic crisis, January 2013.
65. Exadaktylos Theofanis, Zahariadis Nikolaos, Policy Implementation and Political Trust: Greece in the age of austerity, December 2012.
64. Chalari Athanasia,The Causal Powers of Social Change: the case of modern Greek society, November 2012.
63. Valinakis Yannis, Greece’s European Policy Making, October 2012.
62. Anagnostopoulos Achilleas, Siebert Stanley, The impact of Greek labour market regulation on temporary and family employment - Evidence from a new survey, September 2012.
61. Caraveli Helen, Tsionas Efthymios G., Economic Restructuring, Crises and the Regions: The Political Economy of Regional Inequalities in Greece, August 2012.
60. Christodoulakis Nicos, Currency crisis and collapse in interwar Greece: Predicament or Policy Failure?, July 2012.
59. Monokroussos Platon, Thomakos Dimitrios D., Can Greece be saved? Current Account, fiscal imbalances and competitiveness, June 2012.
58. Kechagiaras Yannis, Why did Greece block the Euro-Atlantic integration of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia? An Analysis of Greek Foreign Policy Behaviour Shifts, May 2012.
57. Ladi Stella, The Eurozone Crisis and Austerity Politics: A Trigger for Administrative Reform in Greece?,April 2012.
56. Chardas Anastassios, Multi-level governance and the application of the partnership principle in times of economic crisis in Greece, March 2012.
55. Skouroliakou Melina, The Communication Factor in Greek Foreign Policy: An Analysis, February 2012.
54. Alogoskoufis George, Greece's Sovereign Debt Crisis: Retrospect and Prospect, January 2012.
53. Prasopoulou Elpida, In quest for accountability in Greek public administration: The case of the Taxation Information System (TAXIS), December 2011.
52. Voskeritsian Horen, Kornelakis Andreas, Institutional Change in Greek Industrial Relations in an Era of Fiscal Crisis, November 2011.
51. Heraclides Alexis,The Essence of the Greek-Turkish Rivalry: National Narrative and Identity, October 2011.
50. Christodoulaki Olga, Cho Haeran, Fryzlewicz Piotr, A Reflection of History: Fluctuations in Greek Sovereign Risk between 1914 and 1929, September 2011.
49. Monastiriotis Vassilis, Psycharis Yiannis, Without purpose and strategy? A spatio-functional analysis of the regional allocation of public investment in Greece, August 2011.
SPECIAL ISSUE edited by Vassilis Monastiriotis, The Greek crisis in focus: Austerity, Recession and Paths to Recovery, July 2011.
48. Kaplanoglou Georgia, Rapanos Vassilis T, The Greek Fiscal Crisis and the Role of Fiscal Governance, June 2011.
47. Skouras Spyros, Christodoulakis Nicos, Electoral Misgovernance Cycles: Evidence from wildfires and tax evasion in Greece and elsewhere, May 2011.
46. Pagoulatos George, Zahariadis Nikolaos, Politics, Labor, Regulation, and Performance: lessons from the privatization of OTE, April 2011.
45. Lyrintzis Christos, Greek Politics in the Era of Economic Crisis: Reassessing Causes and Effects, March 2011.
44. Monastiriotis Vassilis, Jordaan Jacob A, Regional Distribution and Spatial Impact of FDI in Greece: evidence from firm-level data, February 2011.
43. Apergis Nicholas, Characteristics of inflation in Greece: Mean Spillover Effects among CPI Components, January 2011.
42. Kazamias George, From Pragmatism to Idealism to Failure: Britain in the Cyprus crisis of 1974, December 2010.
41. Dimas Christos, Privatization in the Name of ‘Europe’: analyzing the telecoms privatization in Greece from a ‘discursive institutionalist’ perspective, November 2010.
40. Katiskas Elias, Panagiotidis Theodore, Student Status and Academic Performance: an approach of the quality determinants of university studies in Greece, October 2010.
39. Vlamis Prodromos, Karagiannis Stelios, Panagopoulos Yannis, Symmetric or Asymmetric Interest Rate Adjustments? Evidence from Greece, Bulgaria and Slovenia, September 2010.
38. Pelagidis Theodore, The Greek Paradox of Falling Competitiveness and Weak Institutions in a High GDP Growth Rate Context (1995-2008), August 2010.
37. Vraniali Efi, Rethinking Public Financial Management and Budgeting in Greece: time to reboot?, July 2010.
36. Lyberaki Antigone, The Record of Gender Policies in Greece 1980-2010: legal form and economic substance, June 2010.
35. Markova Eugenia, Effects of Migration on Sending Countries: lessons from Bulgaria, May 2010.
34. Platon Tinios, Vacillations around a Pension Reform Trajectory: time for a change?, April 2010.
33. Bozhilova Diana, When Foreign Direct Investment is Good for Development: Bulgaria's accession, industrial restructuring and regional FDI, March 2010.
32. Karamessini Maria, Transition Strategies and Labour Market Integration of Greek University Graduates, February 2010.
31. Matsaganis Manos, Flevotomou Maria, Distributional Implications of Tax Evasion in Greece, January 2010.
30. Hugh-Jones David, Katsanidou Alexia, Riener Gerhard, Political Discrimination in the Aftermath of Violence: the case of the Greek riots, December 2009.
29. Monastiriotis Vassilis, Petrakos George, Local Sustainable Development and Spatial Cohesion in the Post-transition Balkans: in search of a developmental model, November 2009.
28. Monastiriotis Vassilis, Antoniades Andreas, Reform that! Greece's failing reform technology: beyond 'vested interests' and 'political exchange', October 2009.
27. Chryssochoou Dimitris N., Making Citizenship Education Work: European and Greek Perspectives, September 2009.
26. Christopoulou Rebekka, Kosma Theodora, Skills and Wage Inequality in Greece: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data, 1995-2002, May 2009.
25. Papadimitriou Dimitris, Gateva Eli, Between Enlargement-led Europeanisation and Balkan Exceptionalism: an appraisal of Bulgaria's and Romania's entry into the European Union, April 2009.
24. Bozhilova Diana, EU Energy Policy and Regional Co-operation in South-East Europe: managing energy security through diversification of supply?, March 2009.
23. Lazarou Elena, Mass Media and the Europeanization of Greek- Turkish Relations: discourse transformation in the Greek press 1997-2003, February 2009.
22. Christodoulakis Nikos, Ten Years of EMU: convergence, divergence and new policy priorities, January 2009.
21. Boussiakou Iris, Religious Freedom and Minority Rights in Greece: the case of the Muslim minority in western Thrace, December 2008.
20. Lyberaki Antigone, "Deae ex Machina": migrant women, care work and women's employment in Greece, November 2008.
19. Ker-Lindsay James, The Security Dimensions of a Cyprus Solution, October 2008.
18. Economides Spyros, The Politics of Differentiated Integration: the case of the Balkans, September 2008.
17. Fokas Effie, A new role for the church? Reassessing the place of religion in the Greek public sphere, August 2008.
16. Klapper Leora, Tzioumis Konstantinos, Taxation and Capital Structure: Evidence from a Transition Economy, July 2008.
15. Monastiriotis Vassilis, The Emergence of Regional Policy in Bulgaria: regional problems, EU influences and domestic constraints, June 2008.
14. Psycharis Yannis, Public Spending Patterns: the regional allocation of public investment in Greece by political period, May 2008.
13. Tsakalotos Euclid, Modernization and Centre-Left Dilemmas in Greece: the Revenge of the Under-dogs, April 2008.
12. Blavoukos Spyros, Pagoulatos George, Fiscal Adjustment in Southern Europe: the Limits of EMU Conditionality, March 2008.
11. Featherstone Kevin, 'Varieties of Capitalism' and the Greek case: explaining the constraints on domestic reform?, February 2008.
10. Monastiriotis Vassilis, Quo Vadis Southeast Europe? EU Accession, Regional Cooperation and the need for a Balkan Development Strategy, January 2008.
9.Paraskevopoulos Christos, J., Social Capital and Public Policy in Greece, December 2007.
8. Anastassopoulos George, Filippaios Fragkiskos, Philips Paul, An 'eclectic' investigation of tourism multinationals' activities: Evidence from the Hotels and Hospitality Sector in Greece, November 2007.
7. Watson Max, Growing Together? - Prospects for Economic Convergence and Reunification in Cyprus, October 2007.
6. Stavridis Stelios, Anti-Americanism in Greece: reactions to the 11-S, Afghanistan and Iraq, September 2007.
5. Monastiriotis Vassilis, Patterns of Spatial Association and their Persistence across Socio-economic Indicators: the case of the Greek regions, August 2007.
4. Papaspyrou Theodoros, Economic Policy in EMU: Community Framework and National Strategies - focus on Greece, July 2007.
3. Zahariadis Nikolaos, Subsidising Europe's Industry: is Greece the exception?, June 2007.
2. Dimitrakopoulos Dionyssis, Institutions and the Implementation of EU Public Policy in Greece: the case of public procurement, May 2007.
1. Monastiriotis Vassilis,Tsamis Achilleas, Greece's new Balkan Economic Relations: policy shifts but no structural change, April 2007.