We host a series of networking events and workshops throughout the year that bring together students and professionals, from both within the LSE and internationally. Our events aim to foster interdisciplinary discussion and faciliatate knowledge exchange on topics related to global health.
Our networking events and workshops range from internal events for LSE students and staff to public research showcases. We do so both in order to inform our ongoing research through engagement with others and to raise awareness of LSE's rigorous social science approach to global health issues and challenges.
Here, you'll find upcoming and previous events hosted by the Global Health Initiative, as well as other Departments from across the LSE.
Upcoming events
Past events
Global Health at LSE Networking Evening 2024
Meet LSE’s thriving community of global health students and researchers at the Global Health at LSE Networking Evening, hosted by the LSE Global Health Initiative and LSE LIFE.
New and returning students are invited to join us for a social evening to meet other students interested in global health and hear from academics working on global health in departments across the School.
Date: 9 October 2024
Time: 17:30 - 19:30
Location: LSE LIFE Space 4, LSE Library (Ground Floor)
Global Health Networking Event 2021
Our annual MSc Gloabal Health Networking event, co-hosted with LSE LIFE. The objective of this session was to facilitate interaction between students and staff at LSE working on global health courses/research across the School. The event began with a short presentation of global health research at LSE and was followed by an interactive discussion with students and faculty discussing “What does Global Health mean to you?”
Global Health Networking Event 2020
Join us for our annual MSc Global Health Networking event, co-hosted with LSE LIFE. The objective of this session is to facilitate interaction between students and staff at LSE working on global health courses/research across the School. The event will start with a short presentation of global health research at LSE and will be followed by an interactive discussion with students and faculty to discuss “What does Global Health mean to you?”
Date: Wednesday 30 September 2020
Time: 17:00-18:30 BST
Venue: Zoom
This event was organised by LSE's Global Health Initiative and LSE LIFE. This event was for LSE students and staff only.
LSE Research Showcase
The Global Health Initiative is participating in the LSE Research Showcase. We will be showcasing research across departments addressing the question, "What does global health mean to you?" This is a free event for the LSE community.
Date: 19th November 2019
Time: 15:30 - 19:00
Venue: LSE Life Workspace 4
This event is hosted by the Global Health Initiative as part of LSE's Research Showcase
Global Health Neworking Event
The Global Health Initiative in collaboration with LSE Life is organising a Networking Event to discuss “What does Global Health mean to you?”. The objective of this session is to facilitate interaction between students and staff working on global health courses/research across the School.
Date: 2nd October 2019
Time: 18:30 - 20:00
Venue: LSE Life
This event is hosted by the Global Health Initiative and LSE LIFE
Global Health Networking Event
Open to all LSE postgraduate students with an interest in Global Health, this event is intended to bring together students working on Global Health across a number of different programmes in different Departments. The evening will kick off with a networking session run by communications expert Donald Steel entitled: “Being more confident in a room full of strangers.
This will be followed by drinks and an opportunity to meet fellow students and LSE faculty members working in Global Health from across the School.
Date: 10 October 2018
Time: 18:00 - 20:00
Venue: LSE Life