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LSE Global Health Initiative



The Global Health Initiative provides support for interdisciplinary engagement and showcases LSE’s ability to apply rigorous social science research to emerging global health challenges


The Global Health Initiative (GHI) is a cross-departmental research platform set up to increase the coherence and visibility of Global Health research activity across the School, both internally and externally. It provides support for interdisciplinary engagement and showcases LSE’s ability to apply rigorous social science research to emerging global health challenges.

Global health captures a field of work concerned with understanding, and very often improving, health concerns around the world. As such, global health questions will typically not fall under a single disciplinary heading. Rather the best ways to understand global health issues, or to improve global health outcomes, will often require strategic engagement with concepts and methods from a variety of sources.

Originally announced by the School back in 2014, the initiative has been fostered by the Departments of Health Policy, International Development, and Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, but is open to all disciplines. The GHI grew out of a recognition that global health related work was being undertaken across the LSE, but often spread across different departments according to discipline or subject specific focus. As such there was a need for a body that could help coordinate this work – facilitating collaboration amongst LSE academic, as well as raising awareness of the global health related work we undertake for broader audiences.

The platform hosts a range of activities both internally at the LSE and open to the public. These include public global health seminars, an internal LSE Global Health Peer Review Group and a range of events for LSE postgraduate students working on global health related topics. 

Who we are

Global Health Initiative Steering Committee members come from a range of disciplines – including representatives from the initiative’s three founding departments, Health Policy, International Development, and Psychological & Behavioural Sciences. The committee guides the activities undertaken and sets the initiative’s annual work plan. 

Current members include:

Justin Parkhurst

Beth Kreling
Deputy Chairperson

Tom Davies
Communications Officer


 Ana De Menezes-Silva
PhD Representative, Department of Geography and Environment 

Arjan Gjonca

Department of International Development

Chiara Chiavaroli 

PhD Representative, Department of International Development

Lei (Alice) Bian

Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment

Lourdes Sosa

Department of Management

Mathias Koenig-Archibugi

Department of Government and Department of International Relations

Matteo M Galizzi 

Department of Psychological and Behavioural Science 

Shalini Grover

International Inequalities Institute

Tim Hildebrandt

Department of Social Policy

Tiziana Leone

Department of International Development

What we do

The initiative’s activities are guided by a Steering Committee comprising LSE staff from a range of representative Departments working in Global Health including the Departments of International Development, Psychological and Behavioural Sciences, Social Policy, Management, and Philosophy and supported by a Secretariat based within LSE Health. Our activities include: 


Film viewings

Networking events

Peer review sessions

Sharing research from across the School

Interdisciplinary blogging