/* *** This do file creates the replication results for False Prophet, or Genuine Savior? Assessing the Effects of Economic Openness on Sustainable Development, 1980-1999 (with Indra de Soysa), International Organization 59 (3), 2005, pp. 731-772 Eric Neumayer (LSE) Please report any errors to e.neumayer@lse.ac.uk */ use "Article for International Organization.dta", clear quietly xi: xtregar gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , su gsrgni nns eduexp co2dam resourcedep enmindep Llntrd Llnfdikgdp Liefw Llngni Lgrowth Laggdp Lcurrencycrisis Ldemoc2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Llnden Llnpop Llnurban expoil Lifuelexp Limetore Lbigwar peaceyrs if e(sample) corr Llntrd Llnfdikgdp Liefw Llngni Lgrowth Laggdp Lcurrencycrisis Ldemoc2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Llnden Llnpop Llnurban expoil Lifuelexp Limetore Lbigwar peaceyrs * Table 1 xi: xtregar gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , outreg using c:\table1, 3aster nol replace xi: xtregar gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , outreg using c:\table1, 3aster nol append xi: xtregar gsrgni Llntrd Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , outreg using c:\table1, 3aster nol append xi: xtgee gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , corr(ar1) force r outreg using c:\table1, 3aster nol append xi: xtgee gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , corr(ar1) force r outreg using c:\table1, 3aster nol append xi: xtgee gsrgni Llntrd Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , corr(ar1) force r outreg using c:\table1, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table1, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table1, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Llntrd Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table1, 3aster nol append * Table 2 * Developing countries only preserve drop if inc_highoecd==1 xtpcse gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table2, 3aster nol replace xtpcse gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table2, 3aster nol append restore * Low income countries only preserve drop if inc_low==0 xtpcse gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table2, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table2, 3aster nol append restore * Developing countries with above median trade with OECD-countries preserve keep if inc_highoecd==0 & tradewoecd>=32.24 & tradewoecd<. xtpcse gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table2, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table2, 3aster nol append restore * Upper three quartiles of resrentsgni only preserve keep if resrentsgni>=.2134746 & resrentsgni<. & inc_highoecd==0 xtpcse gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table2, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table2, 3aster nol append restore * Beyond median of resrentsgni only preserve keep if resrentsgni>=2.029325 & resrentsgni<. & inc_highoecd==0 xtpcse gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table2, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table2, 3aster nol append restore * Table 3 xtpcse gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban Limetore Lifuelexp Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table3, 3aster nol replace xtpcse gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban Limetore Lifuelexp Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table3, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Llntrd Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban Limetore Lifuelexp Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table3, 3aster nol append * Table 4 xtpcse gsrgni Liefw Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table4, 3aster nol replace xtpcse gsrgni Liefw Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table4, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Liefw Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table4, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Liefw Llntrd Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table4, 3aster nol append xtpcse gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs year Laggdp if e(sample) , correlation(ar1) pairwise outreg using c:\table4, 3aster nol append * Table 5 *** IMPORTANT NOTE: The results reported in table 5 in the published version are wrong for the Fuel Exporter, Agriculture/GDP, Civil War and Peace Years variables. *** Naturally, the time-invariant fuel exporter variable gets dropped in fixed effects estimation and the other three variables have different coefficients from the one reported in table 5. xi: xtregar gsrgni Llntrd Llngni Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , fe outreg using c:\table5, 3aster nol replace xi: xtregar gsrgni Llnfdikgdp Llngni Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , fe outreg using c:\table5, 3aster nol append xi: xtregar gsrgni Llntrd Llnfdikgdp Llngni Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , fe outreg using c:\table5, 3aster nol append xi: xtregar gsrgni Liefw Llngni Lpolcon3 Lstabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , fe outreg using c:\table5, 3aster nol append * Table 6 xi: xtregar efootprint Llntrd Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 stabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , outreg using c:\table6, 3aster nol replace xi: xtregar efootprint Llnfdikgdp Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 stabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , outreg using c:\table6, 3aster nol append xi: xtregar efootprint Liefw Llngni Llngni2 Lpolcon3 stabs Lcurrencycrisis Llnden Llnpop Lgrowth Ldemoc2 Llnurban expoil Lbigwar peaceyrs Laggdp i.year , outreg using c:\table6, 3aster nol append