Call for abstracts:
As critical scholars and feminist researchers working on issues of gender and sexuality across the universities in London, we have often struggled to organize concerted, collective responses to the many interlocking crises we–and ever more disproportionately, the world–face: rising inequalities, ecological collapse, global desensitization to genocide, racism and xenophobia, forced displacement, right-wing nationalist upsurges, and “anti-gender” backlash. As scholars, we often produce knowledge that is disciplinarily and institutionally confined, which limits our connections to one another as well as our contributions to broader, sustainable social transformation.
The BREAKING SILOS Conference, celebrated as part of LSE Gender’s 30th Anniversary, proposes to create a space of solidarity and collaborative, localized, interdisciplinary knowledge-production that reaches beyond disciplinary and academic boundaries, and creates opportunities for collective learning and collaboration, as we address these mounting challenges. We extend an invitation to PhD students and early-career researchers from all research disciplines in any of the universities in greater London, as well as London-based practitioners, activists and community organizers, to submit proposals by 10 February 2024 and attend the conference on 3 May 2024 at the LSE Campus in Central London.
We invite submissions oriented by, but not limited to, the following topical streams:
- Transdisciplinary Solidarities: Stories from within/beyond Academia
- Revaluing Care and Social Reproduction
- Critical Work in ‘Traditional’ Disciplines and Environments
- Coloniality and Logics of Dehumanization
- Other Concepts, Other Vocabularies
- Gender, Fertility and Nationalisms
- Abolitionist Visions: Bordering & Policing Practices
- Beyond the Anthropocene: Feminist, Ecological, and Queer Perspectives
- The Limits and Potentials of Queer Resistance
- Feminist Perspectives on War and Violence
- The Weaponization of “Free Speech” and “Academic Freedom”
Whether rooted in academic research, artistic expression, political practice, or other creative engagements, we welcome proposals/abstracts (of up to 250 words) regarding your contribution, which can take a range of formats, including:
Research and Conference Papers
Policy Analyses
Think Pieces
Spoken-word, Song, Poetry and Speeches
Arts and Performance Pieces
Experimental Reflections
Team/Solidarity-building Workshop Activity
If you have a contribution idea that does not fit any of the proposed streams or formats, please feel free to get in touch with us. Please submit your proposals and send any queries to