February 2020
The Department of Gender Studies stands in solidarity with colleagues participating in the UCU industrial action over pay, workload, equality, casualisation.
We support our striking colleagues because:
- We agree with the demands to limit casualisation, properly address staff workload, reduce pay inequality and improve below-inflation pay offer.
- We understand the interconnected matters of pay, workload, equality, and casualisation to be a gendered and an intersectional issue affecting women and minorities more than other workers. Erosion of employment security disproportionately affects early career and precarious workers.
- We value the right to collective voice of university workers whose intellectual, pastoral, and administrative labour makes the very existence of the higher education sector possible
- We back our colleagues and UCU in the call for employers to engage in meaningful negotiations and lament the lack of political participation represented by LSE union members' failure to return their ballots.
Signed: Walaa Alqaisiya, Jacob Breslow, Clare Hemmings, Marsha Henry, Hazel Johnstone, Naila Kabeer, Ece Kocabicak, Daniel Luther, Sumi Madhok, Anouk Patel-Campillo, Lucia Pedroli, Diane Perrons, Ania Plomien, Leticia Sabsay, Nazanin Shahrokni, Wendy Sigle, Emma Spruce, Kate Steward, Aisling Swaine , Sadie Wearing