Published papers
Hobolt, Sara and Tilley, James (2016) Fleeing the centre: the rise of challenger parties in the aftermath of the Euro crisis, West European Politics, 39 (5): 971-991
Rodon, Toni; Guinjoan, Marc (2018) When the context matters: Identity, secession and the spatial dimension in Catalonia, Political Geography, 63: 75-87
Working papers
Hobolt, Sara; Hoerner, Julian; Rodon, Toni. Having a Say or Getting Your Way? Political Choice and Satisfaction with Democracy.
Hobolt, Sara; Hoerner, Julian. The Mobilizing Effect of Political Choice.
Hobolt, Sara; Rodon, Toni; Solaz, Hector. Expressive Political Choice.
Hobolt, Sara; Rodon, Toni. When Europe becomes the deciding factor: Evidence from a conjoint experiment
Barfort, Sebastian; Hobolt, Sara. Labor Market Competition and Opposition to Immigration.
Book manuscript
Hobolt, Sara; de Vries, Catherine E. Challenger Parties. The Transformation of Party Competition in Europe.
Hoerner, Julian; Hobolt, Sara (2017) The AfD succeeded in the German election by mobilising non-voters on the right. LSE EUROPP blog