- ‘Civic Death as a Mechanism of Retributive Punishment: Academic Purges in Turkey’ (2021) Punishment & Society, 23(2): 145-163. (link)
- ‘Civil and Civic death in the New Authoritarianisms: Punishment of Dissidents in Turkey’ (2019) with Esra Özyürek, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 46(5): 699-713. (link)
- ‘Pity the exiled: Turkish academics in exile, the problem of compassion in politics, and the promise of dis-exile’ (2019) Journal of Refugee Studies, Oxford University Press 34(1): 936-952. (link)
- ‘Exile and Plurality in Neoliberal Times: Turkey’s Academics for Peace’ (2019) with Nil Mutluer and Esra Özyürek Public Culture, Duke University Press, vol. 31(2): 235-259. (link)
- Translated by Çiçek Öztek into Turkish, Toplum ve Bilim (2021) 156: 116-139. (link)
- Translated by Βαγγέλης Πούλιος into Greek, Feministiqa (2019). (link)
- ‘The Gezi Park Protests as a Pluralistic ‘Anti-Violent’ Movement’ (2015) Pluralist 10(3): 247-260. (link)