Ms Josephine Cumbo

Ms Josephine Cumbo

Visiting Fellow

European Institute

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Key Expertise
Financial Journalism, Pension policy, Pension Fund Asset Management

About me

Ms Cumbo is an award-winning journalist with more than two decades’ experience in financial journalism in the UK and abroad.   She is an accomplished public speaker, event chair and globally recognised expert in pensions reporting.  Ms Cumbo has been a journalist with the Financial Times since 1998 and is currently a reporter / editor based in the London newsroom. She covers the biggest stories of the day from FTSE100 company trading updates, to breaking political developments as well as economic updates.  Prior to this appointment in July 2024, Ms Cumbo was for 10 years the paper’s Pension Correspondent, leading coverage on all aspects of pensions, from how individual savers build their retirement pots, to the role of business and government in bridging the retirement savings gap.  In 2020, she was appointed the world’s first Global Pension Correspondent, where she scrutinised the investment strategies of the world’s largest public and private sector retirement plans. A recurring theme in her reporting was how pension systems around the world are under strain from rising longevity, tight fiscal budgets and declining birth rates.  During her time on the pensions beat, Ms Cumbo became a recognised expert in this field and was regularly interviewed by the media, including the BBC, Sky news and local radio. She has spoken at political conferences and high-profile industry events on how pension policy affects individuals, the asset management industry and government policy. Her reporting and investigations have been quoted in British parliamentary debates.  In addition, Ms Cumbo is a governor of the Pensions Policy Institute, the UK’s leading research body for pensions. She is a mentor for young journalists looking to develop their careers.  Ms Cumbo is the recipient of 15 awards in the UK for her reporting while a journalist with the Financial Times.

Expertise Details

Company and business reporting; Global retirement systems policy; Pension adequacy; Pension Fund Asset Management Trends; Corporate pension funding rules; Pension Regulation