Dr Patrick  Kimunguyi

Dr Patrick Kimunguyi

LSE Fellow European and International Politics

European Institute

English, French, Polish, Swahili
Key Expertise
EU & developing countries, Regionalism, Postcolonialism, International Law

About me

Patrick is a Fellow in European and International Politics at the European Institute.

He has taught in areas of international political economy and development, international security, European integration, and Europe’s relations with the global south. He has previously been a lecturer at the European and EU Centre at Monash University in Australia, where he taught courses on the EU and the World, the Jean Monnet module EU and the Developing World, International Peace and Security Studies, International Trade and Diplomacy, and Statecraft. He also aught Global Politics at the University of Melbourne.

Patrick’s research focuses on various aspects of the EU’s external relations including external perceptions of the EU as well as the EU’s relations with the global South on topics like security, trade, development cooperation, migration, race, and decolonisation. He has been a research officer on the project ‘The Colour of Borders: how race shapes mobility (in)to Europe at the European Institute. He has also contributed to other research projects, including the Australian Research Council Linkage project on Radicalisation and De-radicalisation in the Australian Context at Monash University’s Global Terrorism Research Centre. He also participated in the European Commission-funded transnational research project on the Perceptions and Visibility of the EU in East and South Africa, as well as the Asia-Pacific regions, based at the National Centre for Research on Europe (NCRE) at the University of Canterbury in New Zealand. Patrick has also been a Research Grant Administrator at the former Noble Foundation's Programme on Modern Poland in the UK. Earlier, he worked as a Project Officer in the Office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global Engagement at Monash University, Australia. Patrick holds a PhD in Political Science and MA in International Relations from the University of Warsaw, Poland. He also has a PGCE in Education from La Trobe University, Australia, LLM in International Law from Oxford Brookes University, and MSc in Higher Education from the University of Oxford.

Expertise Details

EU’s External relations including EU’s relations with the global South on topics such as security; trade; development cooperation; migration; race; decolonisation; International migration and refugee law; International Humanitarian law.

Book and book chapters

Kimunguyi P., ‘Law, Sovereignty, Resources: European Community and the incomplete decolonization project’ (forthcoming, 2025) in Towards a Decolonial Europe, Polonska-Kimunguyi, e. (ed) Agenda Publishing. 

Kimunguyi P., ‘European Community and the political economy of decolonization’ (forthcoming in 2025) in Eva Polonska-Kimunguyi (ed.) Towards a Decolonial Europe; Agenda Publishing. 

Kimunguyi P. and Polonska E.,  ‘Europe’s Racial Borders’ (forthcoming in 2025) in Rosalba Icaza, Beste İşleyen , Jan Orbie, Siddharth Tripathi (eds.) Handbook of Doing EU Studies Otherwise: Colonialism, Empire and Race; Routledge. 

Kimunguyi P. and Polonska-Kimunguyi (ed), Europe: Twenty Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Scholar Publishers, Warsaw, June 2012. 

Kimunguyi P., ‘Development Policy, Conflict Prevention and EU Visibility in Africa’ in Doyle, N., Martinez Arranz, A. and Winand, P. (Eds.). New Europe, New Governance, New Worlds?  Brussels: Presses interuniversitaires européennes/Peter Lang, 2010. 

Kimunguyi, P., ‘(New) Actors in Development Cooperation Policy: Approaches and Challenges of EU Enlargement Countries’in Kimunguyi P. and Polonska- Kimunguyi (eds), Europe: Twenty Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Scholar Publishers, June 2012. 

Kimunguyi P., ‘Enlargement and the European Union Counter-terrorism strategy,’ in Kimunguyi P. and Polonska-Kimunguyi (eds.), Europe: Twenty Years After the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Scholar Publishers, June 2012.

Journal Articles

Kimunguyi P., ‘Imperial Europe: The African Dimension of European migration policy’ (forthcoming) International Migration Review, SAGE Publications. 

Kimunguyi P., Kimunguyi-Polonska E., “‘Gunboats of soft power’: Boris on Africa and post-Brexit  ‘Global Britain’,” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Volume 30, 2018. 

Kimunguyi, P., Polonska-Kimunguyi, E., ‘Communicating the European Union to Australia: The EU Information Strategy and Its Reception Down Under,’ Special Issue: Baltic Journal of European Studies, Volume 13, Issue 3, 2013. 

Kimunguyi, P., Polonska-Kimunguyi, E., ‘Pan-national Identity, Media Imperialism and Public Diplomacy: the changing rationale behind Euronews,European Journal of Television History and Culture, Autumn 2012. 

Kimunguyi, P. and Fioramonti, ‘Public and Elite Views on Europe vs. China in Africa,’ International Spectator, Volume 46, Number 1, March 2011, Vol. 14. 

Kimunguyi, P. (2011), ‘The making of the Europeans: Media in the construction of pan-national  identity,’ International Communication Gazette, Vol. 73, October 2011 

Kimunguyi P., (2006), ‘From Lome to Cotonou: An Assessment of the European Union’s Trade Relations with African, Caribbean and Pacific Countries’, Journal of International Relations No. 33:1-2, Warsaw University, Scholar Publishers 

Kimunguyi P., (2005), ‘EU Spaghetti: The Cotonou Process and the Issue of Overlapping Memberships in Regional Trade Agreements in Eastern and Southern Africa,’ in Australasian Review of African Studies, Vol. 27, No. 2 

Kimunguyi, P. (2005), ‘AID: A Critical Review of the Dialogue on “Poorly Performing Countries”’, Journal of International Relations, No.31:1-2, Scholar Publishers, 2005

Peer Reviewed Conference Papers

Kimunguyi P., (2011), ‘Terrorism and Counter-terrorism in East Africa’ at the ARC Linkage Project Conference Understanding Terrorism from an Australian Perspective:  radicalisation, de-radicalisation and counter-radicalisation, Monash University, 8 November, 2010                 

Kimunguyi P., (2007), ‘EU-Africa Relations: Between Development Cooperation and Conflict Prevention,’ refereed Paper presented at the Australasian Political Studies Association Annual Conference, Monash University, Australia (24-26 September) 

Kimunguyi P., (2006), ‘Regional Integration in Africa: Prospects and Challenges for the European Union,’ refereed paper to be presented at the Australasian Political Studies Association Annual Conference at the University of Newcastle, (25 – 27 September 

Kimunguyi P., (2005), ‘The European Union and Developing Countries: The Challenges of Trade Liberalisation in the Cotonou Process’, refereed paper presented at The 3rd Conference of European Union and Asia Pacific Association of European Studies, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (8-10 December) 

Non-reviewed Conference Papers

Kimunguyi P. (2015) - Discussant, “Polish-African economic and political relations after 1989” Speaker: Dr Andrzej Polus (University of Wrocław). St Antony’s College, University of Oxford. 

Kimunguyi P. (2012), Al-Qaeda Networks in Africa, GTReC ARC Linkage Project on Radicalisation Conference 2012, Terrorism and Counter-terrorism in Australia and Indonesia: 10 years after Bali, Melbourne, Australia. 

Kimunguyi P. (2012), “The European Union: An Actor in Peace and Security in Africa at the 1st Annual International Interdisciplinary Conference, The Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), Nairobi, Kenya   26th -30th June 2012 

Kimunguyi P. (2011), ‘The origins, evolution and challenge of Al Shabaab,’ at the ARC Linkage Project Conference, Lessons from 9/11 Reflections on the evolution of Counter Terrorism policy, practice and analysis in the decade since the attacks of September 11, 2001, Monash University Law Chambers, 1-2 September 

Kimunguyi, P., (2010) ‘The European Union: An Actor in Peace and Security in Africa,’ Paper Presented at the Leadership Forum, Finding Peace in the Nuer region of South Sudan through Dialogue, Monash University, Friday 1 October 

Kimunguyi P., (2008), ‘Development Co-operation, Crisis Management Vs EU Visibility  in Africa,’  Paper presented at the Building a Common Future: Africa and  Australia, the 31st Annual Conference of the African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific (26-28 November 2008) 

Kimunguyi P., (2008), ‘Images of the EU as a Developmental actor in Kenya,’ Paper presented at The Europe in the Changing World: Challenges, Priorities and Research Collaboration Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, (25-27 September) 

Kimunguyi P., (2007), ‘The Security-Development Nexus in EU-ACP Relations,’ paper presented at the Monash 'New Europe, New Governance, New Worlds?' conference organized by the Monash European and EU Centre Melbourne, Australia (12-14 April) 

Kimunguyi P., (2006), ‘Changing Paradigms or Symbolic Rhetoric? Perspectives on the European Union’s Development policy,’ Conference Paper presented at 29th Annual Conference of African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific at Macquarie University, Sydney (20-22 September) 

Kimunguyi P., (2005), ‘Changing Interests in EU Development Co-operation: the Impact of EU Membership and Advancing Integration’, Paper presented at CERC International Conference, Melbourne University (1-2 December) 

Kimunguyi P., (2005), ‘From Uniqueness to Uniformity: The ACP in the European Union’s Network of Regional Relationships’, paper presented at the 28th Conference of African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific, University of New England, Australia (25-28 November).