Dr Donato  Di Carlo

Dr Donato Di Carlo

Assistant Professor in Political Economy

European Institute

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English, Italian
Key Expertise
Comparative Political Economy, Economic Governance, Industrial Policy

About me

Donato Di Carlo is an Assistant Professor in Political Economy. His academic research focuses on comparative political economy and public policy issues, with a specific focus on growth models, industrial policy, economic regulation, EU integration, comparative industrial relations and wage-setting systems. Among others, his academic work has appeared in journals such as New Political Economy, Perspectives on Politics, Politics & Society, Regulation & Governance, Socio-economic Review.

In Spring 2023, he founded the Luiss Hub for New Industrial Policy and Economic Governance (LUHNIP), at Luiss University in Rome. LUHNIP is a non-partisan, interdisciplinary hub conducting research, policy advocacy and public engagement activities on issues pertaining to industrial policy and economic governance in Europe and in Italy.

Donato holds a PhD in European Political Economy from the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies (MPIfG) in Cologne. Before joining the LSE, he was a Max Weber Postdoctoral Fellow (2020/2021) at the European University Institute in Fiesole, and worked as Senior Researcher at the MPIfG (2021/2023), as external economic advisor to the Cabinet of the Mayor of Rome (2022), and was Lecturer in Political Economy at Luiss University (2023/2024).

Expertise Details

Comparative Political Economy; Economic Governance; Industrial Policy

Academic publications (peer-reviewed)

  • Braun, Benjamin, Donato Di Carlo, Sebastian Diessner, Maximilian Düsterhöft (2024). "Structure, agency, and structural reform: The case of the European Central Bank", Perspectives on Politics, 2024, 1–20. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1537592723002992.

  • Di Carlo, Donato, Ciarini, Andrea, & Villa, Anna. (2024). Between export-led growth and administrative Keynesianism: Italy’s two-tiered growth regime. New Political Economy, 1–22. https://doi.org/10.1080/13563467.2024.2336515

  • Di Carlo, Donato, Hemerijck, Anton and Karremans Johannes (2024). “The Continental social investment turn. From sour-to-sweet welfare reform sequencing in the Netherlands, Germany, and Italy,” Politics & Society, 0(0).https://doi.org/10.1177/00323292241252261

  • Di Carlo Donato and Simoni Marco (2024). “Constrained Economic Policy in Italy’s Dual-Hybrid Political Economy,” Contemporary Italian Politics, 16(2), 214–232. https://doi.org/10.1080/23248823.2024.2337477

  • Di Carlo, Donato and Luuk Schmitz (2023). “Europe first? The rise of EU industrial policy promoting and protecting the single market,” Journal of European Public Policy, 30(10), 2063–2096. https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2023.2202684

  • Bürgisser, Reto, and Di Carlo, Donato (2023). “Blessing or Curse? The Rise of Tourism-Led Growth in Europe's Southern Periphery.” JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies, 61: 236–258. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.13368

  • Bremer, Björn, Donato Di Carlo, Leon Wansleben (2023). “The constrained politics of local public investment under cooperative federalism,” Socio-Economic Review, Volume 21, Issue 2, April 2023, Pages 1007–1034. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/ser/mwac026.

  • Di Carlo Donato, Ibsen Christian and Molina Oscar (2023). “The New Political Economy of Public Sector Wage Setting in Europe,” introduction to the co-authored special issue, European Journal of Industrial Relations30(1), 5-30. https://doi.org/10.1177/09596801231218673

  • Di Carlo, Donato, and Molina, Oscar (2023). “Same same but different? The Mediterranean growth regime and public sector wage-setting before and after the sovereign debt crisis.” European Journal of Industrial Relations, 0(0).  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/09596801231183787

  • Di Carlo, Donato. (2023). “Beyond neo-corporatism: state employers and the special-interest politics of public sector wage-setting.” Journal of European Public Policy, 30:5, 967-994. https://doi.org/10.1080/13501763.2022.2036791.

  • Dewey Matias and Di Carlo Donato (2022). “Governing through non-enforcement: Regulatory forbearance as industrial policy in advanced economies”. Regulation & Governance, 16: 930-950. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/rego.12382

  • Di Carlo, Donato (2020). “Understanding wage restraint in the German public sector: does the pattern bargaining hypothesis really hold water?”. Industrial Relations Journal, 51, 185–208.  DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/irj.12288.

Book chapters

  • Di Carlo Donato and Durazzi Niccolò (2023). “Skill formation: part of and complement to the labour market policy mix?” In: in: Daniel Clegg & Niccolo Durazzi (ed.), Handbook of Labour Market Policy in Advanced Democracies, chapter 23, pages 327-342, Edward Elgar Publishing. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781800880887.00033

  • Di Carlo, Donato, Hassel Anke, Höpner Martin (2023). “Germany’s coordinated policy response to the energy crisis: shielding the export-led model at all costs”. LUHNIP Working Paper Series 1/2023. Rome: Luiss Hub for New Industrial Policy and Economic Governance (LUHNIP).  Available for download.

  • Di Carlo, Donato (2021). “Regulation & delegation: public sector wage-setting systems and the two models of state-led wage restraint in Western Europe”, Working Paper, EUI MWP, 2021/02. Available for download.

  • Bremer, Björn, Donato Di Carlo, and Leon Wansleben (2021). “The constrained politics of local public investments under cooperative federalism”. MPIfG Discussion Paper, No. 21/4. Available  for download.

  • Bulfone, Fabio and Di Carlo Donato (2020). Privatization, crisis and the transformation of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti”. In: Daniel Mertens, Matthias Thiemann, Peter Volberding (eds.), “The Reinvention of Development Banking in the European Union”, Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/oso/9780198859703.003.0006

  • Di Carlo, Donato (2018). “Does Pattern Bargaining Explain Wage Restraint in the German Public Sector?”, MPIfG Discussion Paper 18/3. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2018. Available for download.

  • Di Carlo, Donato (2018). The Political Economy of Public Sector Wage-Setting in Germany and Italy. In: Josef Hien, Christian Joerges (eds.), “Responses of European Economic Cultures to Europe's Crisis Politics: The Example of German-Italian Discrepancies.” Florence: European University Institute, 2018, 48-62 (eBook).

  • Di Carlo, Donato (2018). "Germany is quietly rebalancing its economy-but this will not fix the Eurozone's flaws". In: Josef Hien, Christian Joerges (eds.), “Responses of European Economic Cultures to Europe's Crisis Politics: The Example of German-Italian Discrepancies.” Florence: European University Institute, 2018, 48-62 (eBook).

Working and Policy Papers

  • Di Carlo, Donato, Hassel Anke, Höpner Martin (2023). “Germany’s coordinated policy response to the energy crisis: shielding the export-led model at all costs”. LUHNIP Working Paper Series 1/2023. Rome: Luiss Hub for New Industrial Policy and Economic Governance (LUHNIP). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32569.34400

  • Di Carlo, Donato (2021). “Regulation & delegation: public sector wage-setting systems and the two models of state-led wage restraint in Western Europe”, Working Paper, EUI MWP, 2021/02. Available at link

  • Bremer, Björn, Donato Di Carlo, and Leon Wansleben (2021). “The constrained politics of local public investments under cooperative federalism”. MPIfG Discussion Paper, No. 21/4. Available at link

  • Di Carlo, Donato (2018). “Does Pattern Bargaining Explain Wage Restraint in the German Public Sector?”, MPIfG Discussion Paper 18/3. Cologne: Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, 2018. Available at link