
Contact Us

The European Institute operates both a virtual and an in-person office.


The easiest and quickest way to contact the European Institute is via email:

General Enquiries:

MSc Enquiries:

PhD Enquiries:


We will endeavor to respond to your email within two working days, often sooner.

We are also available for meetings online via Zoom or Teams. Please email us at the above address to arrange an appointment. Students can also book an appointment via the Student Hub app.


The European Institute Professional Services team is located in the Centre Building, room CBG 7.13. We are available for drop-in visits at the following times:

Mondays 10am – 4pm
Tuesdays 10am – 2pm
Wednesdays 10am – 4pm
Thursdays 10am – 4pm
Fridays 10am – 4pm


The EI Team is available to answer your calls at 0207 107 5402. This line is only open at the times listed above (during office hours).

Frequently Asked Questions

Before contacting us, do please check the below pages to see if your question is answered:

How to apply pages for prospective applicants

FAQs page for current applicants to our programmes

Information for Offer Holders webpage