Roxanna Azimy

Class of 2017, MSc European Studies: Ideas, Ideologies, and Identities

Roxanna is a content writer and advocacy communications consultant.

I can honestly say that my time at LSE was a launching pad for my career.
Roxanna Azimy

I graduated from the LSE’s European Institute in 2017 with an MSc in European Studies, Ideas, Ideologies, and Identities, where I specialised in political philosophy and multiculturalism. I can honestly say that my time at LSE was a launching pad for my career. It encouraged me to delve deeper into the origins behind ideologies that we take for granted today: such as democracy, secularism, and Eurocentrism. Perhaps most pertinently for me, I also learned how to better research, develop, and articulate my arguments.

Barely after submitting my dissertation I headed straight to Brussels, where I worked for five months at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Taxation and Customs as a Blue Book Trainee. This gave me a practical introduction to working within European affairs. During this time I also started writing articles for the online publication Euro Babble, which piqued my interest in content writing and online communication.

After the traineeship, I stayed in Brussels to work as Communications and Events Officer at the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual and Reproductive Rights. Here I enjoyed more creative freedom: I oversaw the global organisation’s online advocacy for women’s empowerment and reproductive health and rights, from social media to op-eds. During my year in this position I also co-organised and attended international parliamentary conferences in Geneva, Ottawa, Kigali, Kraków – and, of course, the European Parliament in Brussels.

After this I returned to the European Commission, this time to DG Communication. I worked as a Public Affairs Consultant on a new corporate campaign aimed at spreading awareness about the EU in rural areas. Due to my language skills, my focus was Spain. This meant I got sent out to a remote part of Extremadura for one of the several events we organised across the country - representing the European Commission on the ground in an unlikely agricultural setting!

I now work remotely from Spain as a Communications Consultant and Content Writer for non-profit clients through Comotion, a social change communications agency. In this role, I craft written content — primarily social media posts and articles but occasionally speeches, press releases, and more — on behalf of globally recognised organisations, philanthropists, and social impact leaders. Over the years, my clients have included Women’s March Global, Co-Impact, the END Fund, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, and LGT Venture Philanthropy, to name a few. This work enables me to merge my passions for writing, human rights, and international affairs every day.