Arjeta Islami Muja
Born in the Republic of Kosovo, I have grown up in a time of huge political upheaval and surrounded by an-ever changing economic environment. I have since observed Kosovo’s rapid reconstruction and transition to political and economic pluralism; this has intrigued me to further explore practices of international administration and the role of international institutions, especially the European Union. In particular, the field of political economy attracts me with its focus on the inseparable nature of politics and economics.
The insight and multi-disciplinary approach which was offered as part of the European Political Economy master’s program at the LSE allowed me to effectively question and expand upon the theories surrounding this area, and to understand the development of society. The behavior of firms and organizations, and the way in which government and politics influence this behavior, is an area of great interest to me. The time I spent at the LSE European Institute was a very stimulating period and a truly game-changer, during which I learned a lot about European political economy.
Upon my return from LSE I was employed at the Ministry of Trade and Industry in the Government of the Republic of Kosovo as a Senior Officer. I gained a clearer understanding of the needs of our administration, and the country in general. In 2018 I was promoted to Head of Division for European Integration: where I support the development of strategies and plans within the Ministry, design the National Plan for the Implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (NPISAA), and coordinate the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance (IPA), assistance and other bilateral and multilateral foreign assistance. We constantly report to the Cabinet of the Minister, the Office of the Prime Minister, to different Parliamentary Commissions, the Office of the European Union in Kosovo, as well as the European Commission in Brussels.
Kosovo is aspiring to become a member of the European Union. To be able to play a part in national policy making and legislation, as well as experiencing the pride of contributing to Kosovo’s accession to European Union, means a lot for my career development. I am forever thankful to the LSE European Institute for giving me the opportunity to learn from leading professors as well as from many other talented students I met there.