We would like to recognise and thank all those alumni who have given up their time to the EI in the academic year of 2021-22 – whether that be through providing one-on-one advice with students, volunteering at events, or sharing their story in an alumni profile. Your support makes a huge difference to the lives of our students, and is a key part of what makes the EI a challenging and vibrant academic community.
Some of our students share their testimonials below about individual alumni who have helped them this past academic year:
Adam Judge (Deputy Institute Manager) - “The European Institute’s Alumni are fantastic! I am always blown away by how many of them volunteer their time and get involved, be it at our Alumni Advice Panels, teaching real-world skills in our professional skills programme, or their willingness to talk with students and share their experiences through platforms such as Linked In. Our students benefit enormously from these encounters and it further drives home what an incredible community we are.”

Juli Uranga (alumus) - “I’m so grateful to the LSE Alumni and Supporter Engagement for connecting me with such incredible alumni. Having the opportunity to connect with them as the UK was undergoing lockdown was an incredible opportunity that allowed me to broaden my horizons and figure out what I really wanted to do after my studies. The LSE alumni community is an incredible support system, who truly want to see students succeed.’

Pawel Siwek (alumnus) – ‘Imogen (Haoye) Deng (European Studies: Ideas And Identities, 2016) demonstrated a high degree of proactiveness by responding to my request to provide some advice on choosing my career path and what to expect in the corporate environment of the Big4. She was generous with her time and agreed to have a zoom call to have a highly informative chat about work environment, challenges, opportunities as well as progression within the organization she was working for and which I considered joining. It helped me get a clearer picture of what to expect.’
Justus Bruemmer (student) - I got in touch with Jonas Fleega (Political Economy of Europe, 2020) via LinkedIn while looking for EI alumni who are working as policy advisors in the German Bundestag. I contacted Jonas and received an immediate response suggesting a call for a few days later. Unexpectedly, yet amazingly, we developed a great relationship leading to multiple calls over months where he gave me insights into the work in the Bundestag and offered very useful advice on how to apply for positions. Ultimately, I received an offer and will start working once my programme is finished which would have not be able without Jonas' help. It was amazing to see with what dedication and implicitness he assisted me, showing me EI's great community spirit between alumni and current students.
Sofia Gerace (current student) ‘Talking to Alumni can be very helpful. Some of them might have advice on applications and cover letters; others might just be able to tell you about their experience and how they find their way in a particular sector. Anyway, it is always encouraging to see that some people that just few years ago were doing the same studies you were doing and had the same concerns about finding a job, managed to achieve great things.
Since I was interested in better understanding the work of the communications departments of the EU Commission, Alice Franchi (Culture and Conflict, 2020) offered to call and to answer to some questions. She provided me with some advice about skills and experience that I should have outlined while applying for jobs related to the Communication field. She also talked to me about her daily experience at the EU Commission and told me not to hesitate to stay in touch with her if needed. I really appreciated this as she took the time for me and told me to stay in touch, despite the fact that we never actually met in person!
After having reached out to the European Institute to ask about Alumni working in journalism, Athena Papakosta (European Political Economy, 2014) at Skai TV in Athens reached out to me. I asked for some advice for a career in journalism, explaining how the main news outlets are increasingly competitive and it seems difficult to be able to find your place in this sector. She sent to me one of the most encouraging emails I have ever received. She encouraged me to follow my dreams: “It is hard at the beginning but in the end, there is always a way”. She told me her story and explained how an internship led to another and how these little experiences allowed her to pursue the career she was dreaming of.
Cristina Burack (European Studies: Ideas And Identities, 2015) is a journalist for Deutsche Welle, and she did not hesitate to call me and have a discussion about what is like to work in an international news outlet such as Deutsche Welle. She took the time to talk to me and was ready to answer to any question I might have had about journalism. While I was afraid that not being an English native speaker, she told about the international character of Deutsche Welle and assured me that an international background is always going to be an advantage!’

Are you interested in volunteering with the European Institute? Just get in touch at ei.alumni@lse.ac.uk if you are interested in finding out more about supporting our community.