PhD Routes and Coursework Requirements for all students registered up to and including the academic year 2014-2015
A PhD in Economics from the LSE consists of two years of coursework, followed by a thesis which is expected to take either two or (more usually) three years. The coursework requirement involves accumulating six credits; three for PhD-level core courses in microeconomics, macroeconomics and econometrics, two for field courses and the sixth by writing a supervised research paper. The table below illustrates the alternative routes by which coursework credits 1-6 can be accumulated, and the Masters qualifications awarded en route.
Registration details
Irrespective of the route followed, students are registered at each stage for the next degree they are working towards. Thus, students aiming at an MSc Economics degree at the end of year one will be registered as MSc Economics students and, subject to progression, will transfer to MRes registration in their second year. Students on direct entry to the MRes/PhD will be registered as MRes students in both years of the taught programme.
Progression requirements
The route currently followed by two thirds of our PhD students, involves direct entry to the MRes/PhD. Students following this route take the three PhD-level core subjects in year one and, subject to meeting progression requirements, take their major field course and the research paper in year two. An MRes in Economics is awarded at the end of year two. The sixth coursework requirement (the minor field) is taken in year 3 but may, with permission, be brought forward to year 2.