Jack Thiemel

Jack Thiemel

PhD Candidate in Economics

Department of Economics

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Key Expertise
Development Economics, Environmental Economics

About me

Jack is a PhD Economics student on the MRes/PhD Economics programme in the Department of Economics. His research centres around (i) the challenges faced by non-governmental organisations in programme delivery, (ii) the effect of climate change on the livelihoods of the global poor, and (iii) how credit-constraints impact the demand for and effectiveness of workforce development programmes. His work is primarily based in Bangladesh and Uganda.

Jack holds a BSc in Economics and Mathematics from Georgetown University, where he was awarded the Dahlgren Medal in Mathematics. Before joining the programme, he worked for the US Library of Congress and in Bangladesh, where he contributed to research on poverty traps and the intergenerational transmission of poverty. He is affiliated with STICERD and the Economics of Environment and Energy (EEE) Programme. 

Research Interests
Development Economics, Environmental Economics, Organizations

Work in Progress Papers
The effectiveness of vocational training programs for the urban poor (Bangladesh)
Adaptation and migration resposnes to climage change for the rural poor (Bangladesh)
How graduation-style anti-poverty programmes can keep up with the challenges posed by a changing environment (Bangladesh)
How NGOs learn and grow (cross country)
American whaling in the 19th century (USA)

Oriana Bandiera
Robin Burgees
Bryan Gharad

Research Centres
Economics of Environment and Energy (EEE) Programme