Constituted in 2013, Policy Insight Group is a UK research network based on voluntary cooperation among researchers with backgrounds in methodology, policy deliberation and evaluation dedicated to the improvement of policy outcomes through better deliberation and use of evidence.
PIG aims to expand the concept of evidence to address the broad range of issues that users must consider, to understand and improve deliberation and practical judgement and to develop language, tools, and guidelines for using evidence.
Current projects are grouped into four work streams: 1) causal modelling for policy prediction; 2) sources of outcome variation, especially the role of therapist, organisation and context variables; 3) development of frameworks working with stakeholder groups; 4) deliberation and expertise.
Group members: Alexandra Androvna, Nancy Cartwright, Jeremy Clarke, Damian Fennell, David Lane, Eleonora Montuschi, Eileen Munro, Jeremy Hardie, Julian Reiss, Alice Sampson, Hakan Seckinelgin, Eliott Stern.
Further information is available on the CHESS website.