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About the Dashboards

Key dashboard numbers

  • 17 sites recruited in the programme across England
  • 17 integrated care systems and local government areas in England
  • 272 people with experience of homelessness completed the questionnaires
  • 788 questionnaires were collected
  • 2 financial years’ worth of data
  • 7 economic case story analyses
  • 10 reports with static dashboards for individual sites
  • 12 dynamic online dashboards for national commissioners, policy officials and homelessness charities
  • 10 dynamic online dashboards for local commissioners and providers
  • 50+ metrics featured in the dashboards.

What are the aims and objectives of the dashboards?

The integrated management dashboards are designed to serve as a management tool for both local and national stakeholders.

Their primary objectives include:

  • Performance Monitoring: Track and monitor the performance of out of hospital care provision throughout the National Out of Hospital Care Programme
  • Quality Assessment: Evaluate the quality of care provided to individuals with experience of homelessness receiving out of hospital care. Assessing the effectiveness, safety, and outcomes of care is crucial to ensuring high-quality healthcare delivery
  • Resource Allocation: Optimise the allocation of resources, including staff and others, to meet the needs of individuals with experience of homelessness in out of hospital care settings. This involves identifying areas where resources may be underutilised or where additional resources are required
  • Trend Analysis: Analyse trends in budget utilisation and person outcomes to identify patterns and make informed decisions about service improvements and resource allocation
  • Risk Identification: Identify potential risks and challenges associated with OOHC, such as gaps in care delivery and develop strategies to mitigate these risks
  • Benchmarking: Compare OOHC performance metrics against national benchmarks to identify areas where improvements can be made
  • Reporting and Transparency: Provide a clear and transparent overview of OOHC performance to stakeholders, including local providers, local and national commissioners and more. Effective reporting can drive accountability and facilitate data-driven decision-making
  • Continuous Improvement: Use dashboard data to inform ongoing data collection and quality improvement efforts. This includes making adjustments to out of hospital care models, training programmes, and resource allocation strategies based on real-time insights.

How do they work?

  • Visual Data Presentation: they employ interactive charts and graphs to visualise the data, making it simple to identify trends and patterns. Users can filter and customise the data presentation based on specific criteria, enabling more in-depth analysis
  • Filtering and customised Data Views: You can customise data views by applying filters. For example, you can filter data to focus on specific time periods (e.g., by financial year), type of service provision or specific locations (e.g., in London/outside London) as well as individual service providers
  • Comparative Analysis: Users can compare performance metrics across different filters. This allows for meaningful benchmarking and trend analysis

    National Average: Comparing metrics against the national average provides a broad perspective on performance. It helps organisations understand how they measure up on a national scale and identify areas where they may excel or need improvement compared to the entire country

    Regional or Location Averages (e.g., London vs. Outside London): Regional comparisons allow for more localised insights. Different regions may have unique healthcare needs, population demographics, and resource availability. By comparing against location-specific averages, organisations can tailor their strategies to meet the specific challenges and opportunities in their region

    Type of Service Provision (e.g., pathway 1 vs. pathway 2): Different types of service provision have distinct goals, target populations, and care delivery models. Comparing metrics against benchmarks for specific service types helps organisations assess how well they align with their chosen care model and identify best practices within their service category

    Benchmarking with Similar Organisations: Organisations can benefit from benchmarking against similar healthcare or service providers. This allows for a more direct comparison with organisations facing similar challenges and serving similar populations.

What do they provide? 

The dashboards provide actionable insights for programme stakeholders, including service providers, local and national commissioners, policymakers, and third-sector organisations.

By utilising the data, we inform decision-making, optimise resource allocation, and enhance the overall effectiveness of out of hospital care for people who are homeless. For example:

  • Positive outcomes: We emphasise positive trends and improvements, increased access to care, improved health outcomes, improved experience, and more participants transitioning to stable housing
  • Challenges: We indicate challenges and areas that may require additional attention, such as allocated budget utilisation or accessibility issues or coordination concerns among service providers.

Dashboard Access

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Which areas of England are covered by the dashboards?

Please click below to know more about the sites and their corresponding Integrated Care Boards.

nhs care board areas 747 x 560
A map displaying the areas covered by the 42 integrated care boards (and integrated care systems) across England. [NHS England (2023) Integrated care boards in England]