Ms Carolina Ziebold

Ms Carolina Ziebold

Visiting Researcher

Care Policy and Evaluation Centre (CPEC)

Room No
PAN 8.01
English, Portuguese, Spanish
Key Expertise
Epidemiology, Primary Care, Mental Health Classifications

About me

Carolina is a Psychologist (Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile) with an MSc from Universidade Federal de São Paulo. She is currently finishing her PhD at the Department of Psychiatry of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo. Carolina’s research areas are epidemiology and mental health classifications for primary care.

In collaboration with researchers from CPEC, she has been studying barriers to mental health care and has been granted a fellowship from São Paulo Research Foundation to spend three months (August to October) within CPEC working with Sara Evans-Lacko, Wagner Silva Ribeiro, Derek King, and David McDaid to estimate monetary costs for the Brazilian public system to provide health, education, and social care services for young people with mental health problems.

Expertise Details

Epidemiology; Primary Care; Mental Health Classifications