School Committee Bookings 2014/2015
Bookings are correct as of:
Thursday 05 March 2015
Please note : All Bookings are provisional and subject to change
Booking DescriptionRoomBooking Start TimePublished Start TimePublished End TImeBooking End TImeContact Name
School Committee - Agenda Committee of the Academic BoardNAB.8.0111:3012:0014:0014:30DONOVAN HILL Mr R (Ray)
School Committee - Taught Students Consultative ForumVAR11:4512:0014:0014:15MORGAN, Ms N (Nicola)
School Committee - Research CommitteeCON.7.0512:3013:0015:3016:00HEMMINGS Ms J (Jo)
School Committee - Provost Briefings with Professional Services StaffMPR14:0014:3015:3016:00WILLIAMS, Mr B (Brian)
School Committee - Provost Briefings with Professional Services StaffSL14:0014:3015:3016:00MIRIC, Ms G (Geraldine)