Daily Room Bookings
Bookings are correct as of:
These pages show the room bookings for the forthcoming week. Click on each link below to view the relevant day's bookings. This information is refreshed twice a day. The last two pages detail SU and Catering bookings from today onwards.
Please note that this report contains Conference & Events Unit bookings only. For details of lectures or classes which are part of the LSE Academic Timetable, please consult the
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For more information on the contents of this report, please contact the Conference Office on Extension 6446. For Information on Public Lectures please call Extension 6043. Daytime enquiries about room bookings made for Open University and Birkbeck College Courses should be made to Extension 7087.
The bookings detailed above are not necessarily open to all. If you would like to attend any of these events, you must contact the organiser.