Open University 2012/13 Classes by Date
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Bookings are correct as of 10 January 2014 at 13:59:21
Monday 13 January 2014
GroupStartEndDayRoomRoom CapacityAV Requested/Booking Notes
OU: B120 Mr DJ Debenham18:0021:00MonCLM.7.0326PC and data projection
OU: DB123 Mrs SE Cowley19:0021:00MonCLM.1.0125 
OU: DD101 Ms P Hennessey19:0021:00MonCLM.1.0226 
OU: DD301 Dr K Williams19:0021:00MonCLM.3.0430visualiser
OU: ED209 Ms JEH Thelander19:0021:00MonCLM.2.0528