Birkbeck College 2013/14 Classes by Date
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Bookings are correct as of 18 September 2014 at 15:45:01
Tuesday 28 April 2015
GroupStartEndDayRoomRoom CapacityAV Requested/Booking Notes
BUCI008H4AAA Introduction to Computer Systems18:0021:00TueCLM.4.02120PC and data projection
BUCI042H7AAA Big Data Analytics using R18:0021:00TueEAS.E30440PC and data projection
BUEM002S5AAA Discrete Mathematics18:0021:00TueCLM.7.0270PC and data projection
BUEM008S6AAA Real & Complex Variable18:0021:00TueCLM.3.02120PC and data projection
BUEM053H7AAA Market Risk Management18:0021:00TueSTC.S7580PC and data projection
COIY026H6AAA Software and Programming II18:0021:00TueCLM.5.02120PC and data projection
COIY030H6AAA Social and Organisational Issues in Computing18:0021:00TueKSW.1.0450PC and data projection
EMMS019H7AAA Mathematical Methods of Operational Research18:0021:00TueSTC.S7854PC and data projection
EMMS096S4AAA Calculus 1: Single Variable18:0021:00TueSTC.S42156PC and data projection
FFEC021H4ACB Economics of Natural Resources18:3020:30TueTW1.2.0424PC and data projection
FFEC022H4ACB Emerging Markets18:3020:30TueTW2.1.0222PC and data projection
FFEC902S4ECB Economic Principles (Fast Track)18:0021:00TueOLD.3.2830PC and data projection
SSHC299S4ACB Introduction to Ancient Greek18:0020:00Tue32L.LG.1833PC and data projection
SSPA074S4AAA Observation and the Everyday- Lecture18:0021:00TueOLD.3.2140PC and data projection
Room allocations are subject to change, especially in the opening weeks of term. Please check this report before travelling to LSE to check to see if any changes have occurred to your room booking.