
Miguel Dols Fellows for Autumn term 2024-5

Facilitating the development of Spain-UK research links

The Centre and the Chair,  in their desire to promote frontier research of relevance for Spain and the UK, welcomes the next term's LSE-Miguel Dols Fellows.



Dr. José Abad

José holds a Ph.D. in Finance from the University of Exeter, UK. He also completed the Advanced Studies Program in International Economics at the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany, and specialized in Quantitative Methods at Madrid Polytechnic University, Spain. Additionally, he has a dual Licenciatura in Law and Finance from ICADE, Spain.

Currently, José is a consultant in the Economic and Market Research Department at the International Finance Corporation (IFC), part of the World Bank Group, in Washington, DC. His prior roles include positions at the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Goldman Sachs in London, and as Chief Economist at the Instituto de Crédito Oficial (ICO) in Madrid.

His research focuses on the usability of bank capital buffers and the political economics of subnational public finances. He was awarded the 2022 Federico Prades Prize (Spanish Banking Association) and nominated for the 2023 Rybczynski Prize (Society of Professional Economists, UK).



Professor Astrid Krenz

She is Professor of Economics at the Ruhr University Bochum and an Associate Research Fellow at the University of Sussex in the Digital Futures at Work Research Centre. Her research focuses on new technologies (digitalisation, robots, AI), regional economics and development, firm dynamics (such as location choices, productivity and trade), labour market analyses, and inequality, applying modern techniques from econometrics, data science and machine learning.



Ana Lleó-Bono

Ana is a PhD candidate in Economics at the University of Cambridge, UK. She is specializing in Behavioural, Experimental, and Organizational Economics. Her research focuses on topics such as productivity, team dynamics, and incentives, in particular, her PhD. thesis investigates the incentives’ structure of workers on the Spanish citrus industry to draw policy conclusions to balance quantity vs. quality trade-offs and avoid food waste.



Hasan Küçük

Hasan is Ph.D. candidate at the Gaziantep University at the Sociology Department. His research interests are political economy, sociology, and political science. Specifically, his focus is developmental challenges among Global north and south, regional inequalities and social justice. In his research, Hasan focuses on global and local firms' power asymmetries, the global production networks how affects social and economic welfare.


Photo Damian Andreia

Daniela-Andreia Damian

She is a second-year PhD candidate in Geography at the Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania, and Côte d'Azur University Nice, France. Her research explores the connection between human capital formation and academic trends in the European context, with a specific emphasis on the Romanian case. Through her research, she aims to offer insights that can inform policy decisions and contribute to the improvement of education in Romania.