Severe asthma is a complex diagnosis, with an extensive impact on patients and significant implications for health systems’ resource use and budgets. LSE conducted a study to audit the national healthcare policies and practices for severe asthma in ten countries with an aim of gathering evidence on performance of severe asthma healthcare systems and provide recommendations on potential improvements in these areas to contribute to policy dialogue. The study covers the full patient pathway and experience across diagnosis, treatment, care delivery, and socio-economic impact.
The outputs of this research are as follows:
1. White Paper 1 details the creation of a set of health system performance indicators in severe asthma care and treatment, and review of public data sources to identify the current state of health systems’ performance management in severe asthma care and treatment.
2. White Paper 2 summarises the findings of a survey of clinicians and healthcare specialists working in the field to supplement current knowledge and understand key hurdles in severe asthma care and management, policy and practices.
White Paper 1: Severe asthma care and treatment: Indicators and data for performance management across ten countries
White Paper 2: Treatment gaps in severe asthma across nine OECD countries and recommendations for addressing them: An international survey of clinicians