Vocational education and training (VET) can play a crucial role in tackling many of the most pressing challenges that Europe is faced with today, such as competitiveness, youth unemployment and social inclusion. To put the VET-sector in the best possible position to do so, it is crucial to increase quality and attractiveness of VET.
The main conclusion in the existing studies that include elements of VET-business cooperation is that the link between the world of education and the world of work is of paramount importance for VET-quality and attractiveness. In light of this, the European Commission, Directorate General Employment and Social Affairs, has commissioned Panteia, LSE Enterprise and Oxford Research to undertake a study on VET-business cooperation.
The main purpose of this study is to present and analyse examples of how VET-business cooperation influences quality and attractiveness of VET. On single issues, for instance apprenticeships and skills anticipation, many relevant publications exist which touch upon VET-business cooperation, or at least discuss the role of business. This is the first study to focus on VET-business cooperation as an overarching theme.