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Meet our experts

TPH’s core team truly represents best in class and global thought leaders on global trade in goods, services, investment and regulatory aspects. 

Our experts are thought leaders on global trade in goods, services, and investment

We are experts in the linkages between trade and environmental, social, gender and human rights aspects. We are extensively consulted by trade negotiators, global policymakers, international organisations and business leaders. We also understand the wider challenges resulting from the intersection of global governance with technology and internationalisation. Beyond our core team, we work closely with a range of Senior and Junior Associates and Affiliates at LSE and beyond.

We also have more than fifteen key partners across the world, including the ODI in London, the Asian Trade Centre in Singapore, and FGV Projectos in Brazil. 

We draw on experts from LSE’s International Trade Policy UnitDepartment of International RelationsDepartment of International DevelopmentDepartment of Management, and Centre for Economic Performance, as well as a large number of external collaborators.

Core team


Dr Elitsa Garnizova
Associate Director of TPH

Elitsa is the Associate Director of the Trade Policy Hub at LSE Consulting, which provides specialised advisory services in the area of trade and investment policy. The Hub became the first LSE project to secure government funding through Innovate UK’s ICURe programme.

Elitsa has a PhD in international political economy from LSE. Her primary research interests include European trade and investment policy, European foreign policy, and international affairs. Elitsa holds an MA in European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives from KU Leuven, Belgium, and a BSc in International Economic and Management from Bocconi University, Italy.

Hosuk Lee-Makiyama

Hosuk Lee-Makiyama
Senior Associate and Business Advisor

Hosuk Lee-Makiyama is the director of the European Centre for International Political Economy (ECIPE) and a leading author on trade diplomacy, EU-Far East relations and the digital economy.

He is often consulted by governments and international organisations on a range of issues, from trade negotiations to digital economy. He appears regularly in European, Chinese and US media, and is noted for his involvement in WTO and major free trade agreements.

Stephen Woolcock

Stephen Woolcock
Senior Associate

Dr Woolcock has taught international political economy, trade and economic diplomacy at the LSE since 1999. Before joining the LSE he worked on trade and EU policy at Chatham House and for the private sector.

In 1999 he established the International Trade Policy Unit at the LSE to bridge the gap between academic and policy work. His ongoing research has been on the regulation of integrating markets, especially in the context of preferential and multilateral trade and investment agreements. 

His research interests include: international trade and investment policy: the World Trade Organization; regulatory issues in international trade; European trade policy; regional integration/trade agreements; the coverage of international rules/regimes governing trade and investment.

Jean-Baptiste Velut

Dr Jean-Baptiste Velut
Senior Associate

Jean-Baptiste Velut is Professor in American Politics at Sorbonne Nouvelle University of Paris. His research focuses on US and European trade policies, trade linkages and globalization debates. Jean-Baptiste is a senior expert with LSE Consulting’s Trade Policy Hub, with which he coordinated the 7-country comparative analysis of Trade and Sustainable Development (TSD) approaches commissioned by the EU Commission.

His recent publications include Understanding Mega Trade Deals: The Political and Economic Governance of New Cross-Regionalism (Routledge, 2018). He is currently writing a book on civil society inclusion and new trade linkages in US trade policymaking.

Stefania Lovo

Dr Stefania Lovo
Senior Associate

Stefania is an Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Reading. Prior to joining Reading, Stefania was a research officer at the Grantham Research Institute at LSE.

Her research interests lie at the intersection of environmental and development economics with a focus on the impact of public policy and the role of institutions. In particular, she has studied how deforestation interacts with ethnic diversity and institutional quality, how tenure insecurity, climate shocks and crop choices affect individual and household welfare and how environmental policies and decentralisation impact on firm location, international trade and firm performance.