As you gather your thoughts about the readings, it is good to have these key points in mind:
See the essay title (aka essay question) as a handy frame to narrow down the evidence you have collected in lectures and readings. Don’t start planning or writing right away – sit with the essay title (or titles), reflect on the relevant weeks’ classes, and see what themes stand out.
Anthropology titles tend to be in one of the following formats:
(1) ‘Interesting but possibly contentious quote.’ Discuss.
(2) Critically evaluate this argument (possibly associated with a well-known author or text).
(3) Why do you think X is the case?
Responding to the question
You may want to agree or disagree with the statement or question, or you may want to slightly modify the terms of the title in your discussion (though you must put it down correctly at the top of your essay).
You don’t have to answer yes/ no OR either / or (you could dispute the terms of the question).
You are not expected to have the ‘solution’ to long-standing debates and controversies.
Instead, show that you understand and have thought about the debates and can use evidence to back up your points.