Dr Wesam Hassan

Dr Wesam Hassan

LSE Fellow

Department of Anthropology

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Arabic, English, Turkish
Key Expertise
Turkey, Egypt

About me


I’m an anthropologist and a medical doctor by training whose work lies at the intersection between medical and economic anthropology. Currently, I’m an LSE fellow in anthropology. 

I think through concepts of uncertainty, temporality, gambling, risk, moral economies, and speculation; particularly in the context of how individuals navigate life precariousness and times of crisis. I completed my DPhil in social anthropology at the University of Oxford, where I conducted research on gambling and state-regulated games of chance in Turkey. I investigated the intersections of uncertainty, risk, gambling, and speculative economic practices in Turkey, particularly in urban contexts. I explored the moral economies of gambling, and cryptocurrency trading, along with the entangled dynamics of risk-taking and class-making, in light of the recent Turkish economic crisis and Turkish currency devaluation. Meanwhile, in my MA at the American university in Cairo, I researched biomedical uncertainty through investigating the governance of HIV positive subjectivities and its related biopolitics in Egypt. 

I worked as a divisional teaching associate since January 2020 with the Social Sciences Division at the University of Oxford, where I have developed and taught courses on anthropological methodologies such as digital ethnography,  hybrid Ethnography, ethnographic writing,  and qualitative research methods. I worked as Lecturer at Mansfield College and Geography department at university of Oxford where I taught courses on critical development geographies, labour , space, and Marxist and feminist geographies. Additionally, I have tutored economic anthropology, and social analysis papers at the department of anthropology and different colleges.  In 2023, I worked as a lecturer at Hertford College on topics of anthropology, addiction, and medical humanities, where I lectured on 'Addiction and Humanities' and 'Anthropology of Gambling’’.  Additionally, I designed and led workshops on Health economics, the political economies of infectious diseases, the intersection of medical and economic anthropology in social sciences research. My role as an Ashmolean  Teaching Fellow in 2022-2023, in collaboration with the Krasis program at the Ashmolean Museum and University of Oxford , was focused on integrating with objects in the material and visual culture into anthropological pedagogy and teaching. to address economic anthropology topics. 

Prior to my current academic career, I worked for more than a decade as a public health specialist and researcher with United Nations agencies, Johns Hopkins University, and INGOs with a special focus on the intersectionality between HIV and AIDS, gender-based violence, harm reduction, health economics, and sexual and reproductive health and rights. In the period 2016-2019, I have examined the material culture and consumption habits by conducting and analyzing several ethnographies in Iran, Egypt, London, and Turkey. These ethnographies have investigated womanhood and cleaning rituals in Iran, online gambling and betting in London, and the perception and usage of the Internet of Things and smart homes as a concept in Egypt. Therefore, in my teaching, I draw upon a wide array of real-world examples and case studies that resonate with health and economic development issues. 

Expertise Details

Economic anthropology ; Medical anthropology; Gambling; Anthropology of time; HIV and AIDs; Violence and the state; Womanhood; Biopolitics of global healthcare and economics; Material culture; Turkey; Egypt

Selected publications


Hassan, W. A. (2025). High Stakes in the Bazaar: Cryptocurrency Trading as a Game of Chance in Istanbul. Critical Gambling Studies, 5(2), 60–79. https://doi.org/10.29173/cgs189 

Murrey, A., & Hassan, W. (2024). Anti‐Imperial Autoethnographies of Family Separation: Feminist Solidarities Against Imperial Bordering in the UK. Antipode.

Hassan, W., 2024. In Pursuit of Stability? An Ethnographic Inquiry of Cryptocurrency Trading in Istanbul. In Health, Money, Commerce, and Wealth (Vol. 43, pp. 23-42). Emerald Publishing Limited.

Hassan, W. (2023). The Lottery and the Middle Class: Navigating the Boundaries of Risk-Taking and Class-Making in Istanbul. Anthropology of the Middle East, 18(2), 46-68. Retrieved Oct 30, 2023, from https://doi.org/10.3167/ame.2023.180204

Hassan, W. (Ed.). (2023). Uncertainty and Survivance: What Remains After the Crisis?(Special Issue). Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Online. ISSN: 2040-1876 New Series, Volume XV, no. 2. https://www.anthro.ox.ac.uk/jaso/current-issue

Hassan, W. (2023). The Phantasm of Luck: A Precariat’s Notion of Survivance in Istanbul, in Hassan, W. (ed.). Uncertainty and Survivance: What Remains After the Crisis?(Special Issue). Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Online. ISSN: 2040-1876 New Series, Volume XV, no. 2 (2023)

Hassan, W. (2023). On Living and The Survivance of the Precariat: An Introduction, in Hassan, W. (ed.). Uncertainty and Survivance: What Remains After the Crisis? (Special Issue). Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford Online. ISSN: 2040-1876 New Series, Volume XV, no. 2 (2023)

Hassan, W. (2022). Navigating HIV Discursive Practices and Positive Subjectivities in Egypt, in Martínez-Hernáez, A., & Masana, L. (ed.) Subjectivities and afflictions in medical anthropology. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp 43-61.

Hassan, W. (2021). Governing HIV-Positive Subjectivities in Post-2011 Egypt, in Murray, D. (ed.) Living with HIV in post-crisis times: Beyond the endgame. Lanham: Lexington Books, pp 41-55