Dr Sergen  Bahceci

Dr Sergen Bahceci

Visiting Fellow

Department of Anthropology

English, Turkish
Key Expertise

About me

Sergen Bahceci is a political anthropologist who studies violence and its role in constituting everyday life and lived experiences. He completed a PhD in Anthropology at LSE in 2023. For his doctoral research, he conducted 20 months of ethnographic fieldwork in northern Cyprus among elderly war veterans and younger generations of Cypriots who were born after the island’s civil war (1955 - 1974).

Following his PhD, he worked as a researcher at the University of Oxford’s Centre for Criminology where he was employed to conduct digital ethnographic fieldwork in Macclesfield, England, on everyday experiences of crime-related insecurity.

He previously taught anthropology at Goldsmiths and University College London, and also worked for the UN Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus in 2020.

Expertise Details

Violence; Sovereignty; Nationalism; Insecurity; Crime; Digital Anthropology; Research methods

Selected Publications

Peer-reviewed publications

Bahceci, Sergen. (Under review). ‘Acknowledgement without sanctions: dynamics of indifference towards past violence in northern Cyprus’. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 

Bahceci, Sergen. (2024). ‘Exiles of the spiritual: Secularization and the marginalization of oneiric imaginaries among Turkish Cypriots’, History and Anthropology. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1080/02757206.2024.2435661 

Bahceci, Sergen. (2024). ‘Agency in Waiting: Repetition and innovation in a novel Turkish Cypriot nationalist commemoration’, Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism, 24 (1), 35–54. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/sena.12411 

Bahceci, S., Bradford, B., Girling, E., Loader, I. & Sparks, R. (2023). ‘Unsettled crossings: Underpass journeys in an English town’, Criminological Encounters. 6 (1), 81-94. Available at: https://www.criminologicalencounters.org/index.php/crimenc/article/view/145

Other publications

Bahceci, Sergen. (2023). ‘Book Review: Robben, Antonius C. G. M. and Hinton, Alexander Laban. (2023), Perpetrators: Encountering Humanity’s Dark Side, Stanford University Press: Stanford, California’, Anthropology Book Forum, Volume 9.  Available at: https://anthrobookforum.americananthro.org/antonius-c-g-m-robben-and-alexander-laban-hinton-2023-perpetrators-encountering-humanitys-dark-side-stanford-stanford-university-press-253-pp-isbn-9781503634282/

Bahceci, Sergen. (2018). ‘New Myth, Old Conspiracies’, Anthropology News, Volume 59, Issue 3 Special Issue: #MeToo, e98-e103. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1111/AN.869

Bahceci, Sergen (2015). Universal Security/Emancipation: A Critique of Ken Booth, e-international relations. Available at: https://www.e-ir.info/2015/03/23/universal-securityemancipation-a-critique-of-ken-booth/