Dr Mareike Winchell

Dr Mareike Winchell

Assistant Professor

Department of Anthropology

Room No
English, German, Spanish
Key Expertise

About me

Mareike Winchell (PhD, University of California Berkeley) is an interdisciplinary thinker concerned with how the making of race and the making of property intersect. Her research and teaching highlight how ethical paradigms of obligation to place and history interact with tenacious structures of Indigenous dispossession, gender violence, and environmental land capture. This work grows out of ongoing collaborative fieldwork with Indigenous (Quechua, Aymara, and Chiquitos) peoples in Bolivia, and focused most recently on the problem of how to address climate change in the shadow of abiding systems of racial property.

Winchell's first book, After Servitude: Elusive Property and the Ethics of Kinship in Bolivia (University of California Press, 2022), traces the ways people call upon and actively repurpose the past in their efforts to navigate tenacious structures of racism rooted in earlier hacienda labor subjection and sexual violence. Such engagements reveal a more durative orientation to justice, one that departs notably from utopic state projects of property (and propertied redress) that require disarticulating land and people, and the present from the past. The book received Honorable Mention for the 2022 Society for Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology (SLACA) Book Prize and has been positively reviewed in American Ethnologist, Ethnos, Social Anthropology/Anthropologie Sociale, Anthropological Quarterly, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Journal de la Société des américanistes, and Political and Legal Anthropology Review (PoLAR).

Winchell is currently at work on two new book projects. The first, "Ghostly Invasions: Political Theologies of Fire," focuses on the racialization of climate politics in Bolivia. Drawing from fieldwork preceding and since Bolivia's 2019 coup, the book traces the authoritarian tendencies of environmentalisms that preserve nature's purity and reproduce narratives of racialized guilt and responsibility. Conversely, the research reveals the grounded collaborations—feminist horticultural projects, anti-imperialist environmental organizing, and land “restoration” efforts—emerging in the gaps of a divisive nationalist environmental politics. Such collaborations instruct scholars and activists about crucial alternatives to the conventional divide of standard conservation (with the separation of people and nature) and statist approaches that often see Indigenous land redistribution and ecological protection as antithetical.

Another book project, "The Servant’s Properties: Materiality, Gender, and More-than-Human Landscapes in 20th Century Bolivia," examines the legal claims of out-of-wedlock children born to indentured laborers after 1953. Based on archival research, ethnographic fieldwork, and collaborative media work, the project asks how incommensurate approaches to land and place came to be cemented within institutional knowledges, and what that process reveals about the remaking of property by non-secular orientations to landscapes and/as kin. More broadly, the project highlights how Indigenous Quechua laborers in this region have sought to embed land in other-than-human relations through practices of legal and bureaucratic maneuver in company with lawyers, saints, Apus, the Pachamama, and the dead.

Winchell’s writing and digital scholarship have appeared in Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (JRAI), Hau: Journal of Ethnographic Theory, Cultural Anthropology, American Religion, Journal of Peasant Studies, Critical Times, Bolivian Studies Journal, and Comparative Studies in Society and History. Her research and scholarship have received generous funding from the Josephine de Karman Fellowship Trust, the Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, The Franke Institute for the Humanities, the Center for International Social Science Research, and The Townsend Center for the Humanities. Before joining LSE in 2023, Winchell was assistant professor of Anthropology at the University of Chicago.

All the following articles and an introduction to the book are available for download at: https://lse.academia.edu/MareikeWinchell.  

Expertise Details

Bolivia; Environmental Politics; Kinship; Race and Property; Critical Indigenous Studies; Inequality and Ethics; Post- and de-Colonialisms; Critical Ontologies; Religion; Climate Change

Selected publications


2022   After Servitude: Elusive Property and the Ethics of Kinship in BoliviaOakland: University of California Press.    


In press. “Chapter 14. Property and Subaltern Pasts.” In The Routledge Handbook of Subalterns across History, edited by Saurabh Dube and Ishita Banerjee, for Routledge Press.

 2024. “Beyond innocence: Indigeneity and violent deployments of political un/reason in Bolivia.” The Bolivian Studies Journal/Revista de Estudios Bolivianos Volume 30.

2024. Masculinity’s Mis(Fortune): Historicizing Affect as Extractivist Infrastructure in Bolivian Sodalite Mining. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology.

2024. Fire’s Alter-Lives: Climate Change Adaption and Settler Futurity in BoliviaAnthropology News websiteAugust 21, 2024. 

2024. Unsettling Extractivism: Indigeneity, Race, and Disruptive Emplacements.Co-written with Cymene Howe. Introduction to Special Issue for the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology. 

2024. Extractivism's Limits: A Conversation. Co-written with Ryan Cecil Jobson, Macarena Gómez Barris, and Cymene Howe. Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology.   

2024.  Theos | Cosmos | Ontos:  Rethinking religion’s politics from Latin AmericaAmerican Religion 5(2): 201-224 

2023  Alterable Geographies: In/Humanity, Emancipation, and the Spatial Poetics of Lo Abigarrado in Bolivia.  Critical Times 6(2).

2023  Critical ontologies: Rethinking relations to other-than-humans from the Bolivian AndesJournal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 29(3).  

2023  Climates of anti-blackness: Religion, race, and environmental politics in BoliviaCanopy Forum: On the Interactions of Law and Religion. June 6th, 2023. 

2023  Racial property: From colonial theft to Indigenous reparation in Bolivia. Terrain: Anthropologie & Sciences Humaines.  

2022. Fields of Commitment: Research Entanglements beyond PredationPostmodern Culture: Journal of Interdisciplinary Thought on Contemporary Cultures 33 (1).   

2022  Racial violence, land, and Indigenous reparation in Bolivia. UC Press blog.  November 8th, 2022.   

2020  Liberty time in question: Historical duration and indigenous refusal in post-revolutionary BoliviaComparative Studies in Society and History 62(3): 551-587.    
2019  ÉticaDebates do Ner 2(36): 191-199.    2018  After servitude: Bonded histories and the encumbrances of exchange in Indigenizing BoliviaThe Journal of Peasant Studies 45(2): 453-473.   

2017 Economies of obligation: Patronage as relational wealth in Bolivian gold miningHAU: Journal of Ethnographic Theory 7(3): 1-25.   
2017 RemappingCultural Anthropology. August 21, 2017.